List of people who made multiple religious conversions

List of people who made multiple religious conversions

This is a list of people noted for having converted to two or more religions or religious movements. Their original religion is mentioned first when applicable. In certain cases the individual considered themselves to be of more than one religion at a time.

*Nicolas Antoine - Started in Catholicism; conversions Protestantism and Judaism. (not officially admitted to the last one) [ [ Jewish Encyclopedia] ]
*Augustine of Hippo - Mixed Catholic/Pagan background with Catholic upbringing; conversions to Manichaeism, Neoplatonism, and finally baptized Catholic. [ [ Catholic Encyclopedia] ]
*Eldridge Cleaver - Conversions/Associations to Nation of Islam then Evangelical Christianity then Mormonism. [ [ New York Times obituary] ] [ [ Africana Online] ]
*Rod Dreher - Started in Methodism; conversions to Catholicism [ [ Washington Post] ] then Eastern Orthodoxy. [ [ Orthodox Christian Network] ]
*Daveed Gartenstein-Ross - Jewish parents; conversions to Islam then Christianity. [ [ International Herald Tribune] ]
*Tom Hanks - Raised primarily in Catholicism then Mormonism; conversions to "born again" Christianity [ [ Time Magazine] ] and Greek Orthodoxy. [ [] ]
*Martin Harris - Undetermined Protestantism; Conversions to the Quakers, Universalists, Baptists, Presbyterians, [Ronald W. Walker, "Martin Harris: Mormonism's Early Convert," Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 19 (Winter 1986):30-33.] and several denominations of Mormonism, [ [ British Library on his mission for the Strangites] ] Also may have been Methodist for a time. Known among Mormons as one of the Three Witnesses.
*Lex Hixon - Not raised religious; Conversions to Vedanta, Sufism. Eastern Orthodox Christianity, and possibly Zen.
*Muhammad Khodabandeh (Oljeitu) - Nestorian Christian upbringing; Buddhism, Sunni Islam, and Shia Islam
*David Kirk - Originally Baptist; became a deacon in the Melkite Greek Catholic Church and later converted to the Orthodox Church in America. [ [ OCA obituary] ]
*Debi Mazar - Originally Catholic; Actress who reportedly converted to Buddhism, Judaism, and briefly the Jehovah's Witnesses. [ [ NY Metro] ]
*Ibrahim Njoya - Bamum people religion; back and forth conversions from Islam to Christianity. [ [ African Studies Quarterly] ] Also created his own religion. [ [ W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research at Harvard] ]
*J. D. Salinger - Started in Judaism; converted or experimented with Zen Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta, Dianetics, and Christian Science. [ [] ] [ [ Dream Catcher: A Memoir by Margaret Salinger] ]


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