Harry Albright

Harry Albright

Harry James Albright is the Director of Communications for the Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) [ [http://www.fwccworld.org/contact/index.shtml FWCC World Office] ] . He was Editor of "The Friend" Magazine from 1997 to 2004. [ [http://www.thefriend.org/articledisplay.asp?articleid=937 the Friend - Commentary<] ] He is also the co-owner of a training company. [ [http://www.tcluk.com/aboutus.htm TCLuk Training] ]

Harry was born in Geneva, Switzerland, the son of Leland S. Albright Jr., a Canadian diplomat, and Mary Albright. He attended the International School of Geneva, Lakefield College School, and Pickering College in Newmarket, Ontario. He studied journalism at Carleton University in Ottawa.

As a journalist at the Elmira, Ontario "Independent", he shared in Canada's most prestigious journalism prize, the Michener Award, in 1990. [ [http://michenerawards.ca/english/winaward1990.htm The Michener Awards Foundation] ] The "Independent" was part of the North Waterloo Publishing group, and Harry worked on various other group titles. He was Production Manager for the "Elora Sentinel" and "Fergus Thistle", and News Editor of the agricultural newspaper, "The Farmgate".

With his background in agricultural journalism, Harry moved to the UK in 1993 and became the Press Officer for the National Farmers Union in the East Midlands region [ [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4158/is_19960215/ai_n14032214 The Independent - Piglet rustlers feed on bacon shortage] ] , managing the regional response to the BSE Crisis that affected the UK in the mid-90s.

Harry married Beth Peakall in 1981, and they have two children, Cat (born 1982), a film maker living in Wales, and Ben (born 1984), a travel writer living in England. He is the son-in-law of the late David Peakall.


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