Kari, Jhunjhunu

Kari, Jhunjhunu

Kari is a village in Jhunjhunu district of Rajasthan state in India. It is situated 17 km west of Nawalgarh and is connected to nearby cities such as Jhunjhunu and Gudha by roads. It is a 400 year old village. Maanth jats are said to be the first inhabitants of the village.

The postal pincode for the village is 333311. [ [http://www.indiavilas.com/indiainfo/pincodes.asp?CurPageNo=19&vSearch=&vType=&vState=29&vText= India Pin Codes, India Vilas] ]


The total village population is 5649 (2001 census). [ [http://jhunjhunu.nic.in/census2001.pdf Delimination Commission Part - I(C) -Abstract Data - Administrative Units] ] Most of the villagers are Hindus. 10 percent of the villagers are Harijans, 8% are Brahmins and 1% are Muslims.


60% of the villagers are dependent on agriculture. 25 villagers work in Gulf countries, mostly in Saudi Arabia and 45 villagers work as teachers. Each family either has a member working in armed forces or having worked in armed forces.

There are 50 shops in the village.

This village has been awarded many times as "The Best Village". Dileep Kumar S/o Shri Harlal Singh Dudi who lives in Delhi is from the village Kari.


There is a government secondary school in the village.


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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