- Hugo Oconór
Hugo Oconór ("'Hugh O'Connor") was a military governor of Northern
Mexico (including what is now theUS State ofTexas ), appointed by the Spanish viceroy ofNew Spain in 1767. He served until 1777 when failing health led him to be transferred to theYucatan Peninsula , where he served until his death in 1779.An order relating to the period read:
Quotation1|San Xavier del Bac.August 20, 1775
I, Hugo Oconor, knight of the order of Calatrava, colonel of infantry in His Majesty's armies and commandant inspector of the frontier posts of New Spain
Certify that having conducted the exploration prescribed in Article three of the New Royal Regulation of Presidios issued by His Majesty on the tenth of September of 1772 for the moving of the company of San Ignacio de Tubac in the Province of Sonora, I selected and marked out in the presence of Father Francisco Garces and Lieutenant Juan de Carmona a place known as San Agustin del Tucson as the new site of the Presidio. It is situated at a distance of eighteen leagues from Tubac, fulfills the requirements of water, pasture, and wood and effectively closes the Apache frontier. The designation of the New Presidio becomes official with the signatures of myself, Father Francisco Garces, and Lieutenant Juan de Carmona, at this mission of San Xavier del Bac, on this twentieth day of August of the year 1775.
Hugo Oconor
Fray Francisco Garces
Juan Fernandez Carmona [The original document is located in the Achivio General de la Noción in Mexico City] [The English translation is the version by Kieran McCarthy, Desert documentary: the Spanish years, 1767-1821 Tucson: Arizona Historical Society, 1976]Footnotes
ee also
List of Texas Governors and Presidents External links
[http://www.irlandeses.org/0703_01to04.pdf Irish Migration Studies in Latin America document containing information about Hugo Oconór]
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