August Schrader

August Schrader

August Schrader (1820 - ?) was an enterprising German-American immigrant who set up a shop dealing in rubber products in Manhattan, New York CIty, USA. His original shop was located at 115 John Street. In 1845, he began supplying fittings and valves for rubber products made by the Goodyear Brothers, including air pillows and life preservers. Schrader was a maker of daguerreotype apparati. Shortly thereafter, he went into partnership with Christian Baecher, a brass turner and finisher.

After watching divers at work at a nearby jetty, Schrader sought to improve the diving helmets in use at the time. In 1849, he created a new copper helmet. Later, his interest in diving led to him to design an air pump.

Around 1890, after reports of English cyclists' success using pneumatic tires, August Schrader saw the need for a bicycle tire valve. By 1891, he produced the Schrader valve, which was his most popular invention, and is still used today. August’s son, George, is generally credited with the experimental work that resulted in the valve's creation.

Later in 1896, Schrader patented the tire valve cap. Soon after, tire valves for automobiles were introduced.

External links

* [ Schrader-Bridgeport website]

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