Francis Bischof

Francis Bischof

Francis (Frank) Erich Bischof (12 October 1904) was a police commissioner in the Australian state of Queensland from January 1958 until his resignation, on the 13 February 1969, amidst allegations of corruption. His early career was marked a high rate of success, yet 'the Big Man' was viewed as a politically sensitive and partisan appointment.


Frank Bishof was born near Toowoomba, Queensland on 12 October 1904. He was one of nine children growing up on a dairy farm. He worked in a cheese factory before joining the Queensland Police Force in 1925. He married Dorothy Gledhill on 22 February 1930 at St Mary's Anglican Church in Alderley, Brisbane.

Stationed with the Criminal Investigation Branch in the states capital, he was promoted to sergeant in 1939 and inspector in 1949. He studied in Britain (including Scotland Yard) and Europe, returning to Australia in 1950 and investigating the Bulimba elections fraud. Described as 'the Big Fella' (6 ft 2 ins and 16 stone) he gained thirty-two convictions in thirty-three murder investigations. In 1955, he was became head of the C.I.B.

In January 1958 he became commissioner of police, appointed by the premier, Frank Nicklin. The appointment was criticised as a power shift in the political structure of the states police force from the predominantly Irish-catholic one. [cite web | url = | title = Bischof, Francis Erich (Frank) (1904 - 1979) | accessdate = 2007-06-11 | author = W. Ross Johnston | last = | first = | authorlink = | coauthors = | year = 2006 | format = | work = Australian Dictionary of Biography, Online Edition | publisher = Australian National University | pages = | language = | archiveurl = | archivedate = | quote =When (Sir) Francis Nicklin's Country-Liberal government named Bischof, a Freemason, as , the appointment was criticized by the Opposition as political patronage. Labor argued that at least two other inspectors were more suitable. To some, Bischof's promotion marked the ascendancy of a Masonic cabal over the 'Green Mafia' (police of Irish-Catholic descent) who had dominated the force under Labor.]

Bishof attempted to boost police morale and improve the reputation of the police force.


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