

Boyer is a French, English, German and even Turkish last name. Boyer in English comes from bowyer, meaning "bow maker" or "bow seller." In French, it means "ox leader", the one leading the ox while plowing. In Turkish, it comes from boy-er, boy meaning "size" or "stature" and "er" meaning "man" or "soldier."


*Alexis de Boyer, French surgeon
*Angélique Boyer (born 1988), French-Mexican actress
*Bill Boyer Jr., entreprenurial former baggage handler who now owns Mokulele Airlines
*Carl Benjamin Boyer, historian of mathematics
*Charles Boyer, French-American actor
*Claudette Boyer (born 1938), Canadian politician
*Clete Boyer (1937-2007), American baseball player
*Erica Boyer (born 1956), American actress
*Ernest L. Boyer, American educator
*Ethaan Boyer (born 1977) This American artist is the creator of the online comic fishbulb and co-founder of Atomic Picnic.
*Herbert Boyer (born 1936), biochemist
*Jacques Boyer (born 1955) American cyclist
*Jacqueline Boyer (born 1941), French singer
*Jay Boyer (born 1947), American playwright
*Jean Boyer, French director and author
*Jean Pierre Boyer, Haitian politician
*Joseph Boyer (18481930), a Canadian-American inventor and computer industrialist,
*Katy Boyer, American actress
*Ken Boyer, (1931-1982) American baseball player
*Louis Boyer, Canadian merchant
*Louis Boyer, French astronomer
*Lucienne Boyer, French singer
*Michael Boyer (born 1960), American actor and showman
*Pascal Boyer, anthropologist
*Patrick Boyer (born 1945), Canadian politician
*Paul D. Boyer (born 1918), American biochemist
*Phil Boyer (born 1949) English footballer
*Richard O. Boyer, American journalist
*Robert Stephen Boyer, currently a professor of computer science, mathematics, and philosophy at The University of Texas at Austin.
*Robert Hamilton Boyer, a 33-year-old visiting professor shot and killed in Charles Whitman's shooting spree at The University of Texas at Austin in 1966.
*Robert Boyer (artist), a Canadian artist of aboriginal heritage.
*Jordan Boyer (artist), an American person.


Boyer is the name of several places:

* Boyer, Loire, in the Loire "département" of France
* Boyer, Saône-et-Loire, in the Saône-et-Loire "département" of France
* Boyer, Tasmania, in Australia
* Boyer, Nevada, in United States

Other uses

*Boyer-Moore string search algorithm
*Boyer Gallery

See also

* Boier
* Bauer

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