

A rudiment is one of a set of basic patterns used in rudimental drumming. These patterns form the basic building blocks or "vocabulary" of drumming, and can be combined in a great variety of ways to create drumming music.

There have been many attempts to formalize a standard list of snare drum rudiments. The National Association of Rudimental Drummers (NARD), an organization established to promote rudimental drumming, put forward a list of 13 "essential" rudiments, and later a second set of thirteen to form the original 26. Finally, the Percussive Arts Society (PAS) reorganized the first 26 and added another 14 to form the current 40 International Drum Rudiments.

40 P.A.S. International Drum Rudiments

ingle stroke rudiments

The single-stroke roll consists of alternating sticking (i.e., RLRL, etc.) of indeterminate speed and length.

Diddle rudiments

In percussion, the paradiddle is a rudiment consisting of a four-note pattern of the form RLRR or LRLL. When multiple paradiddles are played in succession, the first note always alternates between right and left. There are also several official variations of paradiddle rudiments. Paradiddles are often used to switch hands while playing steady notes. For example, if steadily playing sixteenth notes, with right hand lead (RLRL, etc), then wanting to end on a drum to the left of the current drum, he may stick it as follows: RLRL RLRL RLRL RLRR L with the final left tap on the ending drum.

Historical organization

Thirteen "essential" rudiments

# The Long Roll
# The Five Stroke Roll
# The Seven Stroke Roll
# The Flam
# The Flam Accent
# The Flam Paradiddle
# The Flamacue
# The Ruff
# The Single Drag
# The Double Drag
# The Double Paradiddle
# The Single Ratamacue
# The Triple Ratamacue

Second thirteen rudiments

#The Single Stroke Roll
#The Nine Stroke Roll
#The Ten Stroke Roll
#The Eleven Stroke Roll
#The Thirteen Stroke Roll
#The Fifteen Stroke Roll
#The Flam Tap
#The Single Paradiddle
#The Drag Paradiddle #1
#The Drag Paradiddle #2
#The Flam Paradiddle-diddle
#The Lesson 25
#The Double Ratamacue

Last fourteen rudiments

More recently, the Percussive Arts Society added 14 more rudiments to extended the list to the current 40 International Drum Rudiments. Note that the ordering was completely changed during this last re-organization, so these numbers won't match those above.

*The Single Stroke Four
*The Single Stroke Seven
*The Multiple Bounce Roll
*The Triple Stroke Roll
*The Six Stroke Roll
*The Seventeen Stroke Roll
*The Triple Paradiddle
*The Single Paradiddle-Diddle
*The Single Flammed Mill
*The Pataflafla
*The Swiss Army Triplet
*The Inverted Flam Tap
*The Flam Drag
*The Single Dragadiddle

Notable contributors

* Charley Wilcoxon: instructor, author, and teacher
* J. Burns Moore: instructor, author, and teacher
* George Lawrence Stone: instructor, author, and teacher
* Earl Sturtze: instructor, author, and teacher
* Les Parks: instructor and arranger, Sons of Liberty Fife and Drum Corps, Hawthorne Cabaleros, Garfield Cadets
* John S. Pratt: instructor, author, and teacher
* Fred Sanford: instructor and arranger, Santa Clara Vanguard Drum and Bugle Corps
* Ralph Hardimon: instructor and arranger, Santa Clara Vanguard Drum and Bugle Corps
* Tom Float: instructor and arranger, Blue Devils Drum and Bugle Corps
* Marty Hurley: instructor and arranger, Phantom Regiment Drum and Bugle Corps during the 1970's and early '80s
* Paul Rennick: instructor and arranger, Phantom Regiment Drum and Bugle Corps
* Scott Johnson: instructor and arranger, Blue Devils Drum and Bugle Corps
* James Campbell: instructor and arranger, The Cavaliers Drum and Bugle Corps
* Bret Kuhn: instructor and arranger, The Cavaliers Drum and Bugle Corps
* Dennis DeLucia: instructor and arranger, Bridgemen Drum and Bugle Corps
* Thom Hannum: instructor and arranger, Cadets Drum and Bugle Corps
* Charley Poole, Jr. instructor and arranger, 27th Lancers Drum and Bugle Corps

Hybrid rudiments

Over the years, many other rudimental patterns have been informally identified and given creative names, although most of these are based upon the original 40. They are commonly known as "hybrid rudiments" or "hybrids," and are especially common in drumlines and drum corps. A few notable examples are the "herta", which is a drag played with alternating sticking, and the "cheese", a diddle with a grace note.


External links

* [] - All 40 Drum Rudiments with Video examples.
* [ The Percussive Arts Society International Drum Rudiments]
* []

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  • rudiment — [ rydimɑ̃ ] n. m. • 1495; lat. rudimentum « apprentissage, premier élément » 1 ♦ Plur. Notions élémentaires d une science, d un art. ⇒ abc, b. a. ba, base, élément. Les rudiments de la grammaire, de la mécanique. 2 ♦ (1782) Ébauche (⇒ embryon) ou …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • rudiment — RUDIMÉNT, rudimente, s.n. 1. (La pl.) Noţiuni elementare ale unei ştiinţe, ale unei arte. 2. Organ care abia începe să se formeze sau care a rămas nedezvoltat; organ rudimentar. Rudiment de coadă. – Din fr. rudiment, lat. rudimentum. Trimis de… …   Dicționar Român

  • rudiment — rudìment (rudimȅnt) m <G mn nātā> DEFINICIJA 1. anat. zakržljao ostatak organa koji je izgubio svoju funkciju 2. pren. razg. ostatak, ono što postoji kao zaostatak [rudiment patrijarhalnih odnosa] ETIMOLOGIJA njem. Rudiment ← lat.… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Rudiment — Ru di*ment, n. [L. rudimentum, fr. rudis unwrought, ignorant, rude: cf. F. rudiment. See {Rude}.] 1. That which is unformed or undeveloped; the principle which lies at the bottom of any development; an unfinished beginning. [1913 Webster] but I… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • rudiment — 1540s, from M.Fr. rudiment (16c.), from L. rudimentum early training, first experience, beginning, first principle, from rudis unlearned, untrained (see RUDE (Cf. rude)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Rudiment — Ru di*ment, v. t. To furnish with first principles or rules; to insrtuct in the rudiments. Gayton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rudimént — (lat.), Anfang, erster Versuch; verkümmerte, unausgebildete (rudimentäre) Form eines Organs. Rudimente, Anfangsgründe; verkümmerte Reste alter Lebensformen …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • rudiment — index cornerstone, element, embryo, foundation (basis), necessity Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • rudìment — (rudimȅnt) m 〈G mn nātā〉 1. {{001f}}anat. zakržljao ostatak organa koji je izgubio svoju funkciju 2. {{001f}}pren. razg. ostatak, ono što postoji kao zaostatak [∼ patrijarhalnih odnosa] ✧ {{001f}}njem. ← lat …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • rudiment — ► NOUN 1) (rudiments) the first principles of a subject. 2) (rudiments) an elementary or primitive form of something. 3) Biology an undeveloped or immature part or organ. ORIGIN Latin rudimentum, from rudis unwrought …   English terms dictionary

  • rudiment — [ro͞o′də mənt] n. [L rudimentum < rudis: see RUDE] 1. a first principle, element, or fundamental, as of a subject to be learned usually used in pl. [the rudiments of physics] 2. a first slight beginning or appearance, or undeveloped form or… …   English World dictionary

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