Stabschef (SA)

Stabschef (SA)

"For other uses of the term "Stabschef" please refer to Chief of Staff"

Stabschef (Chief of Staff) was a paramilitary rank in the Sturmabteilung (SA), the paramilitary stormtroopers associated with the Nazi movement.

The SA rank of Stabschef was first created in 1931 after Adolf Hitler had assumed the title of "Oberste SA-Führer". Although Hitler was the supreme commander of the stormtroopers, the day to day running of the organization was left to the Chief of Staff, and the men who held the rank of Stabschef are typically connected with being the actual leaders of the SA.

The rank of Stabschef was held by three different people between 1931 and 1945 and was, in each case of succession, inherited due to the death of a predecessor. The following Nazi officers held the rank of Stabschef:

* Ernst Röhm (1931 – 1934) "Murdered"
* Viktor Lutze (1934 – 1943) "Accidental Death"
* Wilhelm Schepmann (1943 – 1945) "Fall of the SA"

Early insignia for Stabschef consisted of an oak leaf patch worn on the collar of the stormtrooper uniform. Photographic evidence shows Ernst Röhm wearing such an insignia in his early days as the SA Chief of Staff. As Röhm's authority increased, so did his insignia and by mid 1931 photographic evidence shows him wearing a two and then three leaf design.

After 1933, the insignia for Stabschef consisted of a "crossed lances" pattern, wreathed by a half oak leaf circle. After 1934, the insignia was changed to a wreathed tri-foil oak leaf pattern identical to the SS rank insignia of Reichsführer-SS.

With the fall of Nazi Germany, the Sturmabteilung ceased to exist and with it its Stabschef.

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