- Huernia
image_width = 204px
image_caption = "Huernia macrocarpa " var. "penzigii"
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
subclassis =Asteridae
ordo =Gentianales
familia =Apocynaceae
subfamilia =Asclepiadoideae
tribus =Ceropegieae
genus = "Huernia"
genus_authority =
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =Some 60, see textThe genus "Huernia" consists of some 60
species of stemsucculent s from Eastern and SouthernAfrica . Theflower s are five-lobed, usually somewhat more funnel- or bell-shaped than in the closely relatedgenus "Stapelia ", and often striped vividly in contrasting colours or tones, some glossy, others matt and wrinkled depending on the species concerned. Topollinate , theflower s attract flies by emitting a scent similar to that ofcarrion .elected Species
Huernia barbata "
*"Huernia boleana "
*"Huernia hallii "
*"Huernia keniensis "
*"Huernia macrocarpa "
*"Huernia piersii "
*"Huernia pillansii "
*"Huernia plowesii "
*"Huernia primulina "
*"Huernia quinta "
*"Huernia schneiderana "
*"Huernia striata "
*"Huernia zebrina "
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