- Poppo of Grapfeld
Poppo I was a count in the
Grapfeld (Grabfeld ), floruit 819 – 839. He was a "leading man of the Franks" in 838–839, when he and several other noblemen, includingGebhard, Count of the Lahngau , Adalbert,Count of Metz , and Otgar,Archbishop of Mainz , who opposedLouis the German 's revolt againstLouis the Pious .Poppo was probably the father or grandfather of
Henry of Franconia , Poppo (II) of Thuringia, and Egino. He was a forefather of the laterBabenbergs .ource
*" [http://www.medievalsources.co.uk/fulda.htm The Annals of Fulda] ". (Manchester Medieval series, Ninth-Century Histories, Volume II.)
Reuter, Timothy (trans.) Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1992.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.