Hydnum rufescens

Hydnum rufescens

name = Terracotta Hedgehog

image_width = 250px
regnum = Fungi
divisio = Basidiomycota
classis = Homobasidiomycetae
subclassis = Hymenomycetes
ordo = Cantharellales
familia = Hydnaceae
genus = "Hydnum"
species = "H. rufescens"
binomial = "Hydnum rufescens"
binomial_authority = Pers.

"Hydnum rufescens", commonly known as the Terracotta Hedgehog, is an edible basidiomycete of the Family Hydnaceae. It belongs to the small group of mushrooms often referred to as the tooth fungi, which produce fruiting bodies whose cap undersurfaces are covered by hymenophores resembling spines or teeth, and not pores or gills.

It is very similar to the commoner hedgehog fungus ("Hydnum repandum"), and is sometimes considered a variety of that species. However the following differences have been noted: [Roger Phillips: "Mushrooms and other fungi of Great Britain & Europe" (1981), Pan Books Ltd, London. ] Courtecuisse, R. & Duhem, B. (1994) "Guide des champignons de France et d'Europe" Delachaux et Niestlé ISBN 2-603-00953-2, also available in English. ]

*the cap of "H. rufescens" is russet rather than beige,
*the overall dimensions are smaller and more regular in shape, with a central stipe,
*the spines are not decurrent, and
*the spores are slightly larger.

Both species are found in European coniferous and deciduous forests growing on soil. It is reportedly ectomycorrhizal with "Picea abies", "Pinus sylvestris", "Fagus sylvatica" and "Quercus robur". [cite web | title="Hydnum rufescens" | publisher=The Ecology of Commanster | url=http://popgen.unimaas.nl/~jlindsey/commanster/Mushrooms/Basidio/SuBasidio/Hydnum.rufescens.html | accessdate=September 1 | accessyear=2008]


* [http://www.nifg.org.uk/species/atlas2.htm?item=NBNSYS0000020803 "Hydnum rufescens"] at Northern Ireland Fungus Group URL accessed 11 June 2007

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