Hermann Johannes Pfannenstiel

Hermann Johannes Pfannenstiel

Hermann Johannes Pfannenstiel (June 28, 1862 - July 3, 1909) was a German gynecologist who was a native of Berlin. He studied medicine in Berlin and received his doctorate in 1885. Afterwards he practiced gynecology in Posen, Breslau, and was named the chairman of the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Giessen (1902) and five years later he became the chairman of the Obstetrics and Gynecology department at Kiel. From 1891 he was secretary of the German Society for Gynaecology ("Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie").

Pfannenstiel was a prolific writer regarding genitourinary pathology and gynecological diseases, and beginning in 1896 he was co-editor of the Archives of Gynaecology ("Archiv für Gynäkologie"). In 1908 he was the first physician to give a comprehensive description of familial icterus gravis neonatorum.

Pfannenstiel is best remembered for the eponymous "Pfannenstiel's incision", which is a transverse incision used in genitourinary surgery that is still widely used today. He published his paper in 1900 when he described 51 cases. [Pfannenstiel HJ (On the advantages of the symphyseal transverse fascial incision for gynecological caliotomies as well as the contribution to the surgical indications) Samml Klin Vortr (1900) 268:1735-56] His intent was to decrease the risk of an incisional hernia; results also proved to be cosmetically better.Powell JL. Powell's Pearls: Pfannenstiel and Torpin. ACOG Clinical Review (2008) 13:4:12-13 ISSN 1085-6862]

On July 3, 1909 at the age of 47, Pfannestiel died from septicemia after having injured his finger during surgery for an tubo-ovarian abscess.


* [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=2192940&dopt=Abstract A biography Hermann Johannes Pfannenstiel (National Library of Medicine)]
* [http://ebsco.smartimagebase.com/generateexhibit.php?ID=5541&TC=&A=1189 Diagram of Pfannenstiel's incision]
* [http://www.theodeboer.com/books.php?Author=&Title=&Description=&All=&Pmin=&Pmax=&ordernr=0&srchfrm=1&catnr=41&pg=16 Biographies in Gynaecology]

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