

French commune
mayor= Thomas Birgaentzlé
intercomm=C.C. de la région de Guebwiller
alt moy=270 m
alt mini=239 m
alt maxi=1,421 m

Soultz-Haut-Rhin is a French town, located in the département of Haut-Rhin and the region Alsace. Its inhabitants are called "Soultziens" and "Soultziennes".


The town of Soultz-Haut-Rhin has an enclave located north-east of Goldbach-Altenbach.

The town of Soultz was built around a salted water source from which originates its name.


The origins of Soultz go back to the 7th century.

667 : the written name of Sulza (salted source) ismentioned in a donation from Adalrich, Duke of Alsace, father of Saint Odile, of the bann of Soultz to the convent of Ebersmunster.


* 1962 : 4,750
* 1968 : 4,910
* 1975 : 5,689
* 1982 : 5,696
* 1990 : 5,867
* 1999 : 6,640

Places and monuments

In the town of Soultz still remain houses from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries.

* The Church Saint-Mauritius, l'église Saint-Maurice (1270-1489)

* The Bucheneck Castle (historical museum)
* La Nef des Jouets (The Toys Vessel, museum of toys)

Characters related to the town

* Georges-Charles de Heeckeren d'Anthès, who married Catherine Gontcharoff, eldest sister of Alexander Pushkin 's wife. A duel between the two men led to Pushkin's death.
* Auguste-César West (1810-1880), prefect of Haut-Rhin from 1848 to 1850 then prefect of Bas-Rhin until 1855 and of Haute-Garonne until 1859.
* Bernard Genghini, footballist, born in 1958 in Soultz
* Pierre Villon (1901-1980), whose real name was Pierre Ginsburger, was a French political figure who took part to the Resistance.
* Katia Krafft, volcanologue, born in 1942 in Soultz. Spouse of the volcanologue Maurice Krafft. Both of them were carried off in 1991 by a pyroclastical flow on the sides of the Mount Unzen (Japan).

See also

* Communes of the Haut-Rhin department

External links

* [ Site officiel de la mairie de Soultz]
* [ Soultz-Haut-Rhin sur le site de l'Institut géographique national]
* [ Soultz-Haut-Rhin sur le site de l'Insee]
* [ Soultz-Haut-Rhin sur le site du Quid]
* [ Localisation de Soultz-Haut-Rhin sur une carte de France et communes limitrophes]
* [ Plan de Soultz-Haut-Rhin sur Mapquest]

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