- Parisosis
rhetoric , parisosis occurs when clauses have very similar lengths, as measured by syllables. It is sometimes taken as equivalent toisocolon .References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
parisosis — ˌparəˈsōsə̇s noun ( es) Etymology: Greek parisōsis, from parisoun to make equal (from parisos almost equal, equally balanced) + sis more at parison : parison I … Useful english dictionary
parisosis — par·i·so·sis … English syllables
Glossary of rhetorical terms — Rhetorical Theory is a subject rife with jargon and special terminology. This page explains commonly used rhetorical terms in alphabetical order. The brief definitions here are intended to serve as a quick reference rather than an in depth… … Wikipedia