- Eric Ward
Eric Ward (born August 12, 1964) is the founder of NetPOST and URLwire, a Knoxville, TN based online communications service and consultancy.
Ward is frequent speaker at Internet industry conferences, and is known as the person
Jeff Bezos selected to execute the debut publicity and linking campaign for Amazon.com.Most recently, Ward was featured in the book Online Marketing Heroes: Interviews with 25 Successful Online Marketing Gurus, [Online Marketing Heroes: Interviews with 25 Successful Online Marketing Gurus [http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0470242043,descCd-tableOfContents.html] ] . In 1995 Ward won the Tenagra Internet Marketing Excellence Award [ClickZ LinkMensch Column [http://www.clickz.com/showPage.html?page=3622597] ] , and was named one of Web's 100 most influential people by Websight magazine in 1996. He has been profiled in print publications including The Industry Standard [1995 Tenagra Internet Marketing Excellence Award Announcement [http://scout.wisc.edu/Projects/PastProjects/NH/95-12/95-12-13/0038.html] ] , Inc. [INDUSTRY STANDARD - Getting the Right Spin: PR on the Net [http://www.thestandard.com/article/0,1902,3474,00.html] ] , Business2.0, Entrepreneur [Inc. Magazine - At Your Service [http://www.inc.com/magazine/20001115/21032.html] ] , Netguide, Internet WORLD, Advertising Age and many others. He has been written about in business books and academic texts, newsletters and journals, and he contributed a how-to chapter for the book Advertising on the Internet.
Ward, sometimes called "LinkMoses" by those in the onlime marketing industry, has written columns for SearchEngineLand [Entrepreneur - Making the List [http://www.ericward.com/press/entrepenuer/index.html] ] , Clickz [SearchEngineLand LinkWeek Column [http://searchengineland.com/lands/link-week.php] ] , WebMarketingToday, Search Marketing Standard, MarketingProfs, and Ad Age BtoB.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.