Journal of Raman Spectroscopy

Journal of Raman Spectroscopy

Infobox Journal

discipline = Chemistry
abbreviation = JRS
website =
publisher = John Wiley & Sons
country = flag|United Kingdom
history = 1973 to present
ISSN = 1097-4555

The Journal of Raman Spectroscopy is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, published in the United Kingdom since 1973 by John Wiley & Sons. In twelve issues per year, it publishes original research papers in all Aspects of Raman Spectroscopy, including Higher Order Processes, and also Brillouin and Rayleigh Scattering. It is available both online and in print.

The current Editor-in-Chief is W. Kiefer from the Universität Würzburg, Germany.Wiley InterScience [] ]

Impact factor and rank

The 2007 Impact Factor is 3.514. It is ranked number 5 out of 39 in the Spectroscopy category. [Institute for Scientific Information, "Journal Citation Reports", 2007]

Highest cited papers

# Research Article: 'Raman microspectroscopy of some iron oxides and oxyhydroxides', D. L. A. de Faria, S. Venâncio Silva, M. T. de Oliveira 28(11):873-873 (NOV 1997). Cited 184 times Web of Science] .
# Research Article: 'Ab initio molecular orbital study of the amide I vibrational interactions between the peptide groups in di- and tripeptides and considerations on the conformation of the extended helix', Hajime Torii, Mitsuo Tasumi 29(1):81-86 (JAN 1998). Cited 104 times .
# Article: 'Intermolecular vibrational coherence in molecular liquids', William T. Lotshaw, Dale McMorrow, Napoleon Thantu, Joseph S. Melinger, Robert Kitchenham 26(7)571-583 (JULI 1995). Cited 90 times .
# Research Article: 'Vibrational Raman spectroscopy of polyconjugated organic oligomers and polymers', C. Castiglioni, M. Del Zoppo, G. Zerbi 24(8):485-494 (AUG 1993). Cited 85 times .

Abstracting and indexing information

"MRC" is indexed in the following services:Wiley InterScience [http: ] ]

*Chemical Abstracts Service SciFinder (American Chemical Society)
*SCOPUS (Elsevier)
*Web of Science (Thomson ISI)


External links

* [ Journal information page]

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