B-17 Flying Fortress survivors

B-17 Flying Fortress survivors

Boeing B-17 Survivors highlights the history of many well known flying and static displayed B-17s in the United States. A list is also provided of other Flying Fortress' on display around the world; including location, model and serial numbers, brief history, nicknames/markings, and conditions.


When the B-17 production lines closed down in late 1945 a total of 12,731 aircraft were produced by Boeing, Douglas & Lockheed. While a vast majority of these aircraft were lost in both combat operations as well as training accidents, the remaining combat veterans and early production models were stored and later scrapped in the vast scrap drives of the late 1940s.

A vast percentage of the remaining aircraft that survive today came from the last batches of aircraft produced by both Douglas and Lockheed, which had better corrosion control practices. These aircraft had found use in the 1950s and early 1960s as DB-17 Drone Director and QB-17 target aircraft with the USAF, as U.S. Navy / U.S. Coast Guard early warning, rescue or weather aircraft (known by the naval aircraft designations PB-1W or PB-1G), or overseas as photo mapping aircraft with French National Geographic Institute. After retirement from active service, these aircraft took up a second career during the early to late 1960s to the late 1980s as aerial sprayer or water tanker aircraft. During the late 1970s when the warbird movement began, these survivors were eagerly anticipated and as each came on the civilian market many were restored to original combat configuration.

With the availability of intact, existing airframes beginning to diminish, the warbird movement, starting in the late 1990s and continuing to the present, has been seeking out previously considered unrecoverable airframes for restoration.

Altogether 58 B-17s have survived and, as of January 2007, 12 airframes are currently in flying condition. There is at least another dozen airframes from various wrecks which could result in future restorations (including 2 known wartime B-17D wrecks).

Individual histories

Altogether 44 B-17 have survived and, as of January 2007, 14 airframes currently in flying condition. Examples include: [cite web
url = http://www.b17flyingfortress.de/english/index.php?id=htm/general/history/history6.htm | title = B-17:The History | accessmonthday = 11 January |accessyear=2007| author = | date = | work = www.b17flyingfortress.de | quote =

* "Aluminum Overcast" (B-17G-105VE "44-85740"), civil reg. no. "N5017N", — The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA)'s B-17G that tours the U.S. offering flight experiences. [cite web | url = http://b17.org/history/aluminum_overcast.asp | title = The B-17 Aluminum Overcast | accessdaymonth =16 January | accessyear =2007| author = | date = | work = b17.org | quote = ]

* "Liberty Belle" ("44-85734") — The Liberty Foundation's B-17G from Tulsa, Oklahoma. [cite web| url = http://www.libertyfoundation.org/history-libertybelle.html | title = Liberty Belle's history | accessmonthday = 24 April | accessyear=2008| author = | date = 2007 | work = Libertyfoundation.org| quote = ]

* "Memphis Belle", (B-17F-10BO "41-24485"), which flew 25 missions over Europe before touring the United States to advertise war bonds, is arguably the most famous B-17 to survive. [cite web | url = http://www.memphisbelle.com/ | title = Memphisbelle.com|accessmonthday = 16 January |accessyear=2007| author =|date =|work = www.memphisbelle.com|quote = ] Forgotten in the post-war rush to disarm, the "Belle" was rescued off a salvage yard at Altus, Oklahoma in 1946 by an alert Memphis citizen who convinced the city fathers to reclaim the bomber before it was scrapped. The "Belle" was displayed at several locations in Memphis from 1948 to 2003, and was then transported to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in October 2005 for restoration and eventual display at the National Museum of the United States Air Force. The restoration is expected to take eight to ten years. [cite web | url = http://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/questions/topic.asp?id=510 | title = FAQ Memphis Belle | accessmonthday =16 January |accessyear=2007| work = www.nationalmuseum.af.mil | quote = ]

* "Picadilly Lilly II" ("44-83684") — The last active B-17 in the United States Air Force, retired in 1959 after nine years as a DB-17P drone director. Acquired by Edward T. Maloney for his infant air museum, first at Claremont, California, then at Ontario Airport, California through 1969. Primary aircraft for "Twelve O' Clock High" television series, 1964–1966 as "Picadilly Lily" (one "l"). Now at the museum Planes of Fame, Chino, California.cite book |last= |first= |title= B-17s: Where to find them |url= http://www.aerovintage.com/b17loc.htm |accessdate= 15 January |accessyear=2007|date= |publisher= Aero Vintage Books |isbn= |quote= ]

* "The Pink Lady" ("44-8846") — Flew six missions in April 1945 for the 511th Bomber Squadron of the 351st Bomber Group. Purchased by the French National Geographic Institute for survey work. Restored in 1984, it flew in the US film "Memphis Belle" as "Mother and Country". [cite web| url = http://www.thepinklady.fr/post/2006/09/08/A-Concise-History-of-the-Pink-Lady
title = A Concise History of the Pink Lady | accessmonthday = 16 January |accessyear=2007| author = Ryan | year = 2006 | month = September | work = www.thepinklady.fr | quote =

* "Return to Glory", formally "Starduster II" ("44-6393") — The B-17G was delivered to the 97th Bomb Group of the 15th Air Force August 1944, was modified to a VB-17 and assigned to General Ira C. Eaker until he retired. Sold to Bolivia, it flew cargo until reacquired by the USAF Museum. It has been restored to its wartime appearance at the March Field Air Museum, March Air Reserve Base, Riverside, California. [cite web
url = http://www.marchfield.org/b17g.htm
title = Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress
accessdaymonth =12 January | accessyear =2007| author = | date = | work = www.marchfield.org | quote =

* "Sally B" ("44-85784") — Housed at the Imperial War Museum Duxford, England. [cite web
url = http://sallyb.dcgservices.com/history_frameset.php
title = Sally B:The History
accessdaymonth =16 January | accessyear =2007| author = | date = | work = sallyb.dcgservices.com/ | quote =

* "Sentimental Journey" ("44-83514") — Operated by the [http://www.arizonawingcaf.com/ "Arizona Wing" CAF] and located at its Flying Museum facilities at Falcon Field, Mesa, Arizona and owned by the Commemorative Air Force. "Sentimental Journey" tours the U.S. annually and offers flight experiences.

* "Texas Raiders (B-17G-95-DL 44-83872)" , converted to PB-1W BuNo. 77235, turned N7227C - Only combat patrols were with Navy Airborne Early Warning Squadron One (VW-1) NAS Atsugi during Korean Conflict. Retired from service in 1957, she was used as a high altitude aerial surveying platform until being purchased by the Confederate Air Force (Now Commemorative Air Force), being maintained and flown by the Gulf Coast Wing out of William P. Hobby Airport (HOU) in Houston, Texas.

* "Thunderbird" ("44-85718") — Housed at the Lone Star Flight Museum, Galveston, Texas.

* "Wicked Wanda"/"Gremlin's Hideout"/now unnamed ("44-83863") — B-17G-95-DL/PB-1W BuNo "77231"/firebomber, Tanker "18/71/D1", "N5233V", now on display at Air Force Armament Museum, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. [cite web
url = http://www.destin-ation.com/airforcearmamentmuseum
title = Air Force Armaments Museum
accessdaymonth =6 February
accessyear =2007
author = |date = |work = www.destin-ation.com| quote =

* "Yankee Lady" ("44-85829") - Housed at the Yankee Air Museum, Belleville, Michigan by the Yankee Air Force

* DB-17P ("44-83624") (a converted B-17G that did not see combat), at the Air Mobility Command Museum at Dover Air Force Base (without its top turret, which it gave up for the restoration of Shoo Shoo Baby on display in the National Museum of the United States Air Force, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio). Shoo-Shoo Baby replaced "44-83624" as the Air Force Museum's long-time Fortress exhibit. Ball-turret from B-24D Strawberry Bitch - expected it to be removed in 2008 and reinstalled.

B-17 survivors

Each line describes one remaining complete or partial airframe. Each line is broken down into several sections:

* Aircraft Number describes the type of aircraft and model B-17G-35BO its s/n "42-32076"
and registration (F-BGSH).
* History tells the history (oldest to newest): ex 8th / 401st BS / 91th BG
then Danish AF 672 then ex-Institut Geographique National.
* Markings deals with current markings, codes first then name: Shoo Shoo Baby
* Holder is current owner or museum: USAFM
* Location deals with either location where it might be seen or owner's address: Dayton, Ohio
* Condition: ::(D) = Display::(A) = Airworthy::(S) = Stored::(R) = Under restoration::(W) = Wreck

B-17C BO Boeing-Seattle

* B-17C BO c/n 2048 "40-2047", accepted: 9 September 1940, ex-7th BG / 9th BS - AAF Salt Lake City (pilot: 1st Lieutenant Leo M. H. Walker), crashed: 2 November 1941 - Tells Peak, NV (W) [ [http://www.aerovintage.com/02047.htm 40-2047 (Aerovintage)] ] [ [http://www.check-six.com/Crash_Sites/Sierras_B-17C_crash_site.htm 40-2047 (History)] ] : note: vertical fin - Western Aerospace Museum, Oakland, CA (?)

B-17D BO Boeing-Seattle

* B-17D BO c/n 2125 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-403097.html "40-3097"] , accepted: 25 April 1941, ex-11th BG / 17th BS (Pilot: Lieutenant Henry Godman) "21 11B Ole Betsy" - Clark Field, ex-19th BG / 14th BS - Del Monte Field / Mindanao, ex-personal transport of Gen. George Brett (Pilot: Captain Weldon Smith) "The Swoose", SOC: 6 April 1946, “ The Swoose “, United States Air Force Museum, OH (R) [ [http://www.pacificwrecks.com/aircraft/b-17/40-3097.html 40-3097 Ole Betsy (Pacific Wrecks database)] ] [ [http://www.463rd.org/swoose.htm 40-3097 Ole Betsy (463rd Home page)] ] [ [http://forum.armyairforces.com/m_121974/tm.htm 40-3097 (14th BS History)] ] [ [http://collections.nasm.si.edu/code/emuseum.asp?profile=objects&newstyle=single&quicksearch=A19500075000 40-3097 (NASM)] ] :note: tail from B-17D 40-3091

B-17E BO Boeing-Seattle

* B-17E-BO c/n 2231 "41-2420", accepted: 17 November 1941, ex-13th AF / 11th BD / 42nd BS (Pilot: 1st Lt Charles E. Norton) - ditched: 24 September 1942 - Ndomo, Guadalcanal, " Bessie the Jap Basher ", Ndomo, Honiara - Solomon Islands (W) [ [http://www.pacificwrecks.com/aircraft/b-17/41-2420.html 41-2420 (Pacif Wrecks database)] ]

* B-17E-BO c/n 2257 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-412446.html "41-2446"] , accepted: 6 December 1941, ex-5th AF / 7th BG / 22th BS (Pilot: Captain Fred Eaton) - Garbutt Airfield Australia - 1 combat mission, crashed: 22 February 1942 - Karaisa PNG, " Swamp Ghost ", David Tallichet, Lae, Papua New Guinea (S) [ [http://www.pacificwrecks.com/aircraft/b-17/41-2446.html 41-2446 (Pacific Wrecks Database)] ] [ [http://www.theswampghost.com/ 41-2446 (homepage)] ] [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/NewGuinea/index.htm 41-2446 (Brian Cox B-17 Pages)] ] :note: impounded and stored

* B-17E-BO c/n 2406 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-412595.html "41-2595"] , accepted: 14 February 1942, ex-97th BG - MacDill Field, ex-383rd BG "Desert Rat" - Ainworth Field, converted to: XC-108A / 17 August 1943, ex-ATC - Chabua, India, SOC: December 1945, " Desert Rat ", [http://www.b-17flyingfortress.info/infoPictures.htm Mike Kellner] , Galt, IL (R) [ [http://www.aerovintage.com/rat-1.htm 41-2595 (aerovintage page)] ] [ [http://usaaf.com/b17/index.htm 41-2595 Desert Rat (USAAF History Page)] ] [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/DesertRat/index.htm 41-2595 (Brian Cox B-17 Pages)] ]

* B-17E-BO c/n 2504 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-419032.html "41-9032"] , ex-8th AF / 97nd BG / 342nd BS (Pilot: Lt. Ralf Stinson) - crashed: 27 June 1942 Goose Bay Greenland (N65.21' W45.53'), “ My Gal Sal “, [http://www.ultimatesacrifice.com/Sal_restoration.htm Ultimate Sacrifice Memorial] , Cincinnati, Ohio (R)

* B-17E-BO c/n 2562 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-419090.html "41-9090"] (N3142U), ex-8th AF / 97nd BG / 342nd BS (Pilot: Major HC Chambers) - crashed: 27 June 1942 Narssaq, Greenland (N60.58' W45.40'), " Sooner ", [http://www.ultimatesacrifice.com/Greenland_exp/aircraft.htm Ultimate Sacrifice Memorial] , Narsawak, Greenland (W)

* B-17E-BO c/n 2573 "41-9101", ex-8th AF / 97th BG "Big Stoop" - crashed: 15 July 1942 Greenland (N65.20' - W40.20'), Greenland (W): note: buried under 200' of ice

* B-17E-BO c/n 2577 "41-9105", ex-8th AF / 97th BG "Do-Do" - crashed: 15 July 1942 Greenland (N65.20' - W40.20'), Greenland (W) :note: buried under 200' of ice

* B-17E-BO c/n 2682 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-419210.html "41-9210"] (N12355), accepted: 16 May 1942, loaned: Honeywell (avionics research), SOC: 8 November 1945, [http://www.flyingheritage.com/ Flying Heritage Museum] , Bellevue, WA (R) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=CP-753 41-9210] ] [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/41-9210/index.htm 41-9210 (Brian Cox B-17 Pages)] ]

* B-17E-BO c/n 2706 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-419234.html "41-9234"] , ex-Fortress IIA FL461, ex-5th AF / 43rd BG / 65th BS - 7-Mile Aerodrome, Port Moresby - 13 combat missions, crashed: 8 January 1943, " Grey Ghost ", [http://www.pacificwrecks.com/aircraft/b-17/41-9234.html Wau] , Papua New Guinea (W) [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/NewGuinea/index.htm 41-9234 (Brian Cox B-17 Pages)] ] (E146 48' 21" S7 2'14")

B-17F BO Boeing-Seattle

* B-17F-10BO c/n 3170 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4124485.html "41-24485"] , accepted: 15 July 1942, ex-8th AF / 1st AD / 91st BG / 322nd BS (Pilot: Col. Robert K. Morgan) "DF * A Memphis Belle" - Bassingbourne - 25 combat missions, converted: TB-17F, ex-1st AF - McDill Field, SOC: August 1945 - Altus, Ok, " DF-A / Memphis Belle ", [http://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=6740 USAF Museum] (USAFM), Dayton, OH (R) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=41-24485 41-24485 Memphis Belle (airliners photo collection)] ] [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/MemphisBelle/index.htm 41-24485 Memphis Belle (Brian Cox B-17 page)] ]

* B-17F-10BO c/n 3172 "41-24487", ex-8th AF / 1stAD / 306th BG / 368th BS (Pilot: Marlen Reber) "Triangle-H BO*Q Eager Beaver" ZOI: 28 July 1944, converted: TB-17F, SOC: 20 June 1945 Altus Field, OK, sold: Williamsport Technical Institute, " Eager Beaver ", 8th Air Force Heritage Museum, Savannah, GA (D) [ [http://www.aerovintage.com/124487.htm 41-24487 Eager Beaver (Aerovintage web site)] ] [ [http://cu.lockhaven.com/pages/gallery.php?gallery=301524 41-24487 Eager Beaver] ] : note: nose art panel only

* B-17F-20BO c/n 3206 "41-24521", accepted: 23 July 1942, ex-5th AF / 43rd BG / 63rd BS, (Pilot: Capt. Ken McCullar) - ditched: 11 July 1943 " Black Jack / The Jokers Wild ", [http://www.divetheworld.com/Diving/warbirds/BlackJack/index.htm Boga Boga] , Papua New Guinea (W) [ [http://www.pacificwrecks.com/aircraft/b-17/41-24521.html 41-24521 Black Jack (Pacific Wrecks Database)] ]

* B-17F-27BO c/n 3305 "41-24620", ex-8th AF/ 303rd BG / 360th BS, (Pilot: Capt Arthur I. Adams) " PU*O Snap! Crackle! Pop! " - 4 combat missions, crashed: 3 January 1943 - St. Nazaire, France, " Snap! Crackle! Pop! ", Saint Nazaire, France (D) [ [http://www.303rdbg.com/na-snapcracklepop.html 41-24620 Snap! Crackle! Pop!] ] :note: nose art panel only

* B-17F-70BO c/n 4896 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4229782.html "42-29782"] (N17W), converted to: TB-17F, ex-air tanker #E84, #C84, #C44, #44, #04, ex-1000 Plane Raid, ex-Tora Tora Tora (B-17 crash scenes), ex-Memphis Belle "DP*Y Kathleen", " Boeing Bee ", [http://www.museumofflight.org/Collection/Aircraft.asp?RecordKey=3EEF0629-4F0C-4A4B-AEF9-5326A424E390 Museum of Flight] , Renton, WA (S) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=N17W 42-29782 Boeing Bee (airliners photo collection)] ]

* B-17F-115BO c/n 5795 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4230681.html "42-30681"] , ex-11th AF (Pilot: James Aubrey), - crashed 27 April 1943 - Ruby, Alaska, Tillamook Air Museum , Tillamook, OR (S) [ [http://www.pacificwrecks.com/aircraft/b-17/42-30681.html 42-30681 (pacific wrecks database)] ] [ [http://www.aerovintage.com/230681.htm 42-30681 (aerovintage B-17 infomation)] ] : note: wings with Artic Warbirds, Fairbanks-Bradley Field AK: note: Aft fuselage - Cincinnati, OH

B-17F DL Douglas-Long Beach

* B-17F-15DL c/n 7944 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-423008.html "42-3008"] , ex-8th AF / 92nd BG / 407th BS " PY * T Ready Teddy " - ditched: 30 January 1944 - Sweden, Poeskallavik, Sweden (W):note: planned recovery

* B-17F-50DL c/n 8310 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-423374.html "42-3374"] , accepted: 26 May 1943, ex-TB-17F, ex-346th BG / 503rd BS - Dyersburg AAF "DY-?" (Pilot: John W Perdue) - crashed: 12 August 1943 - Dyersburg AAF, ex-2nd AF / 395th CCTS - Ardmore AAF, (Pilot: John J Ferreter) - crashed: 03 January 1944 - Neosho AF, Missouri, Class 26 - 08 September 1944, ex-MGM studios, ex-Planes of Fame Museum, “ Square-H L Homesick Angel “, Offutt AFB, Nebraska (D) [ [http://www.aviationarchaeology.com/src/dbasn.asp?SN=42-3374&Submit4=Go 42-3374 (aviation archaeology - accident reports)] ] [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=42-30230 42-3374 (airliners photo collection)] ] [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/HomesickAngel/index.htm 42-3374 (Brian Cox B-17 Page)] ]

B-17G BO Boeing-Seattle

* B-17G-1BO "42-31044", ex-15th AF / 97th BG "Her Did", [http://www.divetheworld.com/Diving/warbirds/B17-4231044/INDEX.HTM Calvi] , Corsica (W) [ [http://www.aero-relic.org/English/B-17_42-31044_Chaplick/e-00-b17chaplick.htm 42-31044 Her Did] ]

* B-17G-35BO c/n 7190 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4232076.html "42-32076"] , Accepted: 17 January 1944 ex-8th AF / 91th BG / 401st BS "LL-E Shoo Shoo Baby" - 24 combat missions (Pilot: Bob Geunther), Interned: 29 May 1944 - Bulltofta, Sweden, ex-SAAB (SE-BAP), ex-DDL-Danish Airlines (OY-DFA) "Stig Viking", ex-Royal Danish AAC 67-672 "Store Bjoern", ex-Institut Geographique National (F-BGSH), " Triangle-A LL-E Shoo Shoo Shoo Baby ", [http://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=512 USAF Museum] (AFM), Dayton, OH (D) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=42-32076 42-32076 Shoo Shoo Shoo Baby] ] [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/ShooShooBaby/index.htm 42-32076 Shoo Shoo Shoo Baby (Brian Cox)] ]
* B-17G-90BO c/n 9613 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4338635.html "43-38635"] (N3702G), accepted: 29 August 1944, ex-HQ Unit Minneapolis AAF, ex-All Weather Flying Center - Clinton County AAF (6 November 1947), Redesignated: TB-17G, converted: ETB-17G, ex-Griffiss AFB (2 February 1949), ex-Hanscom AFB (24 June 1952), SOC: 31 July 1959, ex-Tanker 61, "Square-A A N / Virgin s Delight ", [http://www.elite.net/castle-air/boeingb17.html Castle Air Museum] (CAM), Atwater, CA (D) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?cnsearch=9613 43-38635 Virgins Delight] ] [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/VirginsDelight/index.htm 43-38635 (Brian Cox B-17 Page)] ] (N 37 21' 54.16" W 120 34' 41.75")

* B-17G-100BO c/n 10005 "43-39027", ex-Wright Patterson AFB - Special Weapons Branch (Pilot: Harold W. Traub), ex-Westover AFB, " Muntz ", [http://www.savethegirls.org/collection.html The American Airpower Heritage Museum] , Midlands, TX (D) [ [http://www.savethegirls.org/panel/panel-noseart.php?panel=mutz 43-39027 Muntz (American Airpower Nose Art Collection)] ] [ [http://www.commemorativeairforce.org/news/news_details.php?newsid=25 43-39027 Muntz (CAF Newsletter)] ] : note: nose art panel only

B-17G VE Lockheed-Vega

* B-17G-35VE c/n 7219 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4297854.html "42-97854"] (N9094V), ex-8th AF / 390th BG - ditched: 9 April 1944 - Graah Fjord, Greenland, Aeronautical Archaeological Research, Auburn, CA (W)

* B-17G-55VE c/n 7656 "44-8256", modified to PFF, ex-8th AF / 1st AD / 41st BW / 303rd BG / 359th BS - Molesworth, " Triangle-C(3) BN * Y Yankee Girl ", [http://www.savethegirls.org/collection.html The American Airpower Heritage Museum] , Midlands, TX (D) [ [http://www.savethegirls.org/panel/panel-noseart.php?panel=yankeegirl 44-8256 Yankee Girl (American Airpower Nose Art Collection)] ] : note: nose art panel only

* B-17G-70VE c/n 7943 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-448543.html"44-8543"] (N3701G), modified to PFF, ex-TB-17G, ex ETB-17G, ex-JTB-17G,“ Chuckie “, Vintage Flying Machines, Ft. Worth, Texas (A)

* B-17G-70VE c/n 7984 "44-8584", modified to PFF, ex-15th AF / 5th CBW / 483rd BG / 816th BS " Y-Star Rum & Coke ", [http://www.savethegirls.org/collection.html The American Airpower Heritage Museum] , Midlands, TX (D) [ [http://www.savethegirls.org/panel/panel-noseart.php?panel=rumandcoke 44-8584 Rum and Coke (American Airpower Nose Art Collection)] ] : note: nose art panel only

* B-17G-85VE "44-8810", ex-8th AF / 3rd AD / 13th CBW / 100th BG / 349th BS (Pilot: 1st Lt William Smith) - Podington, " Square-D XR-L Target for Tonight ", [http://www.savethegirls.org/collection.html The American Airpower Heritage Museum] , Midlands, TX (D) [ [http://www.savethegirls.org/panel/panel-noseart.php?panel=targetfortonight 44-8810 Target for Tonight (American Airpower Nose Art Collection)] ] [ [http://www.100thbg.com/mainpages/crews/crews2/aubuchon.htm 44-8810 (crew list)] ] : note: nose art panel only

* B-17G-85VE c/n 8246 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-448846.html "44-8846"] (F-AZDX), accepted: 13 January 1945, ex-8th AF / 1st AD / 94th CBW / 351st BG / 511th BS - Polebrook (26 March 1945 - 20 April 1945), "Triangle-J DS*M" - six combat missions, SOC: 10 November 1954 Olmsted AFB, ex-Institut Geographique National, movie: "La Grande Vadrouille", movie: "La Bande à César", SOC: 1985, movie: "Memphis Belle" (Mother & Country & Pink Lady), "Triangle-J DS*M The Pink Lady ", [http://pink.lady.free.fr/home.html AJBS Museum] Saint-Yan, France (A) [ [http://www.ajbs.fr/musee5-uk.php 44-8846] ]

* B-17G-85VE c/n 8254 "44-8854", ex-8th AF / 3rd AD / 4th CBW / 94th BG / 333th BS - Bassingborn, " Square-A TS*? Just Once More ", [http://www.savethegirls.org/collection.html The American Airpower Heritage Museum] , Midlands, TX (D) [ [http://www.savethegirls.org/panel/index.php?panel=7 44-8854 Just Once More(American Airpower Nose Art Collection)] ] : note: nose art panel only

* B-17G-85VE c/n 8289 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-448889.html "44-8889"] (F-BGSO), accepted: 31 February 1945, assigned: 8th AF (stored), ex-7499th BS - Viesbaden Germany, converted: RB-17G 14 October 1949, converted: QB-17G April 1954 - Olmsted AFB, SOC: June 1954, ex-Institut Geographique National, SOC: 23 September 1976, Musee de l Air, Le Bourget, France (D) [ [http://7499thgroupreunions.com/ELINT.aspx 44-8889 (7499 History - including photo)] ] [ [http://www.b-17-flying-fortress.fr/F-BGSO.html 44-8889 (French history)] ] [ [http://www.aerovintage.com/48889.htm 44-8889 (aerovintage page)] ]

* B-17G-95VE c/n 8492 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4485583.html "44-85583"] , converted: B-17H, redesignated: SB-17G, sold: Brazil June 1953, ex-Brazilian AF FAB 5402, ex-6th Grupo de Aviacao / 1st Esquadraos - Recife, SOC: 1968, " B17-5402 ", Base Aerea de Recife, Brazil (D) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=5402 44-85583 (airliners photo collection)] ] [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/Recife/index.htm 44-85583 (Brian Cox page)] ]

* B-17G-100VE c/n 8508 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4485599.html "44-85599"] , converted: EDB-17G, converted: DB-17G, converted: DB-17P, " 338133 AW*O Reluctant Dragon ", Dyess AFB, Abilene, TX (D) [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/ReluctantDragon/index.htm 44-85599 (Brian Cox page)] ]

* B-17G-105VE c/n 8627 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4485718.html "44-85718"] (N900RW), accepted: 10 May 1945, stored: 6 July 1945 - Syracuse AAF, stored: 21 November 1945- Altus AAF, sold: 10 December 1947 SNCAC, ex-Institut Geographique National (F-BEEC) "Charlotte", SOC: 12 June 1984, “ 238050 BN*U Thunderbird , [http://www.lsfm.org/ Lone Star Flight Museum] (LSFM), Galveston, TX (A) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?a=1&cnsearch=8627 44-85718 (airliners photo collection)] ] [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/Thunderbird/index.htm 44-85718 (Brian Cox page)] ] [ [http://www.mapsociety.net/B17.html 44-85718 (History)] ] [ [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3901/is_200408/ai_n9428827? 44-85718 (air classic article - history)] ]

* B-17G-105VE c/n 8643 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4485734.html "44-85734"] (N390TH), accepted: 17 May 1945, Stored: Syracuse AAF, SOC: 25 June 1947, converted: Boeing 299Z / JB-17G, ex-Pratt & Whitney turboprop test aircraft, ex-Bradley Air Museum, “Square-J DI*O Liberty Belle, [http://libertyfoundation.org/history-libertybelle.html The Liberty Foundation] , Tulsa OK (A) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=N817BR 44-85734 (airliners photo collection)] ] [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=N390TH 44-85734 (airliners photo collection)] ] [ [http://www.aerovintage.com/reilly1.htm 44-85734 (Restoration Pics)] ]

* B-17G-105VE c/n 8647 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4485738.html "44-85738"] ,accepted: 18 May 1945, Stored: Syracuse AAF, ex-20th AF / 509th CG, ex-Operation Crossroads, converted: DB-17G, converted: EDB-17G - Eglin AFB, SOC:August 1958, "Triangle-K / Preston's Pride ", AMVETS, Tulare, CA (D) (N36 09'10.56" W119 19' 52.30") [ [http://www.aerovintage.com/485738.htm 44-85738 (Aero Vintage)] ] [ [http://ben92252-01.tripod.com/ 44-85738] ]

* B-17G-105VE c/n 8649 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4485740.html "44-85740"] (N5017N), accepted: 18 May 1945, SOC: 17 June 1947, ex-cargo aircraft, ex-air tanker, “Triangle-W / 3O*W / Aluminum Overcast “, [http://www.b17.org/history/aluminum_overcast.asp EAA Museum] , Oshkosh, WI (A) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=N5017N 44-85740 (airliners photo collection)] ] [ [http://www.primeportal.net/hangar/donald_lemas/b-17g_44-85740/ 44-85740 (walk around)] ]

* B-17G-105VE c/n 8687 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4485778.html "44-85778"] (N3509G), ex-TB-17G, ex-VB-17G, ex-tanker 102, " Miss Angela ", [http://www.air-museum.org/ Palm Springs Air Museum] , 'Palm Springs, California (A) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=N3509G 44-85778 Miss Angela] ]

* B-17G-105VE c/n 8693 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4485784.html "44-85784"] (G-BEDF), accepted: 19 June 1945, converted: TB-17G (Nashville, TN), ex-2750th ABG - Wright-Patterson AFB (November 1945 – 1949) converted: EB-17G, SOC: 1954 – Hill AFB, Institut Geographic National (F-BGSR) (November 1954 – 1975 ), BBC TV: "We'll Meet Again" (Ginger Rogers), film: "Memphis Belle", BBC TV: "Bomber Crew", “DF*A Sally B “, [http://www.sallyb.org.uk/index.php?_a=viewDoc&docId=5 B-17 Preservation Ltd] , Duxford, England (A) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=G-BEDF 44-85784 (airliners photo collection)] ] [ [http://www1.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=N17TE 44-85784 (airliners photo collection)] ]

* B-17G-105VE "44-85790", SOC: - Altus AAB, " Lacey's Lady ", [http://www.b17wingsoffreedom.org/ The Bomber Foundation/Art Lacey] , Milwaukie, OR (D) (N45 25'31.37" W122 38' 03.72") : note: nose section on display at Aurora, OR

* B-17G-110VE c/n 8722 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4485813.html "44-85813"] (N3154S), converted: 1946 Model 299Z, ex-EB-17G, ex-JB-17G, ex-Curtis-Wright test aircraft (N6694C), tested: XT-35 turboprop, tested: J65 Saphire jet, tested: T-64-G Turbine, ex-air tanker C12, Champaign Lady , [http://www.b17project.com/ Tech II] , Urbana OH (R) [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/44-85813/index.htm 44-85813 (Brian Cox Page)] ] :note: This airframe uses major components (fuselage from bomb bay forward, tail and wings) from B-17G-95DL c/n 32363 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4483722.html "44-83722"] , converted: B-17H, ex-2nd ERS "722", redesignated: SB-17G, ex-atomic bomb target aircraft [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/44-83722/index.htm 44-83722 (Brian Cox Page)] ] ::note: fuselage from bomb bay aft from B-17G-DO 44-83316::note: Parts from 44-85813 incorporated in B-17G-105VE 44-85734

* B-17G-110VE c/n 8730 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4485821.html "44-85821"] , accepted: 29 July 1945, transferred USCG, ex-PB-1G Bu 77247, ex-CG Elizabeth City, ex-CG Brooklyn ex-CG San Francisco, ex-CG Barbers Point, ex-NAS Norfolk, ex-CG Elizabeth City, ex-CG Port Angeles, SOC: 29 July 1558 (NAS Elizabeth City), British Columbia, Canada (S)

* B-17G-110VE c/n 8737 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4485828.html "44-85828"] (N9233R), accepted: 14 August 1945, transferred USCG - 14 October 1946, ex-PB-1G Bu 77254, ex-CGAS Newfoundland, ex-CG San Francisco, SOC: 14 October 1959 - AIRSTA Elizabeth City, ex-tanker # 30 & 37, movie: Tora! Tora! Tora!, "Square-J DI*H Be Around ", [http://www.pimaair.org/collection-detail.php?cid=26 Pima Air & Space Museum] (PASM), Tucson, AZ (D) [ [http://www.aerovintage.com/485828.htm 44-85828 (aero vintage)] ] [ [http://www.uscg.mil/history/webaircraft/PB1G_6.jpg44-85828 (USCG Photo Bu 77254)] ] [ [http://winjack3.com/borate_b-17_3.html 44-85828 (air tanker photo)] ]

* B-17G-110VE c/n 8738 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4485829.html "44-85829"] (N3193G), accepted: 16 July 1945, Stored: 20 February 1945 - Rome, NY, transferred: USCG - 7 July 1946, ex-PB-1G Bu 77255, modified to Air-Sea Rescue (A-1 lifeboat), ex-CGAS Newfoundland, ex-CGAS San Francisco, SOC: 10 September 1958 - NAS Elizabeth City, ex-tanker C34 / 34, movie: Tora! Tora! Tora!, “Triangle-L GD*Y Yankee Lady “, [http://www.yankeeairmuseum.org/ Yankee Air Force] (YAM), Ypsilanti, MI (A) [ [http://www1.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=N3193G 44-85829 (airliners photo collection)] ] [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/YankeeLady/index.htm 44-85829 (Brian Cox Collection)] ]

B-17G DL Douglas-Long Beach

* B-17G-50DL c/n 22616 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-446393.html "44-6393"] , accepted: 20 July 1944, ex-15th AF / 97th BG - Fogia, Italy, ex-VB-17G - assigned: General Ira C. Eaker (Commander MAAF) "Starduster III", returned ZOI: 10 May 1945 -Bolling Field, ex-35th AAFBU (SAC) - Bolling AFB, ex-16th SAM-Sq, ex-18MSG (FEAF) - Clark AFB, ex-1134th SAM-Det - Nanking, converted: VB-17G (Clark AFB), ex-1130th SAM-Det - Nanking, Converted: CB-17G - Middletown AFB, ex-1130th SAM-Gp - Ottawa, ex-3510th FTW (ATC) - Randolph AFB, SOC: June 1956 (Davis-Monthan AFB), sold: Bolivia, converted to cargo aircraft, ex-Lloyd Aereo (CP-627), ex-Frigorificos Reyes (CP-891), " Triangle-Y I Return to Glory ", [http://www.marchfield.org/b17g.htm March AFB Museum] , March AFB, CA (D) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=44-6393 44-6393 (airliners photo collection)] ]

* B-17G-65DL c/n 23002 "44-6779", ex-15th AF / 463rd BG / 775th BS, SOC: 25 October 1945 - Walnut Ridge, " Triangle-Y Tish ", , [http://www.savethegirls.org/collection.html The American Airpower Heritage Museum] , Midlands, TX (D) [ [http://www.savethegirls.org/panel/panel-noseart.php?panel=tish 44-6779 Tish (American Airpower Nose Art Collection)] ] : note: nose art panel only

* B-17G-75DL c/n 31957 "44-83316", ex-VB-17G, SOC: 1956, ex-TV: "Twelve O'Clock High", Ocotillo Wells, CA (P):Aircraft no longer exists as a complete airframe.:: note: cockpit section used in 1st restoration of B-17G-105VE 44-83316.:: note: parts used in restoration of B-17G-105VE 44-85734:: note: fuselage from bomb bay aft used in restoration of B-17G-105VE 44-85813:: note: Vertical stabilizer on display at Arizona Wing - CAF Mesa, AZ

* B-17G-75DL c/n 32028 "44-83387", stored: Pyote, TX, SOC: 1 June 1949, ex-MGM movie prop, movie & TV: "Twelve O'Clock High", movie: [http://www.aerovintage.com/1000.htm 1000 Plane Raid] , movie: "Tora! Tora! Tora!", Bar: Greeley, CO, " Piccadilly Lily ", California Air Heritage Foundation, Los Angeles, CA (R) [ [http://www.tafhs.net/Piccadilly%20Lily/B-17G.htm 44-83387] ] : note: fwd fuselage to ball turret section only

* B-17G-85DL c/n 32153 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4483512.html "44-83512"] , accepted: 23 March 1945, converted: TB-17G, ex-53rd WRS (McChord Field), ex-67th BU, ex-4117th BU (Robbins AFB), ex-MATS (Pepperrell Air Base), ex-Training Command (Lackland AFB), soc: 11 September 1950, “Square-H T Heaven Above “, USAF History and Traditions Museum, Lackland AFB, TX (D) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=44-83512 44-83512 (airliners photo collection)] ] [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/HeavensAbove/index.htm 44-83512 (Brian Cox Page)] ]

* B-17G-85DL c/n 32155 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4483514.html "44-83514"] (N9323Z), accepted: 13 March 1945, stored: Japan, converted: ex-RB-17G, assigned: Clark Field converted: DB-17G, assigned: Eglin Field, converted: DB-17P, ex-3215th DS (Patrick AFB), Operation Greenhouse, soc: 27 January 1959 (Davis-Monthan ), ex-tanker E17, C17, 17, " Triangle-U F Sentimental Journey ", [http://www.azcaf.org/index.html?var=http://www.azcaf.org/pages/aircraft_bios/B-17G_FlyFort.html CAF Southern Wing] , Mesa, AZ (A) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=N9323Z 44-83514 Sentimental Journey (Airliners photo collection)] ] [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/SentimentalJourney/index.htm 44-83514 (Brian Cox page)] ]

* B-17G-85DL c/n 32166 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4483525.html "44-83525"] (N83525), accepted: 29 March 1945, converted: DB-17G (Olmstead AFB), ex-3200th DS (Eglin AFB), Operation Greenhouse, ex-3205th DG, soc: 15 August 1966 (Davis-Monthan AFB), ex-Tallmantz Aviation, movie: [http://www.aerovintage.com/1000.htm 1000 Plane Raid] "Balls Of Fire", movie: MacArthur, "Suzy Q", Weeks Air Museum, Kissimmee, FL (R) [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/SuzyQ/index.htm 44-83525 Suzy-Q (Brian Cox Page)] ]

* B-17G-85DL c/n 32183 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4483542.html "44-83542"] (N9324Z), accepted: 03 April 1945, converted: DB-17G, converted: DB-17P ex-tanker E16, C18, E18, crashed: 12July 1971, "Square-B L Picadilly Princess ", [http://www.fantasyofflight.com/collection.htm Fantasy of Flight] , Polk, FL (D) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=N9324Z 44-83542 (airliners photo collection)] ] [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/PiccadillyP/index.htm 44-83542 Picadilly Princess (Brian Cox Page)] ]

* B-17G-85DL c/n 32187 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4483546.html "44-83546"] (N3703G), accepted: 3 April 1945, converted: CB-17, redesignated: VB-17G, ex-ATC (San Francisco) SOC: April 1959 (Davis-Monthan AFB), ex-tanker E75, E78, E68, 68, movie: Memphis Belle "DF*A Memphis Belle ", David Tallichet, Chino, California (A) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=N3703G 44-83546 Memphis Belle (airliners Photo Collection)] ] : note: backdated to B-17F

* B-17G-85DL c/n 32200 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4483559.html "44-83559"] , accepted: 5 April 1945, stored: Patterson Field, stored: Pyote Field, converted:7 March 1950 DB-17G (Middletown Depot), ex-3300th DS (Eglin AFB), assigned Eniwetok - Operation Greenhouse, returned: Eglin AFB, ex-3205th DS (Holloman AFB), ex-3310 TTW (Scott AFB), ex-3205th DG (APG) (Eglin AFB), SOC: May 1958, " Square-C QJ*C ", [http://www.strategicairandspace.com/B-17.html SAC Museum] , Offutt AFB, NE (D) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?cnsearch=32200 44-83559 (airliners photo collection)] ] [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/KingBee/index.htm 44-83559 (Brian Cox Page)] ]

* B-17G-85DL c/n 32204 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4483563.html "44-83563"] (N9563Z), accepted: 7 April 1945, slated for 8th Af / 447th BG but not delivered, ex-CB-17G, ex VB-17G, ex-6000th BSG (Japan), soc: June 1955, movie: The War Lover, ex-tanker E24, C24, 24, 89, movie: Tora! Tora! Tora!, “ Square-K T Fuddy Duddy “, owner: Martin Aviation, John Wayne Airport, CA [ [http://www.eaa122.org/info/2006-January.pdf Fuddy Duddy Sold to Martin Aviation] ] (F) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=N9563Z 44-83563 Fuddy Duddy (airliners photo collection)] ]

* B-17G-85DL c/n 32216 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4483575.html "44-83575"] (N93012), accepted: 7 April 1945, converted: TB-17H, redesigneted: SB-17G, ex-1st ERS (MATS), ex-4901st SW (Kirkland AFB), Ground target: 1952 atomic tests - [http://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Usa/Tests/Tumblers.html Operation Tumbler-Snapper] , (Yucca Flats), soc: January 1965, ex-air tanker "Yucca Lady", “ Triangle-A OR*R Nine-O-Nine “, [http://www.collingsfoundation.org/tour_b-17g.htm Collings Foundation] , Stow, MA (A) [ [http://ww.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=NL93012 44-83575 Nine-O-Nine (airliners photo collection)] ] [ [http://www.flickr.com/photos/quadrofonic/sets/72157600845635356/ 44-83575 Nine-O-Nine (Flickr page)] ] [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/909/index.htm 44-83575 Nine-O-Nine (Brian Cox Page)] ] [ [http://www.nv.doe.gov/library/factsheets/DOENV_777.pdf 44-83575 (US Government history)] ]

* B-17G-90DL c/n 32265 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4483624.html "44-83624"] , ex-MB-17G, ex DB-17G, ex DB-17P (Eglin AFB), SOC: 1957, ex-Air Force Museum, " Triangle-L VE*O Sleepy Time Gal ", [http://www.amcmuseum.org/exhibits_and_planes/bomber/b-17/b-17.html Dover AFB] , Dover, DE (D)

* B-17G-90DL c/n 32304 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4483663.html "44-83663"] (N47780), accepted: 01 May 1945, stored: Pyote AFB, transferred: 21 November 1950 - Brazil, Ex Brazilian AF (5400), ex-Centro de Trainamento de Quadrimotores (Rio de Janeiro), redesignated: TB-17G, ex-6th Grupo de Aviacao (Recife Air Base ), retired: 1968, “S Short Brier “, [http://www.hill.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=5649 Hill AFB] , Ogden, UT (D) [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/ShortBier/index.htm 44-83663 Short Brier (Brian Cox page)] ]

* B-17G-90DL c/n 32325 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4483684.html "44-83684"] (N3713G), accepted: May 1945, slated for the 8th AF / 447th BG but never delivered, ex-DB-17G, ex DB-17P, soc: August 1959, TV: Twelve O'clock High, movie: [http://www.aerovintage.com/1000.htm 1000 Plane Raid] , TV: Black Sheep Squadron, Picadilly Lilly II, Planes of Fame Museum, Chino, CA (R)

* B-17G-95DL c/n 32331 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4483690.html "44-83690"] , accepted: 9 May 1945, ex-DB-17G, participated: Operation Greenhouse, ex-DB-17P, ex-3235th DS - Patrick AFB, SOC: August 1960, Triangle-G XK * O Miss Liberty Belle Grissom AFB, IN (D) [ [http://www.johnweeks.com/b17static/b17grissom.html 44-83690 Miss Liberty Belle (John Cox Collection)] ]
* B-17G-95DL c/n 32359 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4483718.html "44-83718"] , Converted: B-17H, redesignated: SB-17G, ex-Brazilian AF (5408), ex-6th Grupo de Aviaçao (SAR), " 8 ", [http://www.musal.aer.mil.br/ Museu Aerospacial] , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (R) [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/Rio/index.htm 44-83718 (Brian Cox Page)] ]

* B-17G-95DL c/n 32376 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4483735.html "44-83735"] (F-BDRS), ex-Transocean Air Lines "San Miguel", ex-Assembley of God Inc "Ambassador", ex-Institut Geographique National," Triangle-S IY*G Mary Alice ", Imperial War Museum, Duxford, England (D) [ [http://homepage.ntlworld.com/mclaydon/bkdoor-b17.htm 44-83735 Mary ALice (Walk Thru)] ] [ [http://vancepennington.com/the_flying_ambassador.htm 44-83735 Flying Ambassador] ]

* B-17G-95DL c/n 32426 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4483785.html "44-83785"] (N207EV), ex-TB-17, ex-SB-17, ex-CIA, ex-air Tanker 22, C71 and B71, "-K Shady Lady ", [http://www.sprucegoose.org/aircraft_artifacts/Aircraft/WWII/B-17G.htm Evergreen Aviation Museum] (EAM), McMinnville, OR (D)

* B-17G-95DL c/n 32431 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4483790.html "44-83790"] , converted: SB-17G, ex-1385th BU - Blue 1 Greenland, crashed: 24 December 1947 (Ist Lt. Chester Karney) - Lake Dyke, Canada, Brooks Aviation, Douglas, GA (R)

* B-17G-95DL c/n 32455 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4483814.html "44-83814"] (N66571), ex-tanker A18, 18, C13 & 09, [http://www.nasm.si.edu/research/aero/aircraft/boeing_b17g.htm NASM] , Dulles Airport, VA (S):note: possible composite airframe

* B-17G-95DL c/n 32504 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4483863.html "44-83863"] (N5233V), accepted: July 1945, transferred: 17 July 1945 - USN (77231), redesignated: PB-1, converted: PB-1W, ex-VX-4 - Quonset Point, ex-VC-11 Miramer, ex-VW-1 "TE 5", soc: 10 July 1956 - NAS Litchfield, ex-tanker F71, D1, 18, " Square-C ", [http://www.afarmamentmuseum.com Air Force Armament Museum] , Eglin AFB, FL (D) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?cnsearch=32504 44-83863 (airliners photo collection)] ] [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/Gremlin'sHideout/index.htm 44-83863 Gremlins Hideout (Brian Cox page)] ]

* B-17G-95DL c/n 32509 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4483868.html "44-83868"] (N5237V), accepted: 6 July 1945, stored: Syracuse AAB, transferred: 17 July 1945 - USN (77233), redesignated: PB-1, converted: PB-1W, ex-VX-4 - Quonset Point, ex-VPW-1 - NAS Miramar, overhauled: NAMC Norfolk, ex-VX-4 "XD 5" - NAS Patuxent River, ex-VW-2 "XD 2" - NAS Patuxent River, soc: 10 July 1956, ex-tanker E15, F15, 65, "Square-A N ", [http://www.rafmuseum.org.uk/ RAF Museum - Hendon] (RAFM), London, England (D) [cite web |url = http://www.rafmuseum.org.uk/london/collections/aircraft/boeing-b17G-fortress.cfm |title =Boeing B17G Fortress |publisher = Royal Air Force Museum|accessdaymonth = 12 January |accessyear = 1008] [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=44-83868 44-83868 (airliners photo collection)] ] [ [http://www.ronsarchive.com/oou06/pages/7308cm17_1597.htm 44-83868 (Tanker Picture)] ] [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/RAF_Museum/index.htm 44-83868 (Brian Cox Page)] ]

* B-17G-95DL c/n 32513 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4483872.html "44-83872"] (N7227C), accepted: 12 July 1945, transferred: 21 July 1945 - USN (77235), redesignated: PB-1, converted: PB-1W, ex-VX-4 - Quonset Point, ex-VW-2, ex-VX-4 Paxutent River "XD-?", ex-VW-1 - Atsugi "TE-12", soc: 14 July 1955 (NAS Litchfield), ex-Aero Services Corp (Cargo & Photographic survey) “Triangle-L VP*X Texas Raiders, [http://www.gulfcoastwing.org/ CAF] , Houston, TX (R) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?cnsearch=32513 44-83872 Texas Raiders (Airliners photo collection)] ] [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/TexasRaiders/index.htm 44-83872 Texas Raiders (Brian Cox Page)] ]

* B-17G-95DL c/n 32525 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b17registry/b17-4483884.html "44-83884"] (N5230V), transferred: 25 July 1945 - USN (77244), redesignated: PB-1, converted: PB-1W, ex-VX-4 - Quonset Point "XD-10", ex-tanker C19, E19 & 19, “Triangle-C/2 BN*R Yankee Doodle II “ , 8th AF Museum, Barksdale AFB, LA (D) [ [http://www.ronsarchive.com/oou02/pages/6809ck05_248.htm 44-83884 Tanker E19] ] [ [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/YankeeDoodle2/index.htm 44-83884 Yankee Doodle II (Brian Cox page)] ]


* B-17, SOC: Walnut Ridge, " Little Bit O'Heaven ", [http://www.savethegirls.org/collection.html The American Airpower Heritage Museum] , Midlands, TX (D) [ [http://www.savethegirls.org/panel/panel-noseart.php?panel=littlebitoheaven Little Bit O'Heaven (American Airpower Nose Art Collection)] ] : note: nose art panel only

* B-17G, SOC: Walnut Ridge, " Mis Behavin ", [http://www.savethegirls.org/collection.html The American Airpower Heritage Museum] , Midlands, TX (D) [ [http://www.savethegirls.org/panel/panel-noseart.php?panel=misbehavin Mis Behavin (American Airpower Nose Art Collection)] ] : note: nose art panel only

* B-17G, SOC: Walnut Ridge, " Nobby's Harriet Z ", [http://www.savethegirls.org/collection.html The American Airpower Heritage Museum] , Midlands, TX (D) [ [http://www.savethegirls.org/panel/panel-noseart.php?panel=nobbysharrietz Nobby's Harriet Z (American Airpower Nose Art Collection)] ] : note: nose art panel only

* B-17G, SOC: Walnut Ridge, [http://www.savethegirls.org/collection.html The American Airpower Heritage Museum] , Midlands, TX (D) [ [http://www.savethegirls.org/panel/panel-noseart.php?panel=mysterylady (American Airpower Nose Art Collection)] ] : note: nose art panel only

* B-17G, SOC: Walnut Ridge, [http://www.savethegirls.org/collection.html The American Airpower Heritage Museum] , Midlands, TX (D) [ [http://www.savethegirls.org/panel/panel-noseart.php?panel=unknown (American Airpower Nose Art Collection)] ] : note: nose art panel only

ee also

* B-17 Flying Fortress variants
* C-108 Flying Fortress


External links

* [http://www.aerovintage.com/b17news.htm B-17 News]
* [http://www.pacificwrecks.com/aircraft/b-17/41-24521.html Black Jack "124521"]
* [http://libertyfoundation.org/index.html Liberty Belle Liberty Belle info]
* [http://www.nasm.si.edu/research/aero/aircraft/boeing_b17d.htm The Swoose]
* [http://www.pacificwrecks.com/aircraft/b-17/41-2446.html Swamp Ghost "12446"]
* [http://nwrain.net/~newtsuit/b17labrador/history.html Labrador B-17 "483790"]
* [http://members.cox.net/b17brian/b17/index.htm Brian's B-17 Survivors List]
* [http://www.warcovers.dk/greenland/crash_list.htm Greenland crash list]
* [http://www.b17database.de/ B-17 Database (Germany)]
* [http://www.air-and-space.com/Boeing%20B-17%20Tankers.htm Boeing Tankers page]
* [http://www.angelfire.com/dc/jinxx1/B17/B_17.html B-17 Aerotankers history]
* [http://www.b17flyinglegend.com/survivors/ Flyable B-17's]
* [http://www.uscg.mil/history/webaircraft/Boeing_PB1.html USCG PB-1G History]
* [http://b-17-flying-fortress.fr/USCG.html USGC - French Web site]

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