Uruguayan Antarctic Institute

Uruguayan Antarctic Institute

Uruguay has been associated with Antarctic activities since 1776, when the country issued licenses for fishing in the southern seas.

In 1916 , it was officially involved in the attempt of rescue of Sir Ernest Shackleton and HMS Endurance crew reaching Elephant Island in August that year in an expedition by T/N Ruperto Elechiribehety of the Uruguayan Navy.

During the half of the century at IGY and so on, Navy officers participated in Argentine and British expeditions to Antarctic Peninsula and South Shetlands.

The Uruguayan Antarctic Institute (UAI or IAU in Spanish) was founded in Montevideo, Uruguay on January 9th, 1968 by Professor Julio César Musso who was leading a team of Antarctic fellows. Professor Musso became the first UAI President.

By August 28th, 1975, the Uruguayan Antarctic Institute was integrated under the Ministry of Defense, getting then more resources with the aim to disseminate and carry out scientific investigations in the Antarctic regions under the 60º South Latitude.

In the 90s the Air Force trained pilots for inland operations on ice by cooperation with Germany.In 1975 the Uruguayan Antarctic Institute was created under MoD, making the nation's Antarctic presence - through an expeditionary program begun in 1984 - a government matter. I has an annual budget specially assigned by the Ministry of Economy and it's ruled by an Interministerial Council, with delegates of Ministry of Defense, Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Education and Culture.


The Uruguayan Antarctic Institute works in different areas with specialized and experienced personnel in Directions according to the fields and needs. They are: Scientific Coordination Direction, General Secretariat, Plans & Operations, Logistics, Finances and Personnel, totaling 58 people.

The Scientific Coordination Direction organize and evaluates, scientific research programs within the Universities, institutes and research communities to fulfill the needs, requirements and recommendations promoted by SCAR.

It also promotes research programs in SCAR areas of interest with international cooperation and participation with national Institutes and universities.

The Plans & Operations Direction deals with COMNAP affairs in AIROPS, SHIPOPS, TRAINET.

Station crews are trained and selected following COMNAP guidelines, as well all other implemented plans such as MEDEVAC, Oil Spills Contingency, Waste Management, working together with Logistics, who is also involved in COMNAP – SCALOP for those activities.

An important issue is the developing of environmental monitoring program according to the manuals to be issued by COMNAP.

The UAI actively participates in all events of Antarctic Community. By national Legislation ratifies all protocols and agreements caring about science and environment.

External links

* [http://www.iau.gub.uy Uruguayan Antarctic Institute (in Spanish)]
* [http://www.antarkos.com.uy/antarkos23 Antarkos 23, the 2007 Artigas Base Crew (in Spanish)]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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