Aleksandr Khanzhonkov

Aleksandr Khanzhonkov

Aleksandr Aleksejevich Khanzhonkov ( _ru. Александр Алексеевич Ханжонков; 1877 - 1945) was Russia's first cinema entrepreneur. He produced "Defence of Sevastopol", Russia's first feature film, and Ladislas Starevich's ground-breaking puppet animations.

Born in a small village on the banks of the Don river in rural Russia in 1877, Khanzhonkov in 1911 founded Russia's first cinema factory, a limited company, whose main financial backer was Ivan Ozerov, an influential banker and member of the Russian State Council.


* Ханжонков, А.А. 1937. "Ранние годы русской анимации." Москва/Ленинград: Искусство.
* Кузнецова, М. 1997. "Александр Ханжонков. Жизнь за кадром." Москва: "Профил" No. 29.
* Янгиров, Рашит. 2001. "К биографии А.А. Ханжонкова: Новый ракурс." Москва: "Киноведческие записки" No. 55.

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* [ Biography (in Russian)]

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