Kyknos S.A.

Kyknos S.A.

company_name = Kyknos
company_type = private
company_slogan =
foundation =
location = Greece
key_people =
num_employees =
industry =
products = tomatoes
revenue =
homepage = |

Kyknos S.A. (Greek: Κύκνος meaning swan) is a Greek tomato company and it is one of the major tomato paste brands in the country. It is headquartered in Athens in the Athens Industrial Area west of downtown. It manufactures tomato pastes and are used on pasta, lasagna and other cuisines. It also produces tomato pastes to North America including the United States in cities that have a Greek population.

Kyknos has several factories across Greece including Saravali and the island of Zakynthos.

The Saravali is located 1 km of the former communal hall and now the municipal district hall. Its entrance is at the east side of the old GR-9 (Patras - Pyrgos - Kyparissia about 1 km south and east of the new one (also the E75). Its area is by 500 m and 800 m making it the largest building in the commune. Its production parking is also on the right side. The road to Palaiochori lies to the south. It was constructed in the mid to late-20th century and was first opened later on.


Its logo includes a swan over the sea. Its colour is red.

ee also

*List of companies in Greece

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