- Turma do Balão Mágico
"Balão Mágico" ("Magic Balloon") was a very famous
child ren television program inBrazil . The children that were the main stars of the program were also part of a musical group singing children's songs which was named after the program as "A Turma do Balão Mágico" ("The Magic Balloon Gang").The program was aired by
TV Globo between1982 and1986 , and the musical group released six albums under the Columbia label that sold together 13 million copies.Their biggest hit is the song
Superfantastico , which is still popular more than 20 years since its release.The main cast and musical group was composed by:
* Simony (
Simony Benelli Galasso ): The only girl in the band.
* Tob (Vimerson Canavilas Benedicto ): The older integrant at the group.
* Mike (Michael Biggs ): The son of famous British robberRonnie Biggs
* Jairzinho (Jair Oliveira ): Son of Brazilian musicianJair Rodrigues
* Ricardinho (Ricardo Batista ): the last integrant the group.See also
Ronnie Biggs
*TV Globo BRA
*Pluct Plact Zum
* [http://www.turmadobalaomagico.br.vc] click www.TURMADOBALAOMAGICO.br.vc BRA
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