- Alfred von Arneth
Alfred Ritter von Arneth (
July 10 ,1819 -July 30 ,1897 ),Austria nhistorian , born atVienna , was the son of Joseph Calasanza von Arneth (1791-1863), a well-known historian and archaeologist, who wrote a history of theAustrian Empire (Vienna, 1827) and several works onnumismatics .Alfred Arneth studied
law , and became an official of the Austrian state archives, of which in 1868 he was appointed keeper. He was a moderate liberal in politics and a supporter of German unity. As such he was elected to the Frankfurt parliament in 1848. In 1861 he became a member of the Lower Austrian diet and in 1869 was nominated to the Upper House of the Austrian Reichsrat. In 1879 he was appointed president of the Kaiserliche Academie der Wissenschaften (Academy of Sciences) at Vienna, and in 1896 succeeded von Sybel as chairman of the historical commission atMunich .Von Arneth was an indefatigable worker, and, as director of the archives, his willingness to listen to the advice of experts, as well as his own sound sense, reportedly helped to promote the more scientific treatment and use of public records in most of the archives of Europe. He was noted for his scientific temper and for drawing from original sources.
*" _de. Leben des Feldmarschalls Grafen Guido Starhemberg" (Vienna, 1863)
*" _de. Prinz Eugen von Savoyen" (3 vols, ib. 1864)
*" _de. Gesch. der Maria Theresa" (to vols, ib. 1863-1879)
*" _de. Maria Theresa u. Marie Antoinette, ihr Briefwechsel" (ib. 1866)
*" _de. Marie Antoinette, Joseph II. and Leopold II., ihr Briefwechsel" (1866)
*" _de. Maria Theresa and Joseph II., ihre Korrespondenz samt Briefen Josephs an seinen Bruder Leopold" (3 vols, 1867)
*" _de. Beaumarchais and Sonnenfels" (1868)
*" _de. Joseph II. and Katharina von Russland, ihr Briefwechsel" (1869)
*" _de. Johann Christian Barthenstein and seine Zeit" (1871)
*" _de. Joseph II. und Leopold von Toskana, ihr Briefwechsel" (2 vols, 1872)
*" _de. Briefe der Kaiserin Maria Theresa an ihre Kinder and Freunde" (4 vols, 1881)
*" _fr. Marie Antoinette: Correspondance secrète entre Marie-Thérése et le comte de Mercy-Argenteau" (3 vols, Paris, 1875), in collaboration withAuguste Geoffroy
*" _de. Graf Philipp Cobenzl and seine Memoiren" (1885)
*" _fr. Correspondance secrète du comte de Mercy-Argenteau avec l'empereur Joseph IL et Kaunitz" (2 vols, 1889-1891), in collaboration withJules Flammermont
*" _de. Anton Ritter von Schmerling. Episoden aus seinem Leben 1835, 1848-1849" (1895)
*" _de. Johann Freiherr von Wessenberg, ein österreichischer Staatsmann des 19. Jahrh." (2 vols, 1898).Arneth also published in 1893 two volumes of early reminiscences under the title " _de. Aus meinem Leben".
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