Ana María Cetto

Ana María Cetto

Ana Maria Cetto (born in Mexico City, 1946) is a Mexican physicist. She has a bachelor's degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and postgraduate studies from the USA's Harvard University. She is an investigator from the Physics Institute of the UNAM, and teacher from the Science Faculty at the same university. She is also the daughter of the renowned Mexican architect Max Cetto.

National and International work

Her speciality is Quantum mechanics, estocasty electrodynamics and biological physics. Since 2006, she has been the Technical cooperation leader and subdirector of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria. She has also been director of the Science Faculty at UNAM, as well as a professor and investigator from the same institution.

Her personality is characterized from her social commitment as a scientist. Ana Maria Cetto was Council member of the Pugwash Conferences when the International organization received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1995. She was also participant of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2003, being Deputy Technical Director of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

In 2003, she was named "Woman of the Year" and several other diistinctions as member of the Third World Academy of Science (with headquarters in Italy), the Mexican Academy of Science, the Mexican Physics Academy and the American Physical Society.

She is author of dozens of research articles and many books. She is also responsible of many scientific information programs in Latin America, and many programs for promotion and participation of women in science. For these articles, she received the "Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz" distinction from the UNAM to the most important women in the Educational area.

Selected Work

* Articles

# Ceccon E, Cetto AM. Capacity building for sustainable development: some Mexican perspectives. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND WORLD ECOLOGY 10 (4): 345-352 DEC 2003
# de la Pena L, Cetto AM. Planck's law as a consequence of the zeropoint radiation field REVISTA MEXICANA DE FÍSICA 48: 1-8 Suppl. 1 SEP 2002
# de la Pena L, Cetto AM. Quantum theory and linear stochastic electrodynamics. FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS 31 (12): 1703-1731 DEC 2001
# Vessuri H, Cetto AM. "Pertinence" and "impact". INTERCIENCIA 24 (3): 146-150 MAY-JUN 1999
# Cetto AM, Alonso-Gamboa O. Scientific periodicals in Latin America and the Caribbean: A global perspective. INTERCIENCIA 23 (2): 84-+ MAR-APR 1998
# de la Pena L, Cetto AM. Estimate of Planck's constant from an electromagnetic Mach principle. FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS LETTERS 10 (6): 591-598 DEC 1997

* Books

# Cetto, Ana María. La luz en la naturaleza y en el laboratorio. México, D.F.: Sep-Fondo de Cultura Económica : Conacyt, 1987. Serie La ciencia desde México; 32.
# Peña, Luis de la y Ana Maria Cetto. The quantum dice: an introduction to stochastic electrodynamics. Imprim. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 1996. 509 p. Fundamental theories of physics ; v. 75

External links

* [ Página de presentación de la IAEA.] Spanish
* [ Instituto de Física de la UNAM] Spanish

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