Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween, glorious readers! I'm going to a party this evening... I'm very excited.
name = Haml
developer =
latest_release_version= 2.0.2
latest_release_date = release_date|2008|07|29
operating_system =
genre =
license =
website = http://haml.hamptoncatlin.com/
Haml (
Haml's equivalent for
; Markup should be beautiful: Markup should not be used merely as a tool to get browsers to render a page the way its author wants it rendered. The rendering isn't the only thing people have to see; they have to see, modify, and understand the markup as well. Thus, the markup should be just as user-friendly and pleasant as the rendered result.; Markup should be
* Haml is "whitespace active", and relies on consistent spacing for each indent level. Tabs or spaces must be maintained consistently throughout the document.
* There are no
Note: This is a simple preview example and may not reflect the current version of the language.
!!!%html{ :xmlns => "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", :lang => "en", 'xml:lang' => "en" } %head %title BoBlog %meta{ 'http-equiv' => 'Content-Type', :content => 'text/html; charset=utf-8' }/ = stylesheet_link_tag 'main' %body #header %h1 BoBlog %h2 Bob's Blog #content - @entries.each do |entry
.entry %h3.title= entry.title %p.date= entry.posted.strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y") %p.body= entry.body #footer %p All content copyright © Bob
The above Haml would produce this XHTML:
<span class="w">BoBlog</span> BoBlog
Bob's Blog
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween, glorious readers! I'm going to a party this evening... I'm very excited.
New Rails Templating Engine
Friday, August 11, 2006
There's a very cool new Templating Engine out for Ruby on Rails. It's called Haml.
The official implementation of Haml has been built for Ruby with plugins for
There are also implementations in other languages:
* [http://phphaml.sourceforge.net phpHaml (PHP5)]
* [http://phammable.org Phammable (PHP5)]
* [http://andrewpeters.net/2007/12/19/introducing-nhaml-an-aspnet-mvc-view-engine/ NHaml (.NET)]
* [http://weblogs.asp.net/mirvodasergey/archive/2008/06/02/introducing-monorail-nhaml.aspx MonoRail NHaml (ASP.NET)]
* [http://drupal.org/project/haml
Haml was invented in May 2006 by
ee also
* Ruby
External links
* [http://haml.hamptoncatlin.com Official Haml Website]
* [http://github.com/nex3/haml/tree/master HAML source code repository (Git)]
* [http://phphaml.sourceforge.net phpHaml (Haml implementation for PHP 5)]
* [http://unspace.ca/discover/haml Introductory Article on Haml] on Unspace.ca
* [http://groups-beta.google.com/group/haml?hl=en Haml Google Group]
* [http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2007/1/19/haml-1-0 Haml 1.0 announcement on official Ruby on Rails weblog]
* [http://nex-3.com/posts/76-haml-2-0 Haml 2.0 announcement on Nathan Weizenbaum's blog]
* [http://podcast.rubyonrails.org/programs/1/episodes/hampton_catlin Interview with Haml creator on official Rails podcast]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Haml — Тип Язык разметки Разработчик Hampton Catlin, Nathan Weizenbaum Написана на Ruby (официальная версия) Последняя версия 3.1.2 … Википедия
HAML — Développeurs Hampton Catlin, Nathan Weizenbaum Dernière version … Wikipédia en Français
Haml — Développeurs Hampton Catlin, Nathan Weizenbaum Dernière version (3.1.3 … Wikipédia en Français
Haml — Vorlage:Infobox Dateiformat/Wartung/MIME fehltVorlage:Infobox Dateiformat/Wartung/MagischeZahl fehltVorlage:Infobox Dateiformat/Wartung/Standard fehlt Haml Dateiendung … Deutsch Wikipedia
HAML — ICAO Airportcode f. Masslo (Ethiopia) … Acronyms
HAML — ICAO Airportcode f. Masslo ( Ethiopia) … Acronyms von A bis Z
Haml. — abbr. Hamlet … Dictionary of abbreviations
haml — (A.) [ ﻞﻤﺣ ] 1. taşıma. 2. gebelik. 3. yükleme … Osmanli Türkçesİ sözlüğü
HAML — Yük. * Sırtına yük alıp getirmek. * Kadının karnındaki çocuk. * İsnad. Yüklenme … Yeni Lügat Türkçe Sözlük
vaz' -ı haml — [ ﻞﻤﺣ ﻊﺽو ] doğum … Osmanli Türkçesİ sözlüğü