

Tomb TT192, located in the necropolis of El-Assasif in Thebes in Egypt, is the tomb of Kharuef, also called Senaa, who was Steward to the Great Royal Wife Tiye, during the reign of Amenhotep III. [cite book|title=OIP 102: The Tomb of Kheruef: Theban Tomb 192|author=The Epigraphic Survey|publisher=The Oriental Institute Of The University of Chicago|year=1980] It is located in El-Assasif, part of the Theban Necropolis. [cite web|url=|title=Kheruef Tomb Luxor p2]

TT192 complex

The tomb of Kharuef is large enough to have several later tombs associated with it, or placed within its substructure. The tombs, TT189, TT190, TT191, TT192, TT194, TT195, TT196 and TT409 are all much smaller and largely undecorated.


The decoration in the tomb has depictions of Tiye, Amenhotep III (shown as a weak and elderly figure in some decoration) [Grimal (1992) p.225] and Akhenaten (named as Amenhotep, so the decoration dates to the earliest phase of his reign). [cite web|url=|title=A Re-examination of the Long Coregency from the Tomb of Kheruef|author=Peter Dorman|accessdate=2007-06-20|format=pdf]

Notes and references



*Grimal, Nicolas. A History of Ancient Egypt, Blackwell Books: 1992.

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