

Infobox Company
company_name = Quixtar
company_type = Private
foundation = 1999
location = Ada, Michigan
key_people = Steve Van Andel Doug DeVos Jim Payne
industry = Multi-level marketing
products =
revenue =
operating_income =
net_income =
num_employees =
homepage = [http://www.quixtar.com/ www.quixtar.com]

Quixtar is a multi-level marketing (MLM) or network marketing company, founded on September 1, 1999 in Ada, Michigan. It is privately owned by the families of Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel through Alticor which is the holding company for businesses including Amway, Quixtar, Fulton Innovation, Amway Hotel Corporation, Gurwitch Products and manufacturing and logistics company Access Business Group [ [http://www.alticor.com/ Alticor.com] ] . After the launch of Quixtar, it replaced the Amway business in United States, Canada and the Caribbean, with the Amway business continuing to operate in other countries around the world. Company officials confirmed in June 2007 that, over the subsequent 18 to 24 months, Quixtar will merge with its sister companies of Amway organizations around the globe to form under one new name Amway Global. cite news | title=Amway brand name coming back | date = June 15, 2007 | url=http://www.woodtv.com/Global/story.asp?S=6652689] .

Quixtar is also a member of the Direct Selling Association [http://www.dsa.org/forms/CompanyFormPublicMembers/view?id=7F3000011F5 DSA entry] ] and the Better Business Bureau. [http://westernmichigan.bbb.org/WWWRoot/Report.aspx?site=53&bbb=0372&firm=11002927 BBB entry] ]


IBO - Independent Business Owner is a business partner of Quixtar who is authorized to market and distribute products and services available at Quixtar's website.

PV - Point Value is the value assigned to each product or service sold at Quixtar. All bonus bracket depends on total PV in a month. This number is 29% of the retail value.Fact|date=August 2008

BV - Business Volume is typically the wholesale cost of the product or service sold at Quixtar. Performance bonuses are multiplied by the groups total BV.

Performance bonus is the reward paid by Quixtar to IBO's who generate sales for Quixtar worth 100 PV or more in a month. The higher the PV, the greater the percentage.

Sponsor is an IBO who refers (sponsors ) a new IBO to Quixtar.

Upline is the term used to refer all the IBOs up in the line of sponsorship of an IBO.

Downline is the term used to refer all the IBOs down in the line of sponsorship of an IBO. They are collectively also known as group


Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel initially founded the Ja-Ri Corporation, a multi-level marketing distributorship for Nutrilite products, in 1949. Ja-Ri was incorporated in 1959, and changed its name to "Amway" in 1963. As of 2007, Amway operates in more than 80 countries around the world. In 1999, the founders of the Amway corporation launched a sister Internet-based company named Quixtar. The Alticor corporation owns both Amway and Quixtar, plus several other concerns. Quixtar replaced the North American business of Amway in 2001 after the majority of the distributors moved to Quixtar, with Amway operating in the rest of the world.

On June 13, 2007, it was confirmed by the Associated Press that over the next 18 to 24 months, the Quixtar business will be under global Amway brand in North America. According to Chairman Steve Van Andel and President Doug DeVos, "We are going through a global transformation of our business; this includes rethinking our global approach to products, training, brands, and how we operate in all the countries in which Alticor operates. As part of that, in 18 to 24 months, we're planning to begin using the Amway name in North America to unite our business opportunity under a single global brand."


Quixtar is the exclusive distributor of Alticor products in the United States and Canada, including Nutrilite dietary supplements, XS Energy Drinks, personal care, home care, air and water purifiers [Exclusive distributor of air and water purifiers from [http://www.espring.com espring.com] ] and Artistry cosmetics.

Quixtar also markets through their website products from partner stores whose list can be found at Quixtar website. Quixtar utilizes the "Employee & Affiliates Purchase Program" discount pricing structure for purchases from most of these third-party partner stores. Purchases from some of them (generally called "discount-only partner stores") may not gain the P/V & B/V (measures of sales volumes, used for calculating bonuses to be paid) normally associated with an IBO's purchases. [A current list of Quixtar [http://www.quixtar.com/Products/PartnerStores/PSSIndex.aspx?pid=4174&ctg=9117 partner stores] ]

Business model

Quixtar relies primarily on person-to-person referral rather than advertisements for sale of products [ [http://www.quixtar-inc.com/ "Part of...Alticor..., Quixtar was founded by the DeVos and Van Andel families, who are... entrepreneurs with numerous business ventures in direct selling... . Amway Corp., a global direct selling leader; Alticor Corporate Enterprises; and Access Business Group... also are part of the Alticor family"] ; however, Quixtar has recently announced the launch of a multi-million dollar ad campaign. [ [http://publications.mediapost.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=Articles.showArticleHomePage&art_aid=79419 Amway Taking Back Its Name In Multimillion-Dollar Campaign [] . A large part of the marketing budget is spent on paying bonuses to distributors. IBOs were paid more than $370.1 million in bonuses and incentives in fiscal year 2006. [http://www.quixtar.com/about] . Bonuses are paid for individual sales and sales generated by people one sponsors but not for sponsoring itself. Quixtar's "Biz Reference Guide" [http://www.quixtar.com/Documents/IWOV/VIS/010-EN/PDF/compendium.pdf (PDF)] hosted by "quixtar.com"] [ [http://www.thisbiznow.com/quixtar/business_model.html Quixtar Business Model] from thisbiznow.com] This is one of a number of characteristics which distinguishes this model from illegal pyramid schemes.

In 2001, after the majority of Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) had transferred to the new company, Quixtar completely replaced Amway as the marketing venture for Amway/Alticor products in North American regions. The Quixtar business model differs from the earlier Amway business model in many aspects, such as the way distribution is performed as well as the products and services offered through partner stores. Rather than ordering product from a distributor who delivers them in person, Quixtar customers can place orders online and have the products shipped to them directly. In mid-2007 however, Quixtar announced they were phasing back in the Amway name over two years and discarding the Quixtar name. They have not announced any changes to the compensation model. [ [http://adatudes.opportunityzone.com/2007/07/03/Business-Transformation.aspx Quixtar Ada-tudes: A View From The Top: Business Transformation] ]

Individuals may only buy products through Quixtar's web site with a referral number from an IBO. Quixtar also gives IBOs the option to create free personal websites that can be personalized to focus on health, beauty, health and beauty, and/or gift and incentive products. The referring IBO then receives the retail/wholesale profit (usually 30%), and a percentage ("bonus") of the cost of the sold goods (from 3% up to 31% depending on total PV generated), with Quixtar-exclusive products yielding a higher bonus per dollar in Point Value and Business Value (PV/BV). Quixtar offers a wide range of products for its IBOs to purchase for personal use and/or to sell to customers through Quixtar.com and IBO personal e-commerce sites.

IBOs pay a registration fee and build their businesses through retail sales to customers, referring business to Quixtar.com, and by helping other IBOs build similar businesses. Their earnings are based on their business' sales and the volume of sales and purchases of IBOs registered by them.

The structure of a Quixtar's IBO organization is hierarchical, but an individual can earn more than those who bring them into the organization.Fact|date=July 2007 Pin levels are similar as in Amway. There are several major pin levels in the model "The Quixtar IBO Compensation Plan" [http://www.quixtarfacts.com/digitalassets/pdfs/us-en/SA4400.pdf (PDF)] from "quixtarfacts.com"] denoting particular level of success in building their IBO business.

Income of Quixtar IBOs

Quixtar IBOs earn income in different forms in various categories including IGP (Immediate Gross Profit), Performance Bonus, Leadership Bonus, and other Growth incentives. IGP is the profit made when customers of an IBO buy products and services from Quixtar at retail price. A majority of IBOs who make income in the beginning are in this category only Fact|date=July 2007. Performance bonus on a scale of 3% to 31% of the group volume (total BV of the sale made by the group) is paid if the PV level of the IBO is more than 100 PV in a month. Leadership bonus is paid at 4% of BV of each qualified leg who is at 25% or 7500 PV. Growth incentives are announced by Quixtar every year in the form of bonuses and paid trips at various levels. These bonuses are awarded to IBOs who are at Platinum or higher achievement levels.

Quixtar reports that the average income for an "active" Quixtar IBO in 2005 was $115 a month ($1,380 annually), as documented in "The Quixtar IBO Compensation Plan" and on a Quixtar website. [http://www.thisbiznow.com/quixtar/ibo_statistics.html IBO Statistics] from "thisbiznow.com"] . The average annual Quixtar income for an IBO that qualified at the "Platinum" level in 2005 (0.1683% of IBOs) was $47,472 and for a "Diamond" (.0120% of IBOs) it was $146,995. The largest single annual bonus (in addition to monthly incomes) for a Diamond was $1,083,421. [Quixtars [http://www.quixtarfacts.com/us-en/Opportunity/success.html Opportunity: Earnings and Success in the Quixtar Business] hosted by "quixtarfacts.com".]

An "active" IBO is qualified on the IBO Registration form:IBO Registration form with BSM Agreement ( [http://www.quixtar.com/Documents/IWOV/VIS/010-en/pdf/IBORegistrationForm.pdf PDF] ) hosted by "quixtar.com"] "Based on an independent survey during 2001, “Activemeans an IBO attempted to make a retail sale, or presented the Independent Business Ownership Plan, or received bonus money, or attended a company or IBO meeting in the year 2000. Approximately 66% of all IBOs of record were found to be "Active."

IBO Association International

The [http://www.iboai.com IBO Association International] (IBOAI) was founded in 1958 as the American Way Association with the goal of "serving the common interests of Independent Business Owners throughout North America." Members are served by an 18-member Board of Directors who are supported by six full-time staff. [cite web | title= About the IBOAI | url= http://www.iboai.com/IBOAI-AbouttheIBOAI.asp | accessdate=2008-09-02] The Association's board members are "elected by its voting members", [cite web | title = IBO Facts | url = http://www.ibofacts.com/IBO101-Sidebars.htm | accessdate=2008-09-02] who must be "Qualified Platinums and above." [cite web | title = IBOAI News & Info| url = http://ebuzz.biz/IBOAI-Info-News.asp | accessdate=2008-09-02]


In 2006, Quixtar, in partnership with the [http://www.iboai.com IBOAI] (IBO Association International) launched the [http://www.quixtaraccreditation.com "Quixtar Accreditation"] program in order to address concerns about the companies that provide Business Support Materials to Quixtar IBOs. North American "Diamonds" (high-level IBOs) and their associated training companies may apply to Quixtar to be accredited by the corporation. Among other things, accreditation specifically states that promotion of particular religious or political viewpoints is unacceptable. Additionally, accredited programs must agree to a range of other guidelines, including "full" transparency in any compensation paid for Business Support Materials. The "full" transparency only applies to the IBO's who are participants in the BSM income, for most groups this means Platinums and above, representing a very small percentage of IBO's. Accreditation lasts two years and is enforced through reviews of materials and surveys of IBOs. The full guidelines are listed in the "IBO Communications Platform". [http://www.quixtaraccreditation.com/digitalassets/pdfs/us-en/14981C_Plat_F.pdf IBO Communications Platform] In April of 2006 eFinity became the first Quixtar affiliated support organization to receive accredited status.

ales and ranking

Forbes ranked Alticor, as America's 27th largest privately owned company with estimated revenue of $7.29 billion [http://www.forbes.com/lists/2006/21/biz_06privates_The-Largest-Private-Companies_Rank_2.html Forbes list of Largest private companies] . In 2006, Internet Retailer ranked Quixtar.com as the number one site in the "health and beauty" category [http://www.internetretailer.com/pressReleaseDetail.asp?id=20571] and 18th largest e-commerce site (for revenue) overall. In a survey of the top 40 e-commerce sites, ForSeeResults ranked Quixtar.com equal 5th for customer satisfaction. [ [http://www.foreseeresults.com/_downloads/researchcommentary/HolidayTop40OverviewCommentary.pdf The 2006 Online Holiday Shopping Season: Winners and Losers] ]

"Since 1999, IBOs powered by Quixtar have earned more than $2.2 billion in bonuses and other incentives by generating sales of more than $6.8 billion at www.quixtar.com, and another $500 million for Quixtar Partner Stores."

Quixtar-powered IBOs generated revenues of $1.118 billion for Quixtar for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2006, the fourth consecutive year in which the company surpassed the billion-dollar mark. IBOs also generated record $84.6 million in revenues for Quixtars Partner Stores in 2006. [ [http://www.thisbiznow.com/quixtar/company_statistics.html Retail statistics] from ThisBizNow.com]


Athletes who have promoted Quixtar or its products include Jamaican Olympic sprinter Asafa Powell, American pole vaulter Jennifer Stuczynski, American Olympic sprinter Sanya Richards, Chinese Olympic hurdler Liu Xiang; [ [http://teamnutrilite.quixtar.com/help/default.aspx?ctg=15907 Current product sponsors] ] Brazilian soccer player Ronaldinho, heavyweight boxer Evander Holyfield, NFL player Emmitt SmithFact|date=February 2007 and Heisman Trophy winner Ron Dayne. Tim Foley, a member of the undefeated 1972 Miami Dolphins, is a Quixtar Founders Crown Ambassador. [

A Quixtar IBO, Tim Foley, comments "About the Quixtar business opportunity" at [http://www.thisbiznow.com/quixtar/foley.html People Are Talking: IBOs] hosted by "thisbiznow.com"]

Author John C. Maxwell, who writes leadership books including "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership", is known to support Quixtar affiliated organizations such as Worldwide DreamBuilders Fact|date=February 2007 and co-authored a book, "Becoming a Person of Influence", with Jim Dornan, Quixtar Founders Crown Ambassador and founder of Quixtar support organization Network TwentyOne. [http://orrinwoodward.blogharbor.com/ Orrin Woodward] and [http://chrisbrady.typepad.com/ Chris Brady] , both former IBOAI board members for Quixtar, co-authored the #1 bestseller, [http://www.launchingaleadershiprevolution.com/Default.aspx "Launching a Leadership Revolution."] Both Woodward and Brady were terminated by Quixtar and [http://www.freetheibo.com/News/25-Fired-Quixtar-distributors-sue-over-clause.html participated in a class action lawsuit] against Quixtar alleging that Quixtar operated as an illegal recruitment scheme. Paul Harvey, a radio broadcaster, known for his 'The rest of the story' tagline, has long been associated with the Quixtar program that is advertised on his show.Fact|date=February 2007

As a guest speaker at the Quixtar LIVE! conference in 2003, Phil McGraw ("Dr. Phil") reportedly described Quixtar as "one of the greatest success stories in American business history." [http://www.quixtarlive.com] . In a 2006 settlement involving a class-action lawsuit brought against McGraw and his Shape-Up diet products, plaintiffs could receive a share of $6.0 million in Quixtar-brand Nutrilite vitamins and $4.5 million in cash. [ [http://www.lawyersandsettlements.com/case/shape_up_settlement Dr. Phil McGraw and CSA Nutraceuticals Shape Up! False Advertising Class Action Settlement ] ] [ [http://www.metrotimes.com/%5Ceditorial%5Cstory.asp?id=9791 Slimming the Amway (Metro Times Detroit) ] ]



For several years Quixtar was involved in litigation with the tools businesses of former Crown Distributor Kenny Stewart and Double Diamond Brig Hart. [Federal Complaint: Nitro "et.al." v Alticor "et.al." ( [http://www.msnbc.com/modules/tvnews/dtl_amwaypdfs/fed_complaint_amway-quixtar.pdf PDF] ) hosted by "msnbc.com"] . In February 2008 a federal judge dismissed the case [ [http://media.alticorblogs.com/2008/02/08/nitro-case-dismissed/ Alticor Blog - Nitro Case Dismissed] ] .

A class action lawsuit was filed in 2007 against Quixtar, Britt World Wide and World Wide Dream Builders in California, alleging that the products business and the tools business are pyramid schemes [Stephen Barrett (2007) [http://www.casewatch.org/civil/amway/class_action_complaint.shtml Quixtar Facing Class Action Suit] hosted by "casewatch.org"] . A similar case filed in California in August 2007 by TEAM affiliated IBOs whose contracts had been terminated was dismissed. [ [http://media.alticorblogs.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/ca_woodward_final.pdf Woodward et.al. vs Quixtar - Final Decision]

In his online book "Merchants of Deception", former Quixtar IBO Eric Scheibeler stated that he and his family received death threats from his uplines during a business meeting and from an anonymous phone call. In 2006, a Swedish Newspaper published statements attributed to Scheibler which implied that Amway/Quixtar employees were responsible for these threats. Amway and Quixtar sued Scheibler on February 27, 2007 for defamation [Amway/Quixtar defamation suit against Eric Scheibeler [http://amquix.info/pdfs/scheibeler/defamation/Scheibeler_Federal_Complaint.pdf] ] . In July 2007, Scheibeler wrote a letter to an attorney for Amway and Quixtar clarifying among other things that, to his knowledge, Dick DeVos or Amway/Quixtar employees never made any death threats to him. [Eric Scheibeler's letter to Amway/Quixtar attorney [http://media.alticorblogs.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/scheibeler-apology-letter.pdf] ] . He apologized for any misleading statements attributed to him in printing publications. Fact|date=October 2007

In July, 2007, a lawsuit was filed by IBS (Internet Business Solutions), owned by Quixtar Emeralds Henry and Sue Skaggs, naming Bill and Peggy Britt, Paul and Leslie Miller, Rocky Covington, Kevin and Beth Bell, and Britt World Wide, all of whom are Emeralds and above in Quixtar, as defendants. The suit alleges that the Skaggs, having developed a software system to allow for direct order fulfillment of tools to their downline, received approval from Britt to continue the development of the software program for eventual rollout to all of BWW (a tool system within Quixtar). During this time, the Skaggs state that they carried the burden of the development costs. According to the lawsuit, Bill Britt stated in 2005 that the program would not be rolled out across BWW. The Skaggs then claim they were de-edified by their upline. The suit alleges breach of contract, racketeering, and intentional interference with economic relations. [ [http://www.amwaywiki.com/images/8/84/Skaggs_vs_britt_et_al.pdf International Business Solutions vs Britt WorldWide et.al.] ] . In response, the defendants claimed that no contract was entered into and challenge the lawsuit on various other legal grounds. [ [http://www.amwaywiki.com/images/9/91/Britt_response.pdf International Business Solutions vs Britt WorldWide et.al., Response of Defendents] ]

FTC investigations

The Federal Trade Commission offers advice for potential MLM members to help them identify those which are likely to be pyramid schemes.cite web|title=Multilevel Marketing Plans|publication=FTC Consumer Alert|url=http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/pubs/invest/mlm.htm|month=November | year=1996|accessdate=2007-04-26] http://www.ftc.gov/speeches/other/dvimf16.shtm Federal Trade Commission on Pyramid vs Legitimate Marketing]

In the 1979 ruling "In re. Amway Corp.", the Federal Trade Commission determined that Quixtar predecessor Amway was not an illegal pyramid scheme because no payments were made for recruitment. In addition, Amway (and later Quixtar) rules required distributors to sell to at least 10 retail customers per month, or have $100 in product sales, or a total of 50PV from customer purchases in order to qualify for bonuses on downline volume. Quixtar IBOs are required to report this customer volume on Quixtar.com or they do not receive bonuses on downline volume. Furthermore, an IBO must also personally sell or use at least 70% of the products personally purchased each month. The FTC established that these rules help prevent inventory loading and other potential abuses of the marketing model.

In 1986 Amway Corp. agreed, under a consent decree filed in federal court, to pay a $100,000 civil penalty to settle Commission charges it violated a 1979 Commission order that prohibits Amway from misrepresenting the amount of profit, earnings or sales its distributors are likely to achieve. According to a complaint filed with the consent decree, Amway violated the 1979 order by advertising earnings claims without including in it clear and conspicuous disclosures of the average earnings or sales of all distributors in any recent year or the percent of distributors who actually achieved the results claimed. [http://www.ftc.gov/os/annualreports/ar1986.pdf Federal Trade Commission 1986 Annual Report]

The FTC has required the information on average income to be provided to all prospective Quixtar business owners since the above 1979 FTC ruling clearing the Amway business model as legal.

Income from tools and business support materials

In 1983, Rich DeVos, one of Amway's founders, made recordings which, among other things, communicated his displeasure with several issues regarding some of the high ranking distributors/IBO's. These recordings are entitled "Directly Speaking" [Directly Speaking, January 1983, Rich DeVos Amway Cassette Series VA-2160] [ [http://www.amquix.info/sounds/Rich_DeVos-Directly_speaking_II.mp3 mp3] Listen to Directly Speaking II] and were addressed to Direct Distributors (now called Platinums), who are considered leaders with various responsibilities for their downline group. In January 1983 Rich DeVos announced that Amway would pay BV on Amway produced tapes. He expressed concern about the level of income on BSM's (tapes, CDs, books, and functions) compared to the income on Amway products that the high level distributors were making. He stated his legal team was concerned if the tool income exceeded 10% of their Amway income, and stated that BV payouts on tapes can never exceed 20% [ [http://www.amquix.info/amway_directly_speaking.html#twenty] Directly Speaking II transcript] of the distributor's total Business Volume.

A 1985 "Forbes" magazine article quoted Dexter Yager, an IBO, as stating that about 2/3 of his income is from BSM's. [cite news | title=Cleaning up| last=Behar | first=Richard | publisher=Forbes Magazine |date=March 25, 1985]

In 2004, "Dateline NBC" aired a report, alleging that some high-level Quixtar IBOs make most of their money from selling motivational materials rather than Quixtar products. [Chris Hansen (2004) [http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4375477/ In pursuit of the almighty dollar] Dateline investigation: Inside story of business that attracts people with promise of easy money hosted by NBC News ] Quixtar published an official Quixtar Response website [ [http://www.quixtarresponse.com/index.html Dateline : Quixtar Response to Dateline NBC] hosted by "quixtarresponse.com"] where it showed '"Interviews Dateline Didn't Do"'. Quixtar also states on its response site that "Dateline" declined their request to link to the site.

During the registration process for a new IBO, Quixtar contracts clearly inform prospective IBOs that BSM are optional and that the producers and sellers of the BSM may make profit or loss from their sale (like any other business). This is also publicized on Quixtar websites. [Quixtar's [http://www.quixtarfacts.com/us-en/IBOs/bsmrole.html IBO's: The Role of Business Support Materials] hosted by "quixtarfacts.com"] Quixtar's Business Support Materials Arbitration Agreement (SMAA) requires the immediate seller of BSM's to buy-back materials, which were purchased only for personal consumption within a 180 day time frame, on commercially reasonable terms, upon request of the purchaser. BSM's purchased for inventory or to be sold to others downline are not covered by the buy back policy.

Disputes with TEAM

On August 9, 2007, a group of Quixtar distributors, including founders of the TEAM training organization [http://www.freetheibo.com filed a lawsuit] seeking to enjoin Quixtar from enforcing its distributor contracts, including the non-competition and non-solicitation provisions. The plaintiffs alleged that the company knowingly operates as a pyramid scheme, and prevents its distributors from leaving the organization through the aforementioned provisions.

On August 10, 2007, Quixtar announced that it had [http://blog.mlive.com/chronicle/2007/08/alticor_fires_15_quixtar_distr.html terminated the businesses of] fifteen of the plaintiffs involved in the lawsuit, and sought and [http://www.quixtarnewsroom.com/pr/quixtar/Quixtar%20Team%20News%20Release.aspx received a temporary restraining order and preliminary order of injunction] [ [http://www.quixtarnewsroom.com/pr/quixtar/Quixtar%20Team%20News%20Release.aspx Quixtar Takes Swift Action to Protect Business] hosted by "QuixtarNewsroom.com"] in a Michigan court preventing them from interfering with the LOS, soliciting IBOs for their new company, or disparaging Quixtar or the business in any way. In mid October 2007, Quixtar argued that the former distributors were in violation of the court order since Team continued to have meetings and sell motivational materials. In Grand Rapids, Michigan, Quixtar argued that Team was using Quixtar's proprietary information to promote its meetings and sell materials. The court held [http://www.freetheibo.com/pdfs/November-Judge-Sullivan-Opinion-Order-Quixtar-v-Woodward-not-contempt.pdf in favor of Woodward and Brady] and allowed Team to continue to operate. Specifically, the court held, "The Court finds particularly noteworthy the steps that both Mr. Orrin Woodward and TEAM took to make a good faith effort to comply with the preliminary injunction."

In an effort to ensure its injunction wasn't being violated, Quixtar filed an action [http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/10/13/business/main3364365.shtml against 30 anonymous bloggers] . Specifically, Quixtar is seeking to discover if Woodward and Brady are involved in a blogging campaign to disparage the company. The California lawsuit was dismissed on October 5, 2007. [ [http://digital50.com/news/items/PR/2007/10/05/CLF064/federal-district-court-in-california-dismisses-class-action-suit-against-quixtar.html Federal District Court in California Dismisses Class-Action Suit Against Quixtar]

In the summer of 2004, some Quixtar leaders and IBOs allegedly launched a Web initiative designed to make their web pages more prominent in search results, aka Google Bombing. Quixtar denies wrongdoing and states that its practices are in accordance with search engine rules. [Glaser, Mark. [http://www.ojr.org/ojr/stories/050601glaser/ "Companies subvert search results to squelch criticism."] June 1, 2005. USC Annenberg Online Journalism Review. Accessed December 1, 2006.]

Quixtar's response to many of these criticisms can be found at their websites http://www.ibofacts.com and http://www.quixtarfacts.com.


ee also

* Alticor
* Amway
* Britt World Wide
* Access Business Group
* Network TwentyOne

External links

Corporate Site

* [http://www.quixtar.com/ Quixtar's Official site]

Media articles

* [http://www.mibiz.com/absolutenm/templates/template.asp?articleid=11296&zoneid=65# MiBiz article] about Quixtar corporate blogging and First Circle Initiative
* [http://news.com.com/2100-1017-222512.html CNET] article about Quixtar launch
* [http://www.nytimes.com/library/tech/99/03/biztech/articles/03amway.html NY Times article] about Quixtar launch
* [http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,1615390,00.asp eWeek - Quixtar: Cleaning Up]
* [http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/bizfocus/archives/2003/05/18/211090 Taipei Times article] about Quixtar "Ditto" Program
* [http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/10/13/business/main3364365.shtml Quixtar sues bloggers] about Quixtar's lawsuit against 30 anonymous bloggers.

Government documents

* [http://www.ftc.gov/speeches/other/dvimf16.htm FTC's Ruling on Illegal Pyramid Schemes]
* [http://westernmichigan.bbb.org/ViewReport.aspx?lnk=http%3a%2f%2fwesternmichigan.bbb.org%2freport%2f0372%2f15000624&biz=15000624&bbb=0372 BBB reliability report on Amway]
* [http://westernmichigan.bbb.org/WWWRoot/Report.aspx?site=53&bbb=0372&firm=11002927 Western Michigan BBB Reliability Report]

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  • SA8 — SA8  торговая марка моющих средств для стирки, которые производятся компанией «Access Business Group LLC», входящей в состав группы компаний «Alticor», и продаются компаниями Amway, Amway Global. Содержание 1 Семейство продукции SA8 …   Википедия

  • Dateline NBC — Format Newsmagazine Presented by Jane Pauley (1992–2003) Stone Phillips (1992–2007) Ann Curry (200 …   Wikipedia

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