Giovanni Valesio

Giovanni Valesio

Giovanni Luigi Valesio (c. 15831633) was an Italian painter and, most prominently, an engraver of the early-Baroque, active in his native city of Bologna, and then in Rome.

Malvasia claims he is the son of a Spanish soldier initially stationed in Reggio. He frequented the studio of Ludovico Carracci. After 1621, during the papacy of Gregory XV, Valesio relocated to Rome under the patronage of Lavinia Albergati, the wife of Orazio Ludovisi, the pope's nephew. He helped Ulisse Aldrovandi in the preparation of some of his volumes of natural history. He was aided by a pupil, Giovanni Battista Coriolano [ [ Aldrovandi's Natural History ] ] . He also engraved the funereal services in Bologna performed for the Ludovisi pope. Also known as "Giovanni Valesi". He died in his mid-forties according to Malvasia.

Among his works in Bologna are a "Scourging of Christ" for the church of San Pietro, an "Annunciation" for the Mendicant, and "St. Roch curing the Plague-stricken" for the church of St. Roch. At Rome he painted a "Religion" for the monastery attached to Santa Maria Minerva. He etched several plates from his own designs, and after other masters, as well as a variety of plates for books. In these he approached the style of Agostino Carracci. Among other prints by him of "St. Michael vanquishing the Angels" after Paolo Veronese.


* [| "Venus whipping Cupid with Roses, interrupted by satyr"]
*cite book | first= Giovanni|last= Baglione| year=1641| title= Le Vite dePittori, Scultori, Architetti, ed Intagliatori dal Pontificato di Gregorio XII del 1572. fino atempi de Papa Urbano VIII. nel 1642. ("Lives of the painters, sculptors, architects, and engravers during the papacies of Gregory XII in 1572 to Urban VIII in 1642")| editor = Giovanni Battista Passari | pages= page 239| publisher= Naples, 1731 edition; Digitized by Googlebooks | id= | url= | authorlink=
*cite book | author= Marchese Antonio Bolognini Amorini| year=1843| title= Vite de Pittori ed Artifici Bolognesi| chapter= | editor= | others= | pages= pages 126-129| publisher= Tipografia Governativa alla Volpe, Bologna | id= | url= | authorlink=

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