- Pandulf of Pisa
:"This page is not about Cardinal
Pandolfo Masca of Pisa of the later twelfth century, norPandulph the papal legate to England."Pandulf of Pisa [Pandolfo of Pisa, Pandolfo Pisano, Pandulfus of Pisa, Pandulfus Pisanus, Pandulfus Aletrinus, Pandulphus Pisanus, Pandulphus Aletrinus.] was a twelfth century Italian Cardinal, and biographer of several contemporary popes [
Gelasius II ,Calixtus II , andHonorius II ; known as "De Vitis Pontificum" [http://library.msstate.edu/chronica/search.asp?type=author&id=74606] . "Vita del pontefice Gelasio II" (1802) was an Italian translation byConstantio Gaetani .] . He was nephew ofHugo of Alatri [ [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09224a.htm CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Liber Pontificalis ] ] .Works attributed to him appeared in the "Rerum Italicarum scriptores" by
Ludovico Antonio Muratori ; some of those attributions have been changed. He was once thought to have been a continuator of the "Liber Pontificalis "; but this view was dropped in the mid-nineteenth century [Gibbon Chapter LVIII annotations, footnote 4. [http://oll.libertyfund.org/Home3/HTML.php?recordID=0214.10#lf0214-10_footnote_nt408] ] .According to Robinson [p. 63] Pandulf's biography of Gelasius II is inaccurate in electoral details, and had a polemic purpose relating to the schism of
1130 [Robinson, pp. 66-7 says the account of the election of Honorius aimed to blacken the reputation of theFrangipane family .] . Pandulf is thought to have been an intimate friend of Gelasius. Robinson also states that Pandulf's cardinalate [As cardinal deacon of Ss. Cosma e Damiano; on this see also [http://www.fiu.edu/~mirandas/consistories-xii.htm] , with another Pandolfo, and [http://www.fiu.edu/~mirandas/deaconries-1.htm] listing him as a pseudocardinal.] came fromantipope Anacletus .References
*I. S. Robinson (1990), "The Papacy 1073-1198: Continuity and Innovation"
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