Giovanni Battista Crescenzi
- Giovanni Battista Crescenzi
Giovanni Battista Crescenzi (1577–1635) was an Italian painter and architect of the early-Baroque period, active in Rome and Spain, where he helped decorate the pantheon of the Spanish kings at El Escorial.
He rose to prominence as an artist during the reign of Pope Paul V, but by 1617 had moved to Madrid, and from 1620 on, he was active in El Escorial. Philip III of Spain awarded him the title of "Marchese de la Torre", "Knight of Santiago".
His family was a prominent Roman family. His brother had been a cardinal. He married Anna Massima, and his son, Alessandro Agostino, became cardinal in 1675, while a distant nephew, Marcello, became cardinal in 1743 [ [ The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church - Biographical Dictionary - Consistory of May 27, 1675 ] ] . Among his pupils were Bartolomeo Cavarozzi and Juan Fernandez.
**cite book | first= Giovanni|last= Baglione| year=1641| title= Le Vite de’ Pittori, Scultori, Architetti, ed Intagliatori dal Pontificato di Gregorio XII del 1572. fino a’ tempi de Papa Urbano VIII. nel 1642. ("Lives of the painters, sculptors, architects, and engravers during the papacies of Gregory XII in 1572 to Urban VIII in 1642")| editor = Giovanni Battista Passari | pages= page 249-252 | publisher= Naples, 1731 edition; Digitized by Googlebooks | id= | url= | authorlink=
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