Angelina Fares

Angelina Fares

Angelina Fares ( _ar. انجلينا فارس, born Doaa Fares on 24 March 1989) is an Israeli Druze model. Fares became the first Druze model when she participated in the Miss Israel beauty contest. The latter made her the center of an affair which caught the eye of both Israeli and the international media.


Fares was born in the village of Rameh, the firstborn of her family and has six siblings. From the age of six she practiced artistic gymnastics. [ [,7340,L-3355109,00.html Angelina Fares] Yedioth Ahronoth he icon] She represented Israel in an international competition in Russia and finished tenth among eighty participants.

Fares caused great resentment among the Druze community when she decided to compete in the Miss Israel beauty contest and became a finalist. She received threats for dishonouring her community, which led to the arrest of five people, among them two of her uncles, for planning to murder her. Following those threats and the pressure that was induced on her by the religious Druze leadership, she finally withdrew from the contest and later from her high school.

Ebtisam Mara'ana is now directing a documentary film about her life.


External links

* [ Miss Israel finalist quits after family’s honour killing plot] - from Timesonline
* [ Threats force Druse beauty to bow out of 'Miss Israel'] - The Jerusalem Post

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