- Ganiou Soglo
Soglo is the youngest son of Nicéphore Soglo and was born in
Paris . He was elected as an RB candidate to theNational Assembly of Benin in the March 2003 parliamentary election. [ [http://www.legislatives2003.gouv.bj/actualites/archives/edition040403/actu1.html List of deputies elected in the 2003 election] , Benin government page fr icon.] Later, he was a candidate in the March 2006 presidential election, running despite his party's choice of Léhady Soglo as its candidate. [ [http://www.afrique-express.com/archive/OUEST/benin/beninpol/candidats2006.htm "Présidentielle 2006 : les principaux candidats"] , "Afrique Express" fr icon.] Ganiou won about 5,000 votes, or 0.17% of the vote. [ [http://africanelections.tripod.com/bj.html Elections in Benin] , African Elections Database.]In sports, Soglo led the Sharks of the Atlantic football team for a time.
In the government of President
Yayi Boni appointed onJune 17 2007 , Soglo was appointed Minister of Youth, Sports, and Leisure. [ [http://www.french.xinhuanet.com/french/2007-06/18/content_444055.htm "Bénin : composition du nouveau gouvernement soumis à l'avis de l'Assemblée Nationale"] , Xinhua, June 18, 2007 fr icon.] [ [http://web.archive.org/web/20070630082210/http://www.izf.net/izf/Guide/Benin/gouvernement.htm Governments of Benin] , izf.net fr icon.] [Belly Kpogodo, [http://www.sonangnon.net/actualites/2007/juin/intntribune1906_4.php "Entrée surprise de Galiou Soglo au gouvernement : Les raisons qui ont motivé Yayi"] , "La Nouvelle Tribune" (sonangnon.net), June 19, 2007 fr icon.]References
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