Sleazy P. Martini — is a character played by Don Drakulich in the theatrical heavy metal band GWAR. He wears a gigantic gold necklace with a dollar symbol, a large pompadour, a bright purple suit, and is often seen wielding a sawed off shotgun. Sleazy is GWAR s… … Wikipedia
Sleazy — Kesha Veröffentlichung 29. Oktober 2010 Länge 3:25 Genre(s) Pop Autor(en) Kesha Sebert, Lukasz Gottwald, Benjamin Levin, Shondrae Crawford, Klas … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sleazy (chanson) — Sleazy Chanson par Kesha extrait de l’album Cannibal Sortie 2 Novembre 2010[1] Enregistrement 2010 Durée 3:25 … Wikipédia en Français
Sleazy — Slea zy (sl[=e] z[y^]), a. [Cf. G. schleissig worn out, threadbare, from schleissen to slit, split, decay, or E. leasy.] Wanting firmness of texture or substance; thin; flimsy; as, sleazy silk or muslin. [Spelt also {slazy}.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sleazy-E — était un personnage qui apparaît dans deux vidéos, Fuck wit Dre Day (and Everybody s Celebratin ) par Dr. Dre, et Real Muthaphuckkin G s, d Eazy E. Sleazy E est joué par l acteur Anthony Johnson. Dans la première vidéo, on le voit parler à son… … Wikipédia en Français
sleazy — (adj.) 1640s, hairy, fuzzy, later flimsy, unsubstantial (1660s), of unknown origin; one theory traces it somehow to Silesian of the eastern German province of Silesia (Ger. Schlesien), where fine linen or cotton fabric was made (Silesia in… … Etymology dictionary
sleazy — [slē′zē] adj. sleazier, sleaziest [< slesia, var. of SILESIA] 1. flimsy or thin in texture or substance; lacking firmness [a sleazy rayon fabric] 2. shoddy, shabby, cheap, morally low, etc. sleazily adv. sleaziness n … English World dictionary
sleazy — index poor (inferior in quality), tawdry Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
sleazy — *limp, flimsy, floppy, flaccid, flabby Analogous words: *thin, tenuous, slight: *loose, slack … New Dictionary of Synonyms
sleazy — [adj] disreputable base, broken down, cheap, common, dilapidated, flimsy, limp, low, mean, paltry, poor, run down, seedy, shabby, shoddy, sordid, squalid, tacky*, trashy, unsubstantial; concepts 334,485,589 Ant. fine, good, nice, reputable,… … New thesaurus
sleazy — ► ADJECTIVE (sleazier, sleaziest) 1) sordid, corrupt, or immoral. 2) (of a place) squalid and seedy. DERIVATIVES sleazily adverb sleaziness noun. ORIGIN originally in the sense «thin or flimsy»: of unknown origin … English terms dictionary