Agustin Criollo

Agustin Criollo

Agustin Criollo (born March 14 1969) is a Puerto Rican multi-instrumentalist rock musician.

Criollo was born in San Juan to Venezuelan immigrants Agustin Criollo Sarcos, a graphic news reporter, and Hilda Oquero Espina, a primary school teacher. He studied journalism at Sagrado Corazon University until 1992. He started his musical career at the age of 15 and developed it in the island's underground rock scene.

His earliest musical incursion was with the punk rock band Crystal Shit in 1988. Crystal Shit later evolved into the band Drama and took part in the first National Rock Competition in San Juan, organized by local promoter Melba Miranda.

In August 1990, Criollo formed La Increible Iglesia Atomica with former Crystal Shit drummer Otto Lopez and Drama guitarist Raul Ortiz, later to be replaced respectively by Heriberto Perez and Eduardo Fret. In 1992, La Iglesia Atomica formed part of the "Primer Ciclo de Rock Isleño" at La Casa de Teo in Río Piedras performing with already legendary acts such as Whisker Biscuit (Puya) and Otro Martes 13. Other musicians from the local scene that contributed as later members of La Iglesia Atomica were Pablo Jimenez, Ricardo Alvarado and Fernando Rosado (drums) and Martin Serra (guitars).

In 1998 Criollo disbanded the Iglesia Atomica and went into an underground experimental rock solo career. From 1998 to 2004 he recorded four solo releases, all on the independent record label Icono Music:

* "Iconoclasta" (1999, along with fellow anti musician Francisco Torres)
* "Oxomorfosis" (2001)
* "El Retorno del Sol de Nada" (2002)
* "Maquina EP" (2004)

He formed Astrid Pröll in 2004 with old friend and drummer Fernando Rosado and Matotumba's percussionist Andres Lugo.

Criollo has been part of the underground rock scene in Puerto Rico for 20 years. He has been a successful entrepreneur in his personal life as well as creating and participating in the organization of multimedia happenings such as Radar 21 and Giratorio de Ekspresion. He still collaborates with fellow underground scene artists such as Jorge Castro (Cornucopia), Ariel Hernandez (Noisex Records), Eduardo Alegria (Superaquello), Yarimir Caban (Mima), Angelica Negron (Balun), José Ibañez (Mono Polio Records), Mitchell Morales (Cherry Clan), Omar Nuñez (Cultura Profética), Gaby Vidal and others.


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