

Rathnelly is a neighbourhood in Toronto, Canada. It lies to the west of Avenue Road, north of the railway line that lies to the north of Dupont Street, south of Poplar Plains Road, and east of Davenport Road.

Rathnelly takes its name from the former Rathnelly house built in 1830 by Senator William McMaster, which was named after his birth place in Rathnelly, Ireland.

During the celebration of Canada's centennial in 1967, the Rathnelly neighbourhood declared itself an independent republic. To mark its independence, the "Republic of Rathnelly" elected a queen, organized a parade, formed an "air farce" of 1,000 helium balloons, and issued Republic of Rathnelly passports to everyone in the neighbourhood.

The Republic of Rathnelly continues to celebrate with an annual street party.

External links

* [http://www.torontoneighbourhoods.net/regions/toronto_central/40.html Rathnelly history] from torontoneighbourhoods.net
* [http://www.lostrivers.ca/Nordheimer.htm Nordheimer Reach] from lostrivers.ca
* [http://picasaweb.google.ca/mathew22558/RathnellyMacpherson Rathnelly photographs] from Picasaweb

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