

"Biruinţa" (Romanian equivalent for "The Prevailer"), renamed in (year?) as the "Iris Star" and in 2005 as the "Histria Crown", is a Romanian crude oil tanker. The current president of Romania, Traian Băsescu, was captain of the ship in the late 1980s.


The "Biruinţa" oil tanker, one of the biggest ships of the Romanian commercial fleet, was sold after the Romanian Revolution of 1989 and after 16 years of service. The ship was then re-registered under the Maltese flag as "M/T IRIS STAR". Administered by Histria Ship Management, the tanker had a 150,000 T.D.W. capacity.

On July 27, 2000, the ship lost power due to engine failure and drifted towards Kandilli point in Turkey. There was no extensive damage reported. The sister ship of the "Iris Star", M/T "Independenţa", suffered a more deadly accident with a Greek ship ("M/V Evriyali") at the southern entrance to the Strait of Istanbul. After colliding, all but three members of the Romanian tanker crew lost their lives.

In 2005, "Biruinţa" was re-named the "Histria Crown".

External links

* [ The Histria Crown] on the site of the shipping company Histria.

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