iliopectineal fascia — arcus iliopectineus … Medical dictionary
Fascia — Infobox Anatomy Name = Fascia Latin = fascia GraySubject = 104 GrayPage = Caption = The rectus sheath and the thoracolumbar fascia provide strong fascial support between the bottom of the ribcage and the top of the pelvis. Caption2 = Fascia… … Wikipedia
Fascia — A flat band of tissue below the skin that covers underlying tissues and separates different layers of tissue. Fascia encloses muscles. Inflammation of the fascia is referred to as fasciitis. Fascia is the Latin word for band or bandage. * * * A… … Medical dictionary
Iliopectineal arch — The Iliopectineal arch is a thickened band of fused iliac fascia and psoas fascia passing from the posterior aspect of the inguinal ligament anteriorly across the front of the femoral nerve to attach to the iliopectineal eminence of the hip bone… … Wikipedia
Iliac fascia — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = fascia iliaca GraySubject = 127 GrayPage = 466 Caption = Structures surrounding right hip joint. Caption2 = Structures passing behind the inguinal ligament. System = Precursor = MeshName = MeshNumber =… … Wikipedia
Rectoprostatic fascia — Latin fascia rectoprostatica The rectoprostatic fascia is a membranous partition at the lowest part of the rectovesical pouch. It separates the pros … Wikipedia
Obturator fascia — Coronal section of pelvis, showing arrangement of fasciæ. Viewed from behind. Left L … Wikipedia
arcus iliopectineus — [TA] iliopectineal arch: the fascial partition that separates the lacuna musculorum and the lacuna vasorum; called also iliopectineal fascia … Medical dictionary
arch — Any structure resembling a bent bow or an a.; an arc. In anatomy, any vaulted or archlike structure. See arcus. SYN: arcus [TA]. [thru O. Fr. fr. L. arcus, bow] abdominothoracic a. a bell shaped line defined by the lower end of the sternum and… … Medical dictionary
List of muscles of the human body — Skeletal muscles homo sapiens Muscles of the human body: Overview Head | Neck | … Wikipedia