Therese Schwartze

Therese Schwartze


Thérèse was the daughter of Johan Georg Schwartze (1814-1874), from whom she received her first training, before studying for a year under Gabriel Max and Franz von Lenbach in Munich. In 1879 she went to Paris to continue her studies under Jean-Jacques Henner. Her portraits are remarkable for excellent character drawing, breadth and vigour of handling and rich quality of pigment.

She was one of the few women painters who had been honoured by an invitation to contribute their portraits to the hall of the painters at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. Some of her best pictures, notably a portrait of Piet J Joubert, and "Three Inmates of the Orphanage at Amsterdam," are at the Rijksmuseum, and one entitled "The Orphan" at the Boyman Museum in Rotterdam.



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