- The Halo Group
The Halo Group is an independently owned,
Manhattan -based brand development agency that provides marketing consultation, brand architecture and communications services for a short list of international clients.Infobox Company
name = The Halo Group
type = Private
foundation =1994
location_city =New York, NY
key_people = Denise Goodwin Pace, Chief Communications Officer
Linda Passante, Chief Executive Officer
industry = Branding / Design / Marketing
services = Marketing Consulting
Brand Architecture
Communications Services
homepage = www.thehalogroup.net
http://www.thehalogroup.netThe Halo Group History
Denise Goodwin Pace and Linda Passante founded the agency as Halo Advertising and Marketing Communications in 1994. [cite web|url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D03EED81430F936A15752C1A962958260&sec=&spon=&partner=permalink&exprod=permalink
work=The New York Times
actualdate=November 25, 1994
author=Stuart Elliott]By 2002, the agency had undergone several changes including agency name and location. As The Halo Group of
New York City , the two partners, Pace and Passante, aimed to reflect the company’s expanded services in public relations, strategic planning, sales promotion and direct mail. Halo’s business model, combining integrated communications services and senior team attention, attracted a diverse roster of clients. [cite web|url=http://www.viotechsolutions.com/Newsroom1/news1.html
title=Long Island Women - Minding Their Business
work=Viotech Solutions
actualdate=February 2002
author=Kristen D'Andrea]Co-Founder & CEO, Linda Passante, has been recognized within the industry as a “branding guru”, authoring articles published by Adweek [cite web|url=http://www.brandweek.com/bw/search/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1003782517
title=The Path to Profits
actualdate= March 31, 2008
author=Linda Passante] and other publications. [cite web|url=http://www.classesandcareers.net/education/Article/How-To-Tie-Marketing-to-the-Bottom-Line/2772
title= How To Tie Marketing to the Bottom Line
work=Classes and Careers
author= Linda Passante] Her success has been duly noted, as she was presented with theStevie Awards for Women in Business - Best Entrepreneur of 2007. [cite web|url=http://www.mywire.com/pubs/PRNewswire/2007/11/13/4940694?extID=10051
title= Passante Wins Stevie(R) Award for Women in Business
work= PR Newswire
actualdate= Nov 13, 2007]The Halo Group Industry Recognition
Since its founding, The Halo Group has been honored with almost 250 creative awards in the Graphis [Graphis [http://www.graphis.com/news/winnerlists/adv08winners.php] ] , Telly [Telly [http://www.tellyawards.com/winners/list/?l=The+Halo+Group&event=8&category=1&award=B] ] , Summit [Summit [http://www.allbusiness.com/marketing-advertising/4124923-1.html] [http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-10679999_ITM] ] , Addy and BOLI [BOLI [http://www.allbusiness.com/marketing-advertising/4171001-1.html] ] , Admissions Awards [Admissions Marketing Report Awards [http://www.hmrpublicationsgroup.com/Admissions_Marketing_Report/amr_awards_competition.html] ] and Interactive Media Awards [Interactive Media Awards [http://www.interactivemediaawards.com/winners/gallery.asp?id=36865] ] for its print, radio, TV, direct mail, out of home and new media campaigns over the past 14 years. [cite web|url=http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4189/is_20030307/ai_n10166347
title=Long Island Marketing Briefs
work=Long Island Business News
actualdate=March 7, 2003
author=Claude Solnik]The Halo Group was recently acknowledged for the Guy Carpenter (Division of
Marsh & McLennan Companies ) new brand campaign launch. Theorigami -themed campaign, using global currencies to personify the company’s unique way of looking at risk, was launched in theFall of2007 . The campaign was expressed in many forms, from a Capital ldeas website, to print advertisements, online components and event themes. [cite web|url=http://www.adweek.com/aw/search/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1003646132
actualdate=Sept 25, 2007
author=Mark Dolliver]PR Week recognized The Halo Group's online game created to drive veterinary student prospects to theSt. George's University web site. The interactive game featured a sarcastically rude "Lemur Swami", who challenged players to answer questions about animals, insulting them when they answered incorrectly. [cite web|url=http://www.prweekus.com/Lemur-Swami-challenges-prospective-SGU-students/article/96249/
title='Lemur Swami' challenges prospective SGU students
actualdate=Nov 7, 2007
author=Hamilton Nolan]The Halo Group Clients
*Bank of Smithtown
*El Paso Global Energy
*Farmingdale State University
*Guy Carpenter - Div. ofMarsh & McLennan Companies
*J.Kings Food Service
*Jasmine Technologies
*Kings College
*Knicks City Dancers
*Marty Lyons Foundation
*Plan!tNow Organization
*Qside FCU
*St. George's University (Grenada, West Indies)
*St. Mary's Healthcare
*Total Dental Care
*Varta Batteries (Germany)
*Veggie Patch (Israel)
*Mercy College (New York) The Halo Group Affiliations
The Halo Group is a member of the
American Association of Advertising Agencies , [American Association of Advertising Agencies [http://www.aaaa.org/EWEB/DynamicPage.aspx?Site=4A_new&WebKey=d9c95573-dbb2-46fd-a8d2-f508994f42d9&adr_state=NY&cst_org_name_dn=the%20halo%20group&cst_member_] ] the
Public Relations Society of America [ PRSA [http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Pace_Denise_24304156.aspx] ] , andDirect Marketing Association (USA) .References
External links
* [http://www.thehalogroup.net Official site]
* [http://thehalogroup.net/blog/ The Halo Effect Blog]
* [http://thehalogroup.net/news/ The Halo Group News]
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