BBK DAV College for Women, Amritsar

BBK DAV College for Women, Amritsar

"'At 41, BBK DAV College for Women, Amritsar stands tall as a provider of Quality Higher Education on the national horizon. With an invigorating ambience, a state-of-the art infrastructure and a committed and competent faculty, the college is ceaselessly striving to produce a work force of the highest international standards; impeccable in ethics and peerless in professionalism. Accredited A+ by NAAC, adjudged a College with Potential for Excellence and a Model College for Vocational Education by UGC and acclaimed as a sterling example of holistic education by NIEPA, BBK DAV College for Women, Amritsar is a top-ranking college of North India. In sync with the fast moving times, the college is committed to provide the best combination of the ancient Indian values and the modern science and technology.

Nurtured by an ideal combination of facilities and facilitators, the college scholars, sports persons and artists have been winning the highest honours in their fields of interest. So far results declared in the year 2007-08, the college scholars won nearly 136 Merit positions and 30 Distinctions, 9 First, 10 second & 13 Third Positions.

The college enjoys the rare honour of having given to the nation one Arjuna Awardee, one Olympian, one Gold Medalist in Asian Games and scores of players at the international level in addition to 400 sports women of extraordinary ability at the national level during the last five years. The colleges investment in sports is more than 55 lacs per year and it provides the latest equipment for all the 37 events of Guru Nanak Dev University (GNDU), Amritsar.

The college has made tremendous contribution to university sports, adding a major share in Guru Nanak Dev Universitys exceptional feat of winning Maulana Abul Kalam Azad All India Trophy for Sports year after year. Our players have been the proud members of the Indian contingent for the Asian Games and Common Wealth Games. A large number of players of this college have represented GNDU at intervarsity level and won Gold, Silver & Bronze medals.

The college artists are also in the forefront in almost all the fields of cultural activity. The college has been the proud winner of GNDU Zonal trophy for decades together, winning top honours at state and national level in a number of items. In the GNDU Youth Festival 2007, the college lifted Zonal Trophy by winning 35 positions out of a total of 37 events, got first Runners-up trophy in Inter Zonal Festival with the highest score among GNDU's women Colleges.

The college skit won TOP Position at Zonal Youth Festival, Final Youth Festival, North Universities' competition and represented GNDU for All India Universities competition held at Kolhapur.

The college NCC and NSS units have been decorated with highest honours. Our cadets have won the honour of commanding the parade in New Delhi, while our NSS volunteers were specially honoured by the Minister for Sports Late Sh. Sunil Dutt.

The College takes genuine pride in pursuing its community service programmes and extensive activities most vigorously.

To broaden the studentshorizons, the college provides them abundant exposure at international level. The college has organized a number of cultural/educational exchange and awareness programmes with various government and non-government organizations of England, France, Bangladesh, Japan, Pakistan etc.

The college has taken the initiative of forging ties with international institutes for educational & cultural exchange and sharing of know-how. It has linkages with key global educational organizations like WCCI (World Council of Curriculum & Instructions), WEF (World Education Foundation), Kent County Council, Technology College, Northfleet and Hextable School & World Punjabi Congress, Lahore, Pakistan. The college provides the infrastructure of the international standards to instil total professionalism in the students. The URVI Auditorium, the Open Air Theatre, the studios & the galleries are the best by all standards to give them adequate exposure and training. No wonder that for the art-lovers and theatre enthusiasts, for TV channels and NGOs, Punjab Government & GNDU, BSF and Haryana Tourism Department, Central & State Social Welfare Boards, the college campus and its human resource are the first choice. In July 2004, the college group of 16 students and teachers presented as many as 50 programmes including the play 'Is Jagah Ek Gaon Tha' at Woodville Theatre, Gravesend, UK and won applause from natives and Indian diaspora alike. The college dance troupe was part of the Indian Fair that was declared first among the 32 countries that participated in the Dubai International Dance Fair. The college artists presented a one hour programme at Wagha Border on the occasion of the release of a documentary titled 'Sarhad ke Rakshak'. The play "Umrao Jaan" had the honour of participating in a five day National Drama Festival organized by Urdu Academy, New Delhi. Baljit Kaur Nahal, a student of PGDCA, got the honour to represent Punjab at the famous festival ofTeejcelebrated in the Gravesend city of England.

Vision and Mission

BBK DAV College for Women, Amritsar was founded in the year 1967 under the aegis of DAV College Managing Committee, New Delhi, with the avowed aim of spreading the benefits of education to women, synchronizing tradition with modernity.

Epitomizing the philosophy of Swami Dayanand Ji - 'From Darkness Unto Light', the college has a strong commitment 'to enlighten and to excel' so that all the learners grow up to be fine human beings & are able to assume positive and fulfilling roles in nation-building and promote a culture of peace and non-violence.

With its roots deeply entrenched in ancient Vedic Culture and Indian tradition, the institution is receptive to the winds of change and responsive to the regional, national and global aspirations. The institution is making earnest efforts to reach out to different parts of the globe and attract foreign students.

The college earnestly endeavours to enrich and empower all its beneficiaries through value-based, quality education and through participative, positive and fertile teaching-learning environment based on the principles of caring and sharing and peaceful coexistence.

The college is constantly engaged in the promotion and revival of Indian tradition, culture, heritage and spiritual philosophy through co-curricular/ cultural activities, theatrical presentations, learned discourses and awareness-raising programmes.

We envision the creation of excellent human resource through integration of multi-dimensional Personality Development Programmes with the college curriculum in order to produce world-class professionals.


Spread over an area of 65,000sq. yards, the college campus is modern, attractive and well equipped for comfort, convenience and academic pursuits. This campus offers a large number of special opportunities for students. Apart from the class rooms, it has fully furnished Computer Labs, Music Rooms, Home Science & Fashion Designing Laboratories, Design Labs, Science Labs, Geography, Travel Tourism and Psychology Labs, Studios for Fine Arts, Commercial Art and Design. Separate department of design has come up with TEXTILE LAB, FASHION LAB, INTERIORS LAB, STUDIOS, SHOPPE, DARK ROOM, VIDEO PRODUCTION STUDIO, AUDIO PRODUCTION STUDIO, ELECTRONICS LAB, STILL PHOTOGRAPHY LAB & STUDIO, ART GALLERIES, MULTIMEDIA LAB, JEWELLERY STUDIO & MANUFACTURING LAB, VIRTUAL LIBRARY, SEMINAR ROOM & OPEN AIR THEATRE. A HI-TECH LANGUAGE LAB & AVIATION LAB & AESTHETICALLY DESIGNED COSMETOLOGY LAB ARE THE LATEST ADDITION TO THE EVER-GROWING CAMPUS.

The college is equipped with learning facilitators & gadgets ranging from Overhead Projectors, Slide Projectors, Xerox Machine, TV, VCR & Audio Players, Multi Media Projector and Multimedia CD ROMs. In order to meet the demands of Computer & IT related courses, the college has a TECHNO CENTRE with six state-of-the-art computer labs equipped with Wi-Fi technology, which have around 200 terminals connected through LAN with fast internet facility and latest virtual library,printers, scanners, configurations to meet the needs of the students. College has special feature of leased line of Internet. The internet is available for 24 hours in all the college labs and departments. The college offers CENTRAL COMPUTING FACILITY to the faculty and the students with twenty four hour internet facility, to collect teaching learning resource. For conferencing, seminars, symposia & board meetings, the college has an air conditioned SEMINAR ROOM.

The college offers HOSTEL accommodation to 400 students with all the ultra modern amenities, lush green lawns and a peaceful atmosphere conducive for studies.

A separate study center with computer and 24 hours internet facility.A separate reading room for scholars and meritorious students.A separate wing for sports women.A recreation room equipped with TV, VCR, CD Players and indoor games.A mess which caters to the special needs and taste of the foreign students in particularA reception-cum-lounge and a visitorsroom for the inmates of the hostel.Telephone facility is also provided to the students at a nominal cost.A separate wing for foreign students, fitted with all basic amenities and state-of-the-art facilities.

The college offers a well-equipped multi storeyed high-tech, fully computerized LIBRARY, which has over 60,000 books and subscribes to 200 journals, 16 newspapers and 60 popular magazines. Internet facility is also available in the Library. The college also has a CD Library.

The silver jubilee AUDITORIUM - URVI, with a seating capacity of 1200 has been completed at a cost of Rs.1.5 crore. The auditorium is the centre of academic, co-academic and cultural activities like conferences, orientation camps, face-to-face shows, annual functions, and as preparatory ground for many items related to performing arts. The SPORTS COMPLEX which is an impressive focal point of the playersactivities, has facilities such as a Badminton Hall, Yoga Hall, Table-Tennis Hall, Judo Hall, Gymnastics Hall, Weightlifting Hall, Counselling Room, Change Room for players, Wash Room & Toilets, offices for teachers and coaches, Sports Store-Rooms and Exhibition Hall, NCC Room, NSS Room and others.

In the beautifully designed Shri Mohan Lal Arora YAJYASHALA, Havan is performed in the college daily at 08:30 AM, not only to purify the atmosphere but also to make the students aware of the vedic culture, our rich tradition and heritage.

A multi-tiered Parking Block has also come up. The STADIUM with a seating capacity of 1,000 has also been constructed. A Common Room for students and a separate block form Music & Dance is also under construction.

The Academic System

The academic year consists of three terms, the first begins in July and ends in September and the second from October to December while the third runs from January to April, for the annual system; while for the semester system it runs from July to December and January to June. All undergraduate, postgraduate and diploma programmes require full time commitment from the students, and the system does not exempt them from any compulsory activities.

Methods of Instruction
Different pedagogical methods are used, appropriate to the different skills to be developed. Some courses may be presented through lectures and group discussions while others focus more on laboratory instruction or to small group seminars. Classroom instruction goes beyond the traditional approach and includes numerous fields of knowledge, which contribute to decision-making and adaptability. Students are encouraged to analyze, anticipate, innovate and thus prepare themselves for challenging professional careers ahead.

Boosting the Capacity to Learn
Use of computers and internet for the purpose of increasing the comprehension of intricacies of the various aspects of disciplines like Commerce, Economics, Mathematics, Geography, Gemology, Mass Media and even in languages.Seminars method, where students are also encouraged to make presentations with OHP / LCD.Quizzing and vocabulary building exercises.

Field trips, socio-economic surveys, visits to corporate/ industrial houses, centres of media and others, as per the course content of faculties like B.Com Professional, Bachelor of Design, Bachelor of Multimedia Applications, Mass Communication & Video Production, Still Photography & Audio Production, Tourism & Travel Management, Geography and the like.

Project work for Bachelor of Design, Bachelor in Multimedia, Still Photography & Audio Production, Mass Communication & Video Production, Tourism & Travel Management and B.Com Professional.Workshops by experts, with hands-on work experience for the students in almost all the practical subjects.

Communication Skills
Other than courses like Bachelor of Design, Bachelor in Multimedia, Mass Communication & Video Production, Still Photography & Audio Production, where communication skills are part of the curriculum design, the skill exercises are woven into the system. The Orator's Club and the 'Writewingers' hold contests to promote speech and writing skills respectively. 'Face to Face' programmes also help the students in thinking clearly, expressing themselves fluently and being positively assertive. Theatre Workshops by experts also boost these skills.

Work as a Part of Team and Independently
A distinctive feature of this college is providing managerial skills to the students through their active participation in various aspects of administration. The Head Girl, Asstt. Head Girls, Presidents and Secretaries of Clubs and Societies, Class & Section Representatives are all sensitized to values of responsibility, initiative and decision-making. FreshersContest, Valedictory Function and other functions of clubs and societies are organized by the students only.

International Linkages
The college has taken the initiative of forging ties with international institutes for educational & cultural exchange and sharing of the know-how. It has linkages with key global educational organizations like WCCI (World Council of Curriculum & Instructions), WEF (World Education Foundation), Kent County Council, Technology College, Northfleet; Hextable School and World Punjabi Congress, Pakistan.

Gender Sensitization
Under the aegis of WEF (Women Empowerment Forum) the college sensitizes the women about their status and identity, coping strategies for their dual role and to become more self-reliant. The forum through lectures by women of eminence, tries to lift women out of the submissive/ subordinator's image and prepares them to live with dignity, facing the challenges of the patriarchal system.

Inculcating Reading Habits
To inculcate the reading habits among the learners, in view of the dwindling reading interest in the modern age, Book Talk and Book Reading Sessions are organized by the Library Department of the college. 'Wall Magazine' is also maintained by various faculties, to keep the students abreast with the current affairs.

Orientation Programme
The college organizes an orientation programme, before the commencement of its academic session. This introduces the incoming students to various programmes, activities, facilities and the values of the institution.

Scholarships & Awards
A number of scholarships are available to students on the basis of their performance and or need. Awards for excellence in academics, sports, cultural activities, NCC, NSS are also given. With an eye to reward beauty with brains, the college would choose Miss Fresher( in the Welcome Function) and Miss BBK DAV (at the Valedictory Function) from among those students who have scored more than 60% marks in the lower class.

We are thankful to the parent body, DAV College Managing Committee, Chitra Gupta Road, New Delhi and LMC for valued guidance and inspiration. We acknowledge the role of UGC, GNDU & DPI (Colleges), which have encouraged us to start job oriented courses in this institution, which shall increase employability of the students in various fields. The GNDU administrative hierarchy is always promptly supportive and we are indebted to them.

Appreciation by NAAC & UGC

Appreciating BBK's special efforts towards the promotion and popularization of vocational education for women empowerment, the UGC (University Grants Commission, New Delhi) deems it as a Model College in vocational education and the NAAC (National Assessment & Accreditation Council, Bangalore) Peer team also applauded the college's achievements in this area -

"The college is committed to the empowerment of women through learning beyond education in futuristic vision. The main focus of the college is on vocational and professional degrees which ensures not only ready employment but also qualifies the students for self-employment. This is a redeeming feature of higher education for which the college holds role model…….. It has spurred the college to reach good measure of higher educational services, worthy of emulation by women colleges of India. The management and all functionaries are motivated by high ideals of launching India on the path of rapid development of higher education in India with idealism and commitment to excellence in innovative and essential area of skills and knowledge formation.""

Courses Available

BA (Bachelor of Arts) -- Subjects Available : Regular & Vocational - English, Hindi, Punjabi/ Punjab History & Culture, Sanskrit, Psychology, Sociology, History, Political Science, Home Science, Philosophy, Geography, Physical Education, Economics, Music Vocal, Music Instrumental, Art & Painting, Commercial Art, Computer Science, Computer Applications, Mathematics, Mass Communication Video Production, Still Photography Audio Production, Gemology & Jewellery Design, Fashion Designing & Garment Construction, Tourism & Travel Management and Dance.

B.Sc. Medical with Bioinformatics as a subject option.

B.Sc. Non-Medical with Bioinformatics as a subject option.

B.Sc. Biotechnology

B.Sc. Economics with Computer Science & Mathematics/ Quantitative Techniques

B.Sc. Computer Science with Physics, Mathematics & Computer Science

Three Years School of Honours in English



BBA (Bachelor in Business Administration)

BCA (Bachelor in Computer Applications)

B.Sc.IT (Bachelor in Science in Information Technology)

BD (Bachelor in Design) Four Year Degree Course with specialization in Textile, Interior & Fashion Designing. - 90 seats (30 seats in each specialization)

BM(Bachelor in Multimedia) Four Year Degree Course

MA Fine Arts (Two Year PG in Drawing & Painting)

MA English (Annual System)

MJMC (Master of Journalism & Mass Communication)

MA Media Studies & Production

M.Com. (Two Year PG in Commerce)

M.Sc. Computer Science

One Year PG Diploma in Dress Designing & Tailoring

One Year PG Diploma in Computer Applications (PGDCA)

PG Diploma in Air Travel Services

One Year Diploma in Air Hostess & Air Steward Training

Add-On Courses

Aviation Hospitality and Catering

Communication Skills

Clinical Diagnostic Techniques


Courses Under Distance Education Scheme

MA English

Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication

Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications

M.Sc. Computer Science

BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications)

BA (Bachelor in Arts)

In a nutshell, the college is striving to provide to the youth a kind of education that ennobles, embellishes and empowers them for a secure and resplendent future.

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