Xue Juan

Xue Juan

Xue Juan (zh-s|薛娟, born February 10, 1986) is a Chinese javelin thrower.

She won the silver medal at the 2002 Asian Championships, the gold medal at the 2003 World Youth Championships and finished sixth at the 2006 Asian Games. She also competed at the 2004 Olympic Games and the 2005 World Championships without reaching the finals.

Her personal best throw is 62.93 metres, first achieved in October 2003 in Changsha. This is the current junior world record. [ [http://www.iaaf.org/statistics/toplists/inout=O/ageGroup=J/season=0/gender=W/discipline=JT/legal=A/index.html IAAF Top Lists - Javelin Throw Junior, Women] ] The Chinese record is currently held by Li Lei with 63.69 metres. [ [http://www.athletix.org/Statistics/natrjtwomen.html National javelin throw records, women] - The Athletics Site]


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