Kauppakorkeakoulun Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat

Kauppakorkeakoulun Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat

The Male Choir of Helsinki School of Economics (Kauppakorkeakoulun Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat or KYL) is an academic men's choir based in Helsinki, Finland. The choir is associated with Helsinki School of Economics, and the ensemble consist mainly of students and alumni of the university. The choir was founded in 1949. Since 1997 the artistic director of KYL has been Matti Apajalahti. KYL was chosen Finnish Male Choir of the Year in 1998 and has won numerous European choir contests.

elected discography

* Legenda (1999)
* Maailma Jääkukkien Takana (2001)
* Kullervo (2005)
* Hämärän Ääniä (2008)
* Kirje Korvatunturille (2008)

External links

* [http://www.kyl.fi Official Website]
* [http://kyl.kyweb.org Official Blog]
* [http://www.hse.fi Helsinki School of Economics]

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