List of piano brand names

List of piano brand names

This article is a list of piano brand names from all over the world. This list also includes names of old instruments which are no longer in production.

Many of these piano brand names are "stencil pianos", which means that the company which owns the brand name is simply applying the name to a piano manufactured for them by another company, and that the same or very similar pianos are sold under differing "stencil" brands. This often applies to old brand names, revitalized to give an air of heritage to a new piano line, or to pianos manufactured specifically for individual dealers or shops. Also, some brand names have models that are manufactured in entirely different manufacturing plants or countries than another model of the same brand.


* Aarhus Pianofabrik
* Ackerman & Lowe
* Ackerman, F.J.
* Acoustgrand
* Acrosonic
* Adam, F.
* Adam, G.
* Adam, M.
* Adams
* Aeolian
* Aerts
* Ajello
* Albert
* Albert & Co.
* Albion

* Albrecht
* Alden
* Aldrich
* Alexander
* Alex Steinbach
* Allgäuer
* Allison
* Allmendiger
* Altenburg, Frederick
* Altenburg, Otto
* American Pianos
* American Music
* Ammer
* Amphion
* Ampico
* Amyl

* Anderson
* Anderson Bros.
* Anderson Co.
* Anderson Sons
* Andreas
* André
* Andreys
* Angerhöfer
* Apollo
* Arcade
* Archer
* Arion Pianofabrik
* Arirang
* Armstrong
* Army & Navy

* Arnelli
* Arnold
* Artfield
* Ashenback
* Askolin
* Astin- Weight
* Astor
* Atlas
* Auburn
* Aucher
* Auto Piano Co.


* Babcock, Alpheus
* Babcock, Lewis & Alpheus
* Babcock, Appleton & Babcock
* Bach
* Bachman
* Bacon, Francis
* Bailey
* Baldorr & Sons
* Baldur
* Baldwin
* Baldwin, D. H.
* Baltica
* Barker
* Barnes
* Barrat & Robinson
* Barthol
* Bartlett
* Bauer
* Bauer, J.
* Baumbach
* Baumeister
* Baumgardt
* Baus
* Bay
* Beale
* Bechner
* Bechstein, C.
* Becker
* Becker Bros.

* Behning & Klix
* Behning & Sons
* Behr Bros.
* Belarus
* Belehredek
* Bell
* Bellak & Sons
* Bellman
* Bellmont
* Benkert
* Bennington
* Bentley
* Berden
* Berdux V.
* Berger
* Bergmann
* Berry
* Betting
* Beulhoff
* Biber
* Beyer-Rahnefeld
* Biddle
* Bieger
* Biese, W.
* Billberg
* Birke, Willy
* Birnbaum
* Bishop
* Bjur Bros.

* Blasius
* Blenheim
* Blondel, A.
* Blondel, G.
* Blüthner
* Boardman, Gray & Co.
* Bocage
* Bock & Hinrichsen
* Bogart
* Bogs & Voigy
* Bohemia
* Boisselot
* Böhme & Sohn
* Bord, A.
* Bösendorfer
* Boston
* Boston Piano Co.
* Boyd
* Brackett & Robinson
* Brackett, J. W.
* Bradbury
* Bradbury, Wm. B.
* Bradford
* Brambach
* Brandtner, H. Rudolf
* Branston
* Brasted
* Breitkopf & Härtel
* Bremitz

* Brentwood
* Bretschneider, Alexander
* Breyer
* Briem
* Briggs
* Brinkerhoff
* Brinkmann
* Brinsmead, John
* Bristol
* Broadwood and Sons
* Broadwood White
* Brooks
* Brother
* Brown & Allen
* Browning
* Brückner
* Brunner
* Bulow
* Burg van den
* Burgasser
* Burgdorfer
* Burger & Jacobi AG
* Burling Mansfield
* Bush & Lane
* Bush & Gerts
* Butler Bros.
* Byelloruss


* Cable
* Cable, Hobart M.
* Cable Nelson
* Cäcilia
* Calisia
* Cameo
* Cameron
* Cappelen
* Carlton
* Cauwenberghe
* Chaika
* Challen

* Challenger
* Chappell & Co.
* Charles Stieff
* Chase, A.B.
* Chassaigne
* Chavanne
* Cherny
* Chickering, Jacob
* Chickering, Jonas
* Chickering & Mackays
* Chickering and Sons
* Chickering Bros.

* Christensen
* Christman
* Chu-Seng
* Clark Melville
* Classic
* Clement
* Clementi
* Cline
* Cockuijt
* Collard & Collard
* Colonial
* Conn
* Conover

* Continental
* Conway
* Cornish
* Cramer
* Crane
* Crown
* Cuijpers, J.F.
* Cunningham Piano Co.
* Currier & Gilbert
* Currier & Co.
* Currier Piano Co.
* Czapka


* Daesung
* Daewoo
* Dale Forty
* Dalibor
* Dalmaine
* Danemann
* Danemann, W
* Daniël
* De Blaise

* Decker Brothers
* Dengler
* Diapason
* Dietmann
* Disklavier
* Dobbert
* Does, van der
* Döhnert
* Doina

* Donath, Max
* Dörner
* Dörr, Cheese
* Doss, Robert
* Drachman
* Dreinhöfer, Wilhelm
* Dreyer & Co.
* Driggs, Parmelee & Co.
* Driggs Patent Piano Co.

* Driggs & Tooker
* Duck-Son & Pinker
* Dulcette
* Dunham, John B.
* Dunham, John B. & Co.
* Dunham & Sons
* Duysen


* Eavestaff
* Ebel & Sohn
* Ebel, Carl
* Ecke, Carl
* Egtved
* Ehrbar
* Eisenberg

* Ekström
* Elcké
* Elias
* Ellington
* Elysian
* Emmer, Wilhelm
* Erard & Cie, S.& P.

* Erard- London
* Erbe, J.
* Erste Produktiv-Genossenschaft
* Essex
* Estey Piano Corp.
* Estonia
* Eterna

* Europa
* Euterpe
* Everett


* Fahr
* Falcone
* Fandrich Piano
* Fandrich & Sons
* Farfisa
* Farrand
* Fazer Musik

* Fazioli
* Feigl, Alois
* Feurich
* Fibich
* Fibiger
* Fiedler, Gustav
* Finger

* Fischer
* Focké
* Forenede
* Forrest
* Förster & Co.
* Förster, August
* Francke

* French
* French Starck
* Fuchs
* Fuchs & Möhr
* Fuder, G.


* Gaveau
* Geissler, F.
* Gerard
* Gerbstädt
* Gerstenberger
* Gevaert
* Geyer
* Giles Pianos Ltd.
* Gillot-Straube

* Glos & Pflug,Wien
* Glass & Co.
* Godfrey
* Goetze & Co.
* Goetze-Gross
* Gordon & Bailey
* Görs & Kallmann
* Görs & Spangenberg
* Gotzmann

* Graf, Hermann
* Grand
* Grande
* Gratiae
* Grau, F.
* Grimm
* Grinnell
* Grotrian
* Grotrian-Steinweg

* Grover
* Grunert
* Gulbransen
* Gunther, J.
* Gunther & Sohne
* Gustafson & Ljungqvist


* Haake, Karl
* Haegele
* Haessler
* Hagspiel
* Hahn, Alb.
* Hain, Stephan
* Hailun
* Hallet, Davis & Co.
* Hallett & Cumston
* Hallett, Russell
* Hals
* Hamburger
* Hamilton
* Hampton
* Hanlet
* Hansen, A.
* Hansen, Julius
* Hansmann, Gebr.
* Hardman
* Harrison, V. F.

* Hartge, Henry
* Hartmann, W.
* Harvard
* Harwood
* Hasche
* Hasselaar
* Hasseldieck, Dietrich
* Hastings
* Hauch, J.B.
* Hausmann
* Hautrive
* Hayt, Babcock & Appleton
* Hayts, Babcock & Appleton
* Hazelton & Brother
* Hazelton Brothers
* Healy
* Hedke, Wilh.
* Hegeler
* Heinisch
* Heintzman & Co.

* Hellas
* Hellström
* Helmholz
* Heppel & Theilig
* Hermann
* Herrburger
* Herrnamm, Alexander
* Herz, Henri
* Herz neveu (Philippe)
* Heyl, Gustav
* Hillgärtner, Heinrich
* Hindsberg
* Hinze
* Hlucháň
* Hoek
* Hoepfner
* Hoerr, Franz
* Hoffmann, August
* Hoffmann, Georg
* Hoffmann, W.

* Hoffmann & Kühne
* Hofmann
* Hofmann & Czerny
* Hofmann, Karl
* Hofmann & Scholz
* Hohner
* Hölling & Spangenberg
* Holzl & Heitzmann
* Hoff & Co.
* Hopkinson
* Hornung & Moeller
* Hörügel
* Howard
* Howard Piano Co.
* Hundt & Sohn
* Hupfeld
* Hupfer Pianos
* Humphrey, London
* Hyfte, van C.
* Hyundai


* Ibach Sohn
* IFM Piana

* Imperial
* Inbal

* Irmler, Ernst
* Irmler, J.G.

* Ivers & Pond Piano


* Jacob Bros.
* Jahn
* James & Holmstrom
* Janowsky, M.
* Janssen

* Jarret & Goudge
* Jasper
* Jaschinsky, A.
* Jefferson

* Jehle
* Jelmini
* Jong de

* Jørgensen, Brødr.
* Jurkat, C.


* Kadette
* Kadenza
* Kaim
* Kaim & Gunther
* Kaiser
* Kann, Georg
* Kappler
* Kaps
* Kasselman
* Katzmarek & Co.
* Kawai
* Kawai, Shigeru
* Keislair
* Kemble
* Kessels
* Keylard

* Kilbourne
* Kimball
* Kingsburg
* Kirkman
* Kirschner
* Kisting
* Klein
* Klima
* Klingmann
* Kloppe, H.
* Knabe & Gaehle
* Knabe, Gaehle & Co.
* Knabe, Wm. & Co.
* Knabe Bros.
* Knake

* Knauer
* Knauss
* Knight
* Knudsen, J.
* Knudsen & Sons
* Koch & Korselt
* Koch & Co.
* Kohler & Campbell
* Kort de
* Kraft, Aug.
* Krakauer
* Kranich & Bach
* Krause, Max
* Krauss
* Krell & French

* Krell
* Kreutzbach, Julius
* Kreutzer
* Kriebel
* Kriegelstein
* Kriegelstein & Arnaud
* Kriegelstein & Plantade
* Krumm
* Kuhla
* Kuhse
* Kunst
* Kunz
* Kupers
* Kurtzmann & Sons


* La Petite
* Labrousse
* Lager
* Lagonda
* Lambert
* Lancaster
* Lauberger & Gloss
* Laurence & Nash
* Laurence & Sons, Alex
* Legnica
* Leguerinais
* Lehman

* Lehmann, Adolf
* Lehmann de Lehnsfeld
* Leichel
* Leijser
* Lerpée, Carl
* Lesage
* Leswein
* Liehr
* Lieshout & Zonen, M. van
* Lichtenthal, Hermann
* Lighte, F. C.
* Lighte & Bradburys

* Lighte & Ernst
* Lighte & Newton
* Lighte, Newton & Bradburys
* Lincoln
* Lindbergh
* Lindeman, Wm.
* Lindeman & Sons
* Linden
* Lindholm
* Lindner
* Lindner & Sohn, I.P.
* Lipczinsky, Max

* Lipp
* Littmann
* Livingstone
* Lohmann Piano Co.
* Lorenz
* Love, Malcolm
* Lowrey
* Lummer, Wilh.
* Luner
* Lyon & Healy
* Lyra


* Maeari-Hyundai
* Maetzke
* Mag
* Mage
* Magrini
* Mahler
* Maier,K.
* Malmsjö
* Mand
* Mann, Theodor
* Manner & Co.
* Manner & Gabler
* Mannhorg
* Mansfield

* Manthey
* Marion
* Martins & Ouvrier
* Markx
* Marschall & Mittauer
* Marshall & Rose
* Marshall & Wendell
* Mason & Hamlin
* Mathuschek, F.
* Mathushek Piano Mfg. Co.
* Mathushek & Kinkeldey
* Mathushek & Kühner
* Mathushek & Son
* Matthaes

* Matz & Co.
* Mätzke, Ed.
* May
* McPhail, A. M.
* Mecklenburg
* Meister
* Meldorf
* Melford
* Menzel
* Mercedes
* Merkur
* Mes, A.
* Metropolitan
* Meyer, Conrad

* Michelle
* Mignon
* Mikula, Gebr.
* Minse
* Monington & Weston
* Moore & Moore
* Morley, Robert
* Morrison & Harrison
* Mörs
* Müller
* Müller-Schiedmayer
* Mussard
* Muzelle


* Nagel
* Nakamichi
* Natori
* Nelson
* Nemetschke

* Neuburger, Adolf
* Neugebauer
* Neumann
* Neumeyer, Gebr.
* Neupert

* New Winsor
* Niederländer
* Nieër
* Niemeyer
* Niendorf

* Nijmatten
* Nordiska
* Nord Piano
* Nützmann, Adolf


* Obermann & Sohn
* Oeckelen
* Opus

* Östlind & Almquist
* Otto, Bach
* Otto, Carol

* Oury
* Ouvrier & Sons
* Overs


* Painter & Ewing
* Palatino
* Paling minor
* Pallik & Schicker
* Pallik & Stiasny
* Pape, Jean-Henri
* Pape fils (Frédéric-Eugène)
* Pappenberger
* Papps
* Parttart, Alois
* Paukert
* Pawlek, Josef

* Pearl River
* Pepper
* Period Piano Company
* Perzina, Gebr.
* Peterborgh
* Petrof
* Petrov
* Petzold
* Peukert
* Pfaffe, Julius
* Pfeiffer
* Pfeiffer, J.

* Philipps
* Phillip
* Phillips
* Piano Disc
* Picassi
* Pleyel
* Plymouth
* Poestkoke
* Pohlmann, Leonhard
* Pokorny
* Poletti & Tuinman
* Poole
* Pramberger

* Prein, Friedrich
* President
* Price & Teeple
* Probst, Georg
* Produktiv-G.,E.
* Proksch, A.
* Proskowec
* Protze
* Psalmist
* Purcell


* Quandt

* Quispel


* Rachals
* Raehse-Repia
* Rameau
* Ramsberger
* Rathke, R.
* Ravenstein
* Regent
* Reichelt & Birnbaum
* Reid Sohn
* Reinhold
* Reisbach
* Rekewitz, Wilh.

* Renn
* Repia
* Richard Lipp & Sohn
* Ridgewood
* Rieger-Kloss
* Riese
* Rijken
* Rijken & de Lange
* Rippen
* Ritmüller
* Ritter
* Rogers

* Rogers, George
* Rohlfing
* Rohr, Alfred
* Roller & Blanchet
* Roloff
* Römhildt
* Ronaldi
* Rönisch
* Rordorf
* Rösch-Le Sage
* Rosenbach
* Rosenberg

* Rosenkranz
* Rösler
* Rösler, G.
* Roth & Junius
* Roth Pianos
* Royale
* Royale-Classic
* Rubenstein
* Ruch
* Russell and Russell
* Russell, George
* Ruyter

* Sabel
* Sagenhaft
* Sakura
* Sames,William
* Samick
* Sandbergen
* Sängler & Sohne
* Sassmann
* Saturn
* Sauter
* Schaaf & Co.
* Schaaf, Hermann
* Schadhauser, Johann
* Schafer & Sons
* Scharf & Hauk
* Scheel, Carl
* Schellenkens, G.
* Schell, Lothar
* Schemelli & Co.
* Schiedmayer, J.& P.
* Schiedmayer & Soehne
* Schiller
* Schilling, Fr.
* Schimmel
* Schindhelm
* Schindler
* Schirmer & Son
* Schlögl
* Schmidt
* Schmidt-Flohr
* Schmidt Pianos

* Schmitz
* Schnell, R.A.
* Scholze
* Schröder, C.H.
* Schroeder
* Schröther
* Schubert
* Schuerman
* Schultz & Sons
* Schulze & Sohn
* Schulze & Pollmann
* Schumann
* Schuppe & Neumann
* Schütz & Co.
* Schütze
* Schuetze & Ludolff
* Schwechten, G.
* Schweighofer
* Schwester
* Seeger
* Seidel, Rob.
* Seidl & Sohn
* Seiler, Ed.
* Seiler, Max
* Sejung Piano Co.
* Settergren
* Settergren Piano Co.
* Sherman, Clay
* Shima-Jehle
* Shimler
* Shigeru

* Shorewood
* Siewert
* Silbermann
* Singer
* Skop
* Snel
* Sohmer & Co.
* Sojin
* Solton
* Sonor
* Sonore
* Soph, Joseph
* Sopnnagel
* Soward
* Spaethe Wilh.
* Spencer
* Spencer & Murdoch
* Squire
* Squire and Longson
* Standaart
* Stapel
* Starck
* Starckette & Kenmore
* Staub & Co.
* Staub, J.
* Steck
* Steger & Sons
* Steigerman
* Stein
* Steinbach
* Steinbach, Alex

* Steinberg, Gerh.
* Steinberg, Wilh
* Steiner, B.
* Steiner, Bernhard
* Steingraeber & Söhne
* Steinmann, Wilh.
* Steinmayer
* Steinthal, L.
* Steinway & Sons
* Steinway Haus
* Stelzhammer
* Stenger
* Sterling
* Stichel, F.
* Stingl, Gebr.
* Stingl, Ignaz
* Stöcker, Theodor
* Stockholm
* Story & Clark
* Strauss
* Streicher
* Strindberg
* Strohmenger & Sons
* Strothier
* Stroud
* Stuart and Sons
* Stultz
* Suzuki
* Svahnquist
* Svenska


* Tallone
* Taubert
* Temple
* Tetsch & May
* Thalèn
* Thayer
* Theilig, Rich.

* Thein
* Therson
* Thomas & Avarsea
* Thuringer
* Thürmer, Ferd.

* Tolkien
* Tom Lee
* Tormin, C.
* Toyo
* Trautwein

* Trübger, Emil
* Tsang Fook
* Tschaika
* Tuch & Geyer


* Uebel & Lechleiter
* Ühlmann

* Ukraina
* Urbas, Johann

* Urbas & Kuhne
* Urbas & Reishauer

* Urk & Sons


* Van Hyfte
* Van der Does
* Van Lieshout
* Van Veen J.
* Van Veen W.
* Van Vloten

* Verkooij
* Vermy
* Vertigrand
* Victor W.H Paling & Co
* Vijgeboom Joh.
* Vijgeboom Johs.

* Vose & Sons
* Vogel & Co.
* Vogel, Robert
* Vogel & Sohn
* Vogeler & Co.
* Voigt, Adolf Ernst

* Volkening
* Vollmer
* Vough


* Waddington
* Wagner
* Waldhäusl, Robert
* Waldstein
* Wallace Ash
* Wallace Pianoforte Co.
* Walsmann M.
* Walter, Charles R.
* Waltham Piano Co.
* Warfield
* Wasniczek
* Waters, Horace
* Watlen, John
* Weber
* Wegman

* Wegman Pianos
* Weidenslaufer
* Weidig, C.
* Weihenmeyer & Co.
* Weinbach
* Weiss
* Weissbrod
* Welmar
* Welzel P.F.
* Wendl & Lung
* Werch, Lothar
* Werner, F.W.
* Werner, Hans
* Wertheim
* Westbrook

* Westerlund
* Westermeyer
* Wetzel
* Whelpdale
* Whitmore
* Whitney
* Whittaker
* Wieck
* Wieler
* Wilkinson, George
* Wilkinson & Wornum
* William Wallace Kimball
* Willermann
* Willis
* Wilson

* Windhofer, Rudolf
* Winkelmann & Co.
* Winkler, Paul
* Winter & Co.
* Wittmayer
* Witton and Witton
* Wohlfahrt
* Wolfframm
* Woodchester
* Wornum, Robert
* Wornum, Robt. & Sons
* Wurlitzer
* Wyman


* Xinghai Beijing Piano Co.


* Yamaha

* Young Chang


* Zahl, Georg
* Zeitter & Winkelmann

* Zender, Sydney
* Zimmermann

* Zwang

* Zwicki

ee also

* List of piano makers
* Innovations in the piano
* Pedal piano
* Piano tuning
* Piano acoustics
* Piano key frequencies (in equal temperament)
* Player piano
* Piano roll
* Prepared piano
* Social history of the piano
* String piano
* Tangent piano


* Larry Fine; The Piano Book: Buying & Owning a New or Used Piano(Annual Supplement to the Piano Book);Brookside Press; 2005; ISBN-10: 1929145179

External links

* [ Piano age and history service]
* [ The blue book of pianos]
* []

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