- Julius Leopold Klein
Julius Leopold Klein (
1810 -August 2 ,1876 ) was a German writer ofJewish origin born atMiskolc ,Hungary .Klein was educated at the gymnasium in Pest, and studied medicine in
Vienna andBerlin . After travelling inItaly andGreece , he settled as a man of letters in Berlin, where he remained until his death.He was the author of many dramatic works, among others the historical tragedies "Maria von Medici" (1841), "Luines" (1842), "Zenobia" (1847), "Moreto" (1859), "Maria" (1860), "Strafford" (1862), and "Heliodora" (1867); and the comedies "Die Herzogin" (1848), "Ein Schützling" (1850), and "Voltaire" (1862). The tendency of Klein as a dramatist was to become bombastic and obscure, but many of his characters are vigorously conceived, and in nearly all his tragedies there are passages of brilliant rhetoric.
Klein is chiefly known as the author of the elaborate though uncompleted "Geschichte des Dramas" (1865-1876), in which he undertook to record the history of the drama from the earliest times. He died when about to enter upon the
Elizabethan era , to the treatment of which he had looked forward as the chief part of his task. The work, which is in thirteen bulky volumes, gives proof of immense learning, but is marred by eccentricities of style and judgment.Klein's "Dramatische Werke" were collected in 7 vols. (1871-1872).
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