Baloldali Front

Baloldali Front

party_name = Left Front
name_alt = Baloldali Front
colour_html = red
foundation = 1999
ideology = Communism
Socialism |
Marxist-Leninisminternational = | World Federation of Democratic Youtheuropean = -
colours = Red | headquarters = 1082 Budapest, VIII. Baross u. 61.
website = []
The Left FrontCommunist Youth Alliance (Baloldali Front - Kommunista Ifjúsági Szövetség - in Hungarian) is the youth organization of the Hungarian Communist Workers Party. The Left Front is a communist, MarxistLeninist, revolutionary, left wing youth organization. The organization was founded in 1999. The chairman of the organization is Tamás Szabó since March 2008, the former chairwoman is Kinga Kalocsai.


The Left FrontCommunist Youth Alliance is the youth organization of the Hungarian Communist Workers' Party. The Left Front is a communist, MarxistLeninist, revolutionary, left wing youth organization. The organization was founded in 1999 as Left FrontWorkersYouth Alliance. The name was changed to Left FrontCommunist Youth Alliance in 2004 on the 6th congress of the organization.

The Left Front became the member of the World Federation of Democratic Youth in January 2004.

The organization fights for the neutrality of Hungary; we are against the NATO membership of our country. It is against the EU Army and against the European Union membership of the country. The Left Front require right for work, flat, free and medical-care. We fight for the rights of students and we struggle for a free, non ideological education, what should be reachable for everyone. It fight against the privatization of the hospitals. (In 2004 we had a fruitful campaign together with the Hungarian Communist Workers Party against the privatization.)

The organization express its solidarity towards the working class of the society, we fight against the bourgeoisie in our country and against the exploitation of international imperialism. It struggles against all forms of exploitation and oppression of the European Union which go against the youth and the working class for the bourgeoisies and imperialism.

The Left Front is an antifascist organization and fights against all forms of discrimination, fights for defending the human rights and stand for the oppressed peoples rights.

The Left Front express its solidarity with Cuba and Venezuela. It is against the blockade on Cuba. It commits the Israeli occupation on Palestine, it is against the Apartheid-Wall. We condemn the US occupation on Iraq and on Afghanistan. The organization decline that the Hungarian government sent troops to these two countries.

It is use to organize protest actions against imperialism and exploitation, supporting the oppressed countries and peoples. Every year we make a demonstration on the anniversary of Intifada.


The Left Front has maden the homepage of the World Federation of Democratic Youth since 2005.


From the beginning of 2006 the Left Front started a campaign against the illegalization of the Czech Communist Youth Union.

In February 2006 the World Federation of Democratic Youth organized the Coordinating Council Meeting in Budapest, Hungary. The Left Front helped in the organizing and during the meeting. On the last day of the meeting there was a demonstration against the illegalization of the KSM in front of the Embassy of the Czech Republic. Most of the participants of the CC meeting joined the protest.

In March the Left Front held a demonstration against the crimes of the United States of America, especially against the war in Iraq and the Israeli occupation on Palestine with some civil organization.

In March the Left Front founded the HungarianCuban Solidarity Association with the representation of civil organizations, and civil persons and the Cuban Ambassadress.In this month it joined a campaign against the illegal prisons of the United States of America, like Guantanamo. In this month the youth organization helped the Hungarian Communist WorkersParty in the preparing of the coming parliamentary elections.

In April the Left Front founded the HungarianVenezuelan Solidarity Association with the representation of civil organizations, and civil persons and the Venezuelan Ambassadress.In April the parliamentary elections was held in Hungary. A lot of members of the youth organization were candidate in the elections. The party didnt get good results, because of the political situation in Hungary. All the small party had bad results because of the two big partieshegemony.In this month it was preparing for Mayday too.

On 1st of May the Left Front made a big demonstration together with the Hungarian Communist WorkersParty. During Mayday it made a Cuban and a Venezuelan tent to represent these two countries and their politics to the people. In May the Left Front participated in Enlazando Alternativas in Vienna. It was an alternative Latin AmericanEuropean Union meeting during the official Latin AmericaEuropean Union meeting which was held in Vienna too.

In June the organization joined the SOKOA III international conference, which was held in the Basque Country in solidarity with the Basque people. In this month George W. Bush visited Hungary, so it organized a demonstration against him and his governments politic. In the demonstration all the civil organization represented itself.

In July the Left Front joined the campaign against the war on Lebanon and the re-occupation of Palestine. It made demonstration and handed over petition to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry and we made solidarity demonstration together with the Arabic people who lives in Hungary in front of the Lebanese Embassy.

In August and in September theorganization was preparing for the local elections in Hungary. A lot of members were candidate from the youth organization.

In October it started a firmly campaign against that the Czech Ministry of Interior finally dissolved the KSM.In this month the organization was preparing for the coming congress of the Left FrontCommunist Youth Alliance.

On 3rd of November it made a demonstration in front of the Czech Embassy against the illegalization of KSM and we handed over the petition to the Ambassador.On 4th of November the Left Font held its 8th Congress. The Congress elected the new leadership of the Left FrontCommunist Youth Alliance. During our congress was held the congress of the Hungarian Communist WorkersParty too. On the Congress of the WorkersParty they elected 8 persons from the youth organization to the Central Committee of the party. On 18th of November the organization held a national conference in solidarity with Venezuela.On 25th of November the Left Front held a conference in solidarity with the Lebanese and Palestinian people and youth.

In December it participated the CENA meeting in Madrid. On 14th of December the Left Front held a commemoration for the victims of the I. Palestinian Intifada together with the Palestinian Embassy.


In January the organitazion participated in CENA Seminar in Cyprus about the Capitalist globalization, its effects and the youth struggle.On 27th of January it held a demonstration together with the Hungarian Communist WorkersParty, World Federation of Democratic Youth, Czech Communist Youth Union and with the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia against the ban of the Czech Communist Youth Union in front of the Czech Embassy at Budapest.

In February from 13th to 17th one representative of Batasuna visited the organization in Hungary because of the two organization relationship and cooperation and to explain the problems of the Basque Country.From 23rd of February to 28th of February a delegation from the Left Front visited the Belarusian Republican Youth Union in Belarus to make cooperation with them. The two organizations also signed an agreement on cooperation for the next 5 years.During February the Left Front joined a lot of demonstrations in front of schools against the decision of the government that they close a lot of high schools in the whole country.

In March the Left Front participated on the 17th Assembly of the World Federation of Democratic Youth.

In April the Left Front visited Portugal, to meet and have better cooperation with the Potugese young communists.

On 1st of May the Left Front made a big demonstration together with the Hungarian Communist WorkersParty. During Mayday it made a Cuban and a Venezuelan tent to represent these two countries and their politics to the people as in the last year. From 18th of May to 20th of May the Left Front organized the meeting of the Committee of Europe and North America of WFDY and also organizes an international Seminar "The youth struggle in former European socialist countries against the imperialist offense of European Union and NATO".

In June the Left Front participated on a Workers' Football Cup which was organized by the Hungarian Communist Workers' Party.

External links

* [ The official homepage of the Left Front]
* [ The official homepage of the World Federation of Democratic Youth]
* [ The official homepage of the Hungarian Communist Workers' Party (Hungarian)]
* [ The official homepage of the Hungarian Communist Workers' Party (English)]
* [ The Newspaper of the HCWP]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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