- Rutger Hauer filmography
filmography ofRutger Hauer gives an overview of all his performances as an actor infilm s, television films, andtelevision series from1969 to date, and also in upcoming films. This list is primarily based on the [http://www.rutgerhauer.org/plots/plots.php filmography] on Rutger Hauer's official website.An
Internet Movie Database user claimshidden camera shots of Rutger Hauer were used for the film "Naked and Lustful " (1975) without the actor's consent. The user also claims that the actor says he never even met the film's directorJean-Marie Pallardy . [cite web
title = Donneuse, La (1975)
work =Internet Movie Database
url = http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0072899/
accessdate = 2007-06-12 ] The film is not in the filmography on Rutger Hauer's website and therefore not included in the list here. [cite web
title = Filmography
work = [http://www.rutgerhauer.org www.rutgerhauer.org]
url = http://www.rutgerhauer.org/plots/plots.php
accessdate = 2007-06-12 ]Rutger Hauer said in the
documentary film "Blond, Blue Eyes " (2006) that he has turned down most roles when he was not really interested in the part, from the beginning of his acting career. Only a few times he accepted a role for the money. Rutger Hauer said he was maybe brilliant in only two or three films. He confirmed he considers his role in "The Legend of the Holy Drinker " (1988) as one of them. [cite video
people = Rutger Hauer, Simone de Vries (interviewer)
title = [http://player.omroep.nl/?aflID=4660579 Blond, Blue Eyes]
medium = documentary film
publisher = Lagestee Film BV
location =Netherlands
date = 2006 ]1960s
In 2000 he played the evil huntsman for the queen in The Tenth KingdomExternal links
* [http://www.rutgerhauer.org/plots/plots.php Filmography] at Rutger Hauer's website
*imdb name|id=0000442|name=Rutger Hauer
* [http://www.allmovie.com/cg/avg.dll?p=avg&sql=2:31015~T2 Filmography Rutger Hauer] atAllmovie
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