Nontheist Friend

Nontheist Friend

A nontheist Friend or an atheist Quaker is someone who affiliates with, identifies with, engages in and/or affirms Quaker practices and processes, but who does not necessarily accept a belief in a theistic understanding of God, a Supreme Being, the divine, the soul or the supernatural. Like traditional Friends, nontheist Friends are actively interested in realizing centered peace, simplicity, integrity, community, equality, love, joy, and social justice in the Society of Friends and beyond.



Quakers in the unprogrammed tradition have recently begun to examine the significance of nontheistic beliefs in the Society of Friends, in the tradition of seeking truth. Non-theism among Quakers probably dates to the 1930s, when some Quakers in California branched off to form the Humanist Society of Friends (today part of the American Humanist Association), and when Henry Cadbury professed agnosticism in a 1936 lecture to Harvard Divinity School students [1]. The term "non-theistic" was first written in a Quaker publication in 1952 on conscientious objection [2]. As early as 1976, a Friends General Conference Gathering hosted a well-attended Workshop for Nontheistic Friends (Quakers).[3]

There is a nontheist Friends' website and nontheist Quaker study groups.[4] Os Cresson began a recent consideration of this issue from behaviorist, natural history, materialist and environmentalist perspectives. Roots and Flowers of Quaker Nontheism is one history. Friendly nontheism also draws on Quaker humanist and universalist traditions.[5] The book Godless for God's Sake: Nontheism in Contemporary Quakerism offers recent, critical contributions by Quakers.[6] Some Friends are actively engaging the implications of human evolution, cognitive anthropology, evolutionary psychology, bodymind questions (esp. the 'relaxation response' [7][8]), primatology, evolutionary history, evolutionary biology, biology and consensus decision-making in terms of Quaker nontheism.

Nontheist Friends are a group of individuals, many of whom are affiliated or actively involved in the unprogrammed tradition in Quakerism. Friendly nontheists are attempting sympathetically to generate conversation with others who are more comfortable with the traditional and often reiterated language of Quakerism. Questioning theism, they wish to examine whether the experience of direct and ongoing inspiration from God ("waiting in the Light") – "So wait upon God in that which is pure. ..." [9] – which traditional Quakers understand as informing Silent Meeting and Meeting for Business, might be understood and embraced with different metaphors, language and discourse.

Notable Nontheist Friends

See also


  1. ^ Cadbury, Henry, 1936. My Personal Religion. Accessed online: July 17, 2007. Unpublished manuscript in the Quaker Collection at Haverford College; lecture given to Harvard divinity students in 1936.
  2. ^ Tatum, Lyle (ed.). 1952. "Handbook for Conscientious Objectors." Philadelphia, PA: Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors.
  3. ^ Morgan, Robert. 1976. 'Report from the Workshop for Non-Theistic Friends – Friends General Conference, Ithaca, NY, June, 1976.' (Note at end of report reads: "The author of this report is "Workshop for Non-Theistic Friends". The workshop was led by Robert Morgan (1916–1993), a Friend from Pittsburgh PA." Morgan was therefore 'recording clerk' for this report).
  4. ^ [1]
  5. ^ [2]
  6. ^ Boulton, David (ed.). 2006. Godless for God's Sake: Nontheism in Contemporary Quakerism. Dent, UK: Dales Historical Monographs. ISBN 0951157868
  7. ^ Benson MD, Herbert and Miriam Z. Klipper. 2000 [1972]. The Relaxation Response. Expanded updated edition. Harper. ISBN 0380815958
  8. ^ Benson MD, Herbert. 1976. Steps to Elicit the Relaxation Response. From "The Relaxation Response." HarperTorch.
  9. ^ Royce, Josiah. 1913. George Fox as a Mystic. The Harvard Theological Review. 6:1:31-59. Stable URL:

Further reading

Quaker Nontheism

Allott, Stephen (1989). Quaker Agnosticism. The Friends Quarterly, 25(6): 252-258

Allott, Stephen (1994). Is God Objective Fact? The Friends Quarterly, 28(4): 158-166

Alpern, Robin (1997). Why Not Join the Unitarians? Universalist Friends, (28): 23-28. Also at

Amoss, Jr., George (1999). The Making of a Quaker Atheist. Quaker Theology 1: 55-62. Online at quest/ issue1-4.html Also see James and Amoss (2000), below.

Boulton, David (1996). A Reasonable Faith: Introducing the Sea of Faith Newtwork. Loughborough, England: Sea of Faith Network. Also at

Boulton, David (1997). The Faith of a Quaker Humanist (Pamphlet #26). London: Quaker Universalist Group

Boulton, David (1999). Gerard Winstanley and the Republic of Heaven. Dent UK: Dales Historical Monographs

Boulton, David (2002). Real Like the Daisies or Real Like I Love You?: Essays in radical Quakerism. Torquay, Devon, England: Quaker Universalist Group with Dales Historical Monographs

Boulton, David (2002). Facing Up To Diversity. The Friend, 2002

Boulton, David (2005). The Trouble with God: Building the Republic of Heaven. Ropley, Hampshire, England: John Hunt Publishing

Boulton, David (editor) (2006). Godless for God’s Sake: Nontheism in Contemporary Quakerism, Dent UK: Dales Historical Monographs

Britton, David (2010). Knowing Experimentally. Friends Journal, October, 56(10), 5

Cadbury, Henry J. (1936/2000). My Personal Religion. Universalist Friends, (35) Fall-Winter: 22-31, with corrections in (36): 18 Online at

Cadbury, Henry J. (1966). Quakerism and/or Christianity. Friends Bulletin, 35(4), 1-10

Cresson, Osborn (2003). Quaker in a Material World. Quaker Theology 5(1), Spring-Summer, 23-54. Also at, or

Cresson, Osborn (2006). Quakers from the Viewpoint of a Naturalist. Friends Journal, 52(3) March, 18-20

Cresson, Osborn (2009). On Quaker Unity. Friends Journal, July, 55(7): 5; also in “Notes on Quaker Unity,” expanded version online at

Cresson, Osborn (2010). Roots and Flowers of Quaker Nontheism. Unpublished manuscript, online at Drake, David E. (2003). Confessions of a Nontheistic Friend, Friends Journal, 49(6): 18-20

Fager, Chuck (2007). Review of Godless for God’s Sake: Nontheism in Contemporary Quakerism. Quaker Theology, vol. 13, online at

Holmes, Jesse (1928/1992). To the Scientifically-Minded. Friends Intelligencer, 85(6): 103-104; reprinted in Friends Journal, (1992) 38(6): 22-23. Short version online at

Holmes, Jesse (2003). ‘Our Christianity’? Universalist Friends, 39 (Fall & Winter, 2003): 15-22

James, Edward and George Amoss Jr. (2000). An Exchange: Quaker Theology Without God? Quaker Theology, Issue #2, 2 (1), spring 2000. Also at quest/issue2-6.html

Johnson, Eric (1991a). Why I Am an Atheist. Friends Journal, 37(1): 17; also in Quaker Universalist Fellowship (1991), Variations on the Quaker Message (Pamphlet #201). Landenberg, Pennsylvania: (author)

Johnson, Eric (1991b). Atheism and Friends (letter to the editor). Friends Journal 37(5): 6

Linton, John (1979/1986). Quakerism as Forerunner. Friends Journal, 25(17): 4-9; reprinted as Quakerism as Forerunner (Pamphlet #1) (1979). London: Quaker Universalist Group; also reprinted in Quaker

Universalist Fellowship (1991), The Quaker Universalist Reader Number 1: A Collection of Essays, Addresses and Lectures. Landenberg, Pennsylvania: (author)

Loukes, Harold & H. J. Blackham (1969). Humanists and Quakers: An Exchange of Letters. London: Friends Home Service Committee Manoussos, Anthony (2008). Is It Time to Lay Down God? (editorial and replies), Western Friend.

Miles, Thomas R. (1998). Speaking of God: Theism, Atheism and the Magnus Image. York, England: William Sessions Ltd. Morgan, Arthur (1954/1998). Should Quakers Receive the Good Samaritan Into Their Membership? (QUF Pamphlet). Landenberg, Penna.: Quaker Universalist Fellowship

Rush, David (2002). They Too Are Quakers: A Survey of 199 Nontheist Friends. The Woodbrooke Journal, 11, Winter 2002. Also at

Seeger, Daniel A. (2010). Why Do the Unbelievers Rage? The New Atheists and the Universality of the Light, Friends Journal, (56) January: 6-11

Swayne, Kingdon (1980). Confession of a Post-Christian Agnostic. Friends Journal, 26(3): 6-9. Also in Quaker Universalist Fellowship (1990), Variations on the Quaker Message. Landenberg, PA: (author)

Workshop for Non-Theistic Friends (1976). Report From The Workshop for Non-Theistic Friends. Unpublished report, Friends General Conference Gathering at Ithaca NY, June 26-July 3, 1976

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