P45 — [ˌpi fɔːtiˈfaɪv ǁ fɔːrti ] noun [countable usually singular] TAX in Britain, an official document given to a person when they leave their job, showing how much money they have earned, and how much tax and national insurance they have paid during… … Financial and business terms
P45 — UK [ˌpiː fɔː(r)tiː ˈfaɪv] US [ˌpi fɔrti ˈfaɪv] noun [countable] [singular P45 plural P45s] in the UK, an official document from a company that shows that you have stopped working for them and gives details of how much tax you have paid … Useful english dictionary
P45 — in the UK, an official document that is given to you by your employer when you leave a job. It gives details of the money you have earned and the taxes you have paid during this period of employment, and if you start a new job you have to give it … Dictionary of contemporary English
P45 — Das PAYE Formular P45 (Titel: Details of employee leaving work) des britischen und irischen Steuerrechts ist eine der deutschen Lohnsteuerkarte vergleichbare Bescheinigung über das gezahlte Gehalt und die abgeführten Lohnsteuern und Sozialabgaben … Deutsch Wikipedia
P45 — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sigles d’une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres Sigles de quatre lettres … Wikipédia en Français
P45 — UK [ˌpiː fɔː(r)tiː ˈfaɪv] / US [ˌpɪ fɔrtɪ ˈfaɪv] noun [countable] Word forms P45 : singular P45 plural P45s in the UK, an official document from a company that shows that you have stopped working for them and gives details of how much tax you… … English dictionary
P45 Magazine — Pays Canada Langue Français Périodicité Hebdomadaire Genre Webzine Fondateur Nicolas Langelier … Wikipédia en Français
P45 (tax) — A P45 in the United Kingdom, and the Republic of Ireland is the reference code of a form titled Details of employee leaving work. The term is used in British slang as a metonym for termination of employment. The equivalent in the United States is … Wikipedia
P45 — (in Britain) an official form you are given when you leave a job, which shows how much tax you have paid. You give it to your employer when you start a new job. * * * … Universalium
P45 — noun A form that an employee receives when they terminate their employment, detailing income for social security and taxation purposes for the current financial year … Wiktionary