Blue flag

Blue flag

Blue flag or Blue Flag may refer to:

*Blue Flag beach, a beach or marina that meets certain quality standards
*Larger Blue Flag or "Iris versicolor", a type of Iris
*Slender Blue Flag or "Iris prismatica", a type of Iris
*Blue flag, a particular racing flag
*Blue flag, a particular flag in railway use and swimming
*Blue Flag, the name of a United States Air Force Command and Control exercise

ee also

*Bonnie Blue Flag

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  • blue flag — flag n 1) either of two common blue flowered irises (Iris versicolor and I. virginica) of the eastern and central U.S. with rhizomes formerly used medicinally as a cathartic and emetic 2) the dried rhizome of a blue flag called also blue flag… …   Medical dictionary

  • blue flag — blue′ flag n. pln any of several North American irises having blue flowers • Etymology: 1775–85, amer …   From formal English to slang

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  • blue flag — noun 1》 a European award for beaches based on cleanliness and safety. 2》 Motor Racing a blue flag used to indicate to a driver that there is another driver trying to lap him …   English new terms dictionary

  • blue flag — mėlynžiedis vilkdalgis statusas T sritis vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Iris × germanica angl. blue flag; German iris vok. blaue Schwertlilie; deutsche Schwertlilie rus. касатик германский lenk. irys niemiecki; kosaciec niemiecki …   Dekoratyvinių augalų vardynas

  • Blue Flag beach — A Blue Flag beach is a maritime or freshwater recreational beach that has met stringent quality standards during the whole of the previous bathing season. Blue Flag status is also applied to marinas.Blue Flag status is awarded to beaches in more… …   Wikipedia

  • blue flag — noun a common iris of the eastern United States having blue or blue violet flowers; root formerly used medicinally • Syn: ↑Iris versicolor • Hypernyms: ↑iris, ↑flag, ↑fleur de lis, ↑sword lily …   Useful english dictionary

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