New Zealand Striped Skink

New Zealand Striped Skink

name = Striped Skink
status = VU
status_system = iucn2.3
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Reptilia
ordo = Squamata
familia = Scincidae
genus = "Oligosoma"
species = "O. striatum"
binomial = "Oligosoma striatum"
binomial_authority = Buller 1871

The Striped Skink ("Oligosoma striatum") is a rare species of medium sized skink endemic to New Zealand. The specific epithet means "streaked".Brian Gill and Tony Whitaker,"New Zealand Frogs and Reptiles", David Bateman, 2001] The habitat of this species is native forest; they are often found under fallen rotting logs in the bush or under those remaining in pasture after the forest has been cleared. They are at least partly arboreal and have been found in the forest canopy among epiphytes and also in standing dead trees.


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